Japan Today

krisallenation comments

Posted in: Furious man attacks SoftBank's robot Pepper See in context

Who doesn't want to kick the s*** out of that dumb robot? It's annoying as hell

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Posted in: Woman attacks 8-year-old girl with scissors in supermarket parking lot See in context

Where in Nagoya did this occur?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: 16-year-old Japanese boy faces lengthy jail term in Bali over possession of marijuana See in context

I think that society is guilty! Everywhere you can find people declaring in a vainglorious way that they either smoke or have smoked pot sometime in their lives like if it was a conduct to be proud of...I have been invited to try it many times in Hawaii and Bali but I always refused because of my principles based on how I was raised, to follow the correct according to our common sense and mine have always said that If it's against the law it's because it's wrong or not good so you'd better not do it. I almost did try once in Japan and the reason was to try to be part of that "society", to be called "cool" however my family's principles prevailed and today people can call me dull, boring, archaic, whatever but I'm glad I'm not experiencing what this 16 year old boy is passing through right now and can proudly tell my son as he grows up that I refused a place with the "cool" people, I've never had any kind of drugs for my own benefits and hope he follows my principles to avoid ending up like this boy or have his brain neurons killed little by little!

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Posted in: Policeman arrested for licking woman's hair See in context

The only thing that it's not funny is that he has my surname...

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Posted in: Oita woman confesses to lying about daughter's abduction, burying body See in context

Darknuts: I thought just the same!! There is the Japanese version of Casey Anthony, but in a little bit more honest way...Sadly, after Casey Anthony's case there are so many similar cases now in which the parents claim abduction however it turns to be murder and it looks like its a worldwide spread now...

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Posted in: Parents of hit-and-run victim present petition demanding stiffer penalty for defendant See in context

Well said Tmarie and smithinjapan! I totally agree that seven years as sentence for someone (wherever he is from) who killed another (wherever he was from) driving a car without a license and under influence of alcohol is an unacceptable punishment however i wonder why so many signatures haven't ever been collected for any other light and unfair punishments the Japanese legal system has always given to so many other brutal murder cases. If this wasn't a nationality thing wouldn't the parents collect signatures to change the whole Japanese system requesting heavier punishments for ALL murder cases given light sentences instead of thinking in only their case?!?! For those who think I'm ashamed because of that ass...., you're thinking wrong, a bad apple is just a bad apple, people who generalize all the other apples that look alike are the ones who should be ashamed of themselves for discrimination.

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Posted in: Woman, daughter attacked by man with scissors on Aichi street See in context

Did that lunatic attack in Tokyo, Aichi street or Okazaki city, Aichi prefecture?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Flu cases increasing rapidly across Japan; Tokai hard hit See in context

It"S ME: I agree with you. Every year I used to pay around 7-8.000 yen for flu-shots to both me and my son however we both always got a type of influenza somehow so this year I came to the conclusion that I shouldnt spend money with it If it's the same way as I haven't had any protection at all.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Posted in: Motorcyclist faces manslaughter charge for fatal accident involving his briefcase See in context

If the briefcase was THROWN by the guy as the article states then he's obviously guilty of murder however If it fell from the motorcycle then it the case should be investigated as negligency.

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Posted in: Former sex slaves hold 1,000th protest outside Japan's embassy in Seoul See in context

Approximately three quarters of comfort women died, and most survivors were left infertile due to sexual trauma or sexually-transmitted disease. According to Japanese soldier Yasuji Kaneko "The women cried out, but it didn't matter to us whether the women lived or died. We were the emperor's soldiers. Whether in military brothels or in the villages, we raped without reluctance."Beatings and physical torture were said to be common. Ten Dutch women were taken by force from prison camps in Java by officers of the Japanese Imperial Army to become forced sex slaves in February 1944. They were systematically beaten and raped day and night in a so called "Comfort Station". As a victim of the incident, in 1990, Jan Ruff-O'Hearn testified to a U.S. House of Representatives committee: "Many stories have been told about the horrors, brutalities, suffering and starvation of Dutch women in Japanese prison camps. But one story was never told, the most shameful story of the worst human rights abuse committed by the Japanese during World War II: The story of the “Comfort Women”, the jugun ianfu, and how these women were forcibly seized against their will, to provide sexual services for the Japanese Imperial Army. In the so-called “Comfort Station” I was systematically beaten and raped day and night. Even the Japanese doctor raped me each time he visited the brothel to examine us for venereal disease." In their first morning at the brothel, photographs of Jan Ruff-O'Hearn and her sisters, who were all virgins, were taken and placed on the veranda which was used as a reception area for the Japanese personnel who would choose from these photographs. Over the following four months the girls were raped up to 30 times a day and beaten day and night. Jan Ruff-O'Hearn and her sisters became pregnant and were forced to have miscarriages. Jan Ruff-O'Hearn continued to have miscarriages into her marriage due to the physical damage she received as a Comfort Woman. After its defeat, the Japanese military destroyed many documents for fear of war crimes prosecution. Historians have searched for evidence of the Army and Navy's coercion, and some written proof has been discovered, such as documents found in 2007 by Yoshiaki Yoshimi and Hirofumi Hayashi. The surviving sex slaves wanted an apology from the Japanese government. Shinzō Abe, the prime minister at the time, stated that there is no evidence that the Japanese government instituted a brutal sex slave industry.

