Posted in: Cramped quarters See in context
Gotta build that new Shinkansen line from Tokyo to Osaka!
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Posted in: Stress, lack of privacy in evacuee shelters taking its toll See in context
Naive and simple. Hoserfella. Most of the hotels up here are sitting empty because no one will travel to Fukushima. The hotel owners would actually benefit from evacuees being put up. Where are the billions of dollars donated by the international community being spent anyway? On the new Shinakansen line from Tokyo to Osaka? If it were you in the evacuation centres, wouldn` you like some help, some dignity after losing everything. This could be done so easily it would make your head sping. Please think about your response before being so condescending. Sorry, some actually care about these people. Skywards. Some people have been put in hotels but too many are still in the shelters.
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Posted in: Protest See in context
Any of you pro-nukes live in the high radiation zones?
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Posted in: What makes conspiracy theorists tick and what is the best way to combat their beliefs? See in context
Edano announced it. Was scooped by a Tokyo newspaper. I will ask my friend for the name of the paper and post it later if he still knows.
Moderator: Back on topic please. The subject is conspiracy theorists.
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Posted in: What makes conspiracy theorists tick and what is the best way to combat their beliefs? See in context
Sometimes where there is smoke, there is fire. Why is Kunihiko Takeda no longer allowed on TV? Why is the central government making a plan to get out of Tokyo? Number 3 reactor perhaps?
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Posted in: What makes conspiracy theorists tick and what is the best way to combat their beliefs? See in context
Badge213. Great one!
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Posted in: Evacuation zone widened beyond 20 kms from nuclear plant See in context
Just in case any of you want to do some more reading on the topic, please check out Yes. They are an anti-nuke group but there are lots of interesting articles on the site. Is updated often every day.
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Posted in: Cramped quarters See in context
Well. I am up here. I guess that is the difference.
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Posted in: Cramped quarters See in context
Take care up there Burakumindes. Our radiation levels here are still high too. About the same as you guys.
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Posted in: Cramped quarters See in context
That`s right Zenny11. It is called compassion.
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Posted in: Cramped quarters See in context
where? I told you where. put up some money and contract out some hotels that are probably just sitting empty in a normally busy tourist season. Burakumindes. Are you living in Fukushima City?
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Posted in: Cramped quarters See in context
I live in Koriyama. I am a bit disappointed to see how poorly the city has set them up. Lots of onsen hotels around here. TEPCO or the government should be setting them up at some of these. At least Big Palette is a modern building and they will be warm and dry. One of my students has been taking futons and other things over there for her neighbourhood group. She says there are a lot of people in there.
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Posted in: Why did those foreigners who decided to leave Japan in the aftermath of the March 11 disaster come in for so much derision from some people who labeled them with words like 'flyjin?' See in context
How about the term "Nihordejin" for all those Tokyoites who horded goods that were desperately needed by those in Tohoku. I hate all these terms by while everyone is on the topic.........."Nihordejin"
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Posted in: Why did those foreigners who decided to leave Japan in the aftermath of the March 11 disaster come in for so much derision from some people who labeled them with words like 'flyjin?' See in context
Anyone using these inane terms who did not live through the danger, either real or perceived, should hold their tongues. It is just too easy to speculate what you WOULD have done. I also know many Japanese (at least where I live 60km west of the reactors) who fled to other parts of Japan. And I know some who are still looking to get out of the country over concerns for their childrens future welfare. Don`t you have a term for them? Come on big shots! My wife worked with a university student here. He was a part-timer. He was gone without word as soon as the first reactor blew. Guess where his daddy works? TEPCO. I guess we will see in about 20 years when these kids reach adulthood and childbearing age. They are finding out near Chernobyl as I type this.
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Posted in: Why did those foreigners who decided to leave Japan in the aftermath of the March 11 disaster come in for so much derision from some people who labeled them with words like 'flyjin?' See in context
Why? Because some people who live here think they are above the rest of us. That is why they are here. They never fit in back home. So they spend there time coming up with ideas to deride anyone they please. I left because I live in Fukushima and have a young son. Anyone who has a problem with that can go pound salt! A lot of people were encouraged by their families back home or by their governments to get out.
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Posted in: Searchers See in context
Funny (and not). My friends ex-wife is teaching inside the 30km evacuation zone. School is delayed only 2 days. Wasnt it last week when the government was encouraging people in the 20-30km zone to leave? But schools are open and students are expected to return. What message, exactly, is the govt sending to people?? It seems as though 2 years ago many schools were closed due to the flu epidemic. But they wont close the schools due to radiation??!!?? I have lived in Japan 15 years and still cant figure this country out. So my point is,are all these students dressed like these guys? How about the teachers?
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Posted in: Do you think sporting, entertainment and cultural events scheduled for the next few weeks should be canceled out of respect for the victims of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami? See in context
should be cancelled to save the energy.
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Posted in: What is the fairest way to deal with the expected summer power shortage? See in context
Is this not a silly question. Turn off lights and everything else that does not need to be on. When I escaped Fukushima after the accident and went down to the Kansai area they were burning energy like nothing had ever happened. All the neon was burning my eyes. A hotel I stayed at had a lobby with over 100 lights on while perfectly natural light was coming in thru huge windows. Greed and selfishness will not help. Turn things off!! It is so simple. And not only now. We need to change how we live in terms of energy consumption. Blackouts would not even be necessary if everyone did this.
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Posted in: Few were prepared for nuclear crisis See in context
Didn't have the resources to educate people!? Yeah, right! Didn't care while they were raking in billions, more like it. Oh, well. They can all bow and say gomennasai now.
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Posted in: New York Times to start charging for website See in context
Good luck NYT! You gonna need it.
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Posted in: Rescuers find 80-year-old woman, 16-year-old grandson in rubble 9 days after quake See in context
Hurray! And I am serious. Keep looking. All the searchers are heroes to me.
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Posted in: Eastwood, Bullock each donate $1 million to earthquake relief See in context
Clint has always been a great guy.
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Posted in: TEPCO begins power blackouts See in context
What is this talk about kanji. Turn out some lights and your pc! I am up here in Koriyama in Fukushima and a lot of businesses that are closed still have their sign and outsided lights on. If everyone would do their part, these blackouts would not be necessary.
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Posted in: Why are Tokyo cabbies so clueless? See in context
I dont live in Tokyo but why doesnt someone who does recommend a few reliable taxi companies to use.
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Posted in: Prices going up See in context
funny how the recent price surge for oil is for July delivery yet the prices are going up already. Crooks!!
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Posted in: Vote, vote, vote See in context
Nice idea but are they old enough to vote? Nicely put Tokyoapple.
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Posted in: Japan hosts visit by 5 Australian World War II POWs See in context
Great attitudes by these oldtimers.
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Posted in: The Tourist See in context
As for Johnny. Used to like him but did one too many Pirates for me. He`s got the DeNiro syndrome. Do any old movie as long as it pays good. Like these guys need the money! Sure wish they would pick and choose a bit more.
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Posted in: Ishiba pledges to resolve territorial dispute with Russia
Posted in: Hokuriku region of Japan experiences record snowfall
Posted in: Disgraced 'Emilia Perez' star vows to remain 'silent'
Posted in: Ishiba pledges to resolve territorial dispute with Russia