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Posted in: Former sex slaves hold 1,000th protest outside Japan's embassy in Seoul See in context

After some government studies into the matter, Yohei Kono, the Chief Cabinet Secretary of the Japanese government, issued a statement on 4 August 1993. In this statement, the Japanese government recognized that "Comfort stations were operated in response to the request of the military of the day" and that "The Japanese military was directly or indirectly involved in the establishment and management of the comfort stations and the transfer of the women". He also noted that "[the] recruitment of the comfort women was conducted mainly by private recruiters who acted in response to the request of the military. The Government study has revealed that in many cases they were recruited against their own will through coaxing and coercion". The government of Japan "sincerely apologize[d] and [expressed its] remorse to all those, irrespective of place of origin, who suffered immeasurable pain and incurable psychological wounds". In the statement, the government of Japan expressed its "firm determination never to repeat the same mistake and that they would engrave such issue through the study and teaching of history".[35] Although this statement was offered as an apology, it was very carefully worded, thus admitting an unspecified role in the military brothels, yet rejecting legal responsibility for them. Japan continues to contend the brothels were not a "system" and not a war crime or crime against humanity.[55]

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Posted in: Former sex slaves hold 1,000th protest outside Japan's embassy in Seoul See in context

I didn't know much about this story and from a few comments here I guess that's what the Japanese government has always wanted, for people to never get to know the real truth or to be skeptical of the victims' side of story or to never care about them and say "who cares, let's move on". For those who consider themselves a human being rather than a nationalist and refuse to go blind to defend your nation's pride, just Google the story and you'll find some interesting material.

On April 17, 2007 Yoshiaki Yoshimi and Hirofumi Hayashi announced the discovery, in the archives of the Tokyo Trials, of seven official documents suggesting that Imperial military forces, such as the Tokeitai (Naval military police), forced women whose fathers attacked the Kempeitai (Army military police), to work in front line brothels in China, Indochina and Indonesia. These documents were initially made public at the war crimes trial. In one of these, a lieutenant is quoted as confessing to having organized a brothel and having used itI himself. Another source refers to Tokeitai members having arrested women on the streets, and after enforced medical examinations, putting them in brothels. On 12 May 2007 journalist Taichiro Kajimura announced the discovery of 30 Dutch government documents submitted to the Tokyo tribunal as evidence of a forced mass prostitution incident in 1944 in Magelang.

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Posted in: American father wins custody of daughter taken to Japan See in context

Bass4funk: "So please, show your anger and frustration and criticize the Japanese custodial system, which seriously needs to be modified, once that happens, then we can really talk about fairness."

Like If the law in the U.S. was so perfect and not the corrupted, racist and unfair law we see in the news right?! I guess some people will only admit that law doesn't suck only in Japan but your own country also when we talk about taxes, meaning when it's convenient to speak bad about it otherwise it is better than any other else. The only one who has shown anger here is you by atacking me and that just because my opinion, that you once said does not matter however seems to bother you so much, differs from yours. Look, I'm sorry If my way of viewing the treaty hurts you and from the way you attack me I can tell how much you love, care for your kids and want to guarantee your rights over them and I truly hope that for fathers like you, the Japanese divorce system changes however no matter how much I'm attacked I'm not in favor of a system that hurts other people the same way.

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Posted in: American father wins custody of daughter taken to Japan See in context

Nicky Washida: "This is the system you are defending Yuri and Kris??!" I would defend a system with all my strenght If that system didn't hurt people's lives nor teared children's emotions apart, something I do not believe it is the case with the Japanese custody system neither the Hague Treaty so I'm totally against both of them. There should be another kind of agreement in international custody cases that did not benefit only one parent.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: American father wins custody of daughter taken to Japan See in context

Bass4funk: Why do you always accuse me of saying things that I DIDN'T? Just because I'm against something that you're in favor it doesn't mean it's a reason for you to atack me adding sentences that are not in my comentaries. If you had asked me before I would have told you with all my pleasure that I'm against the Japanese law in divorce cases too, I think it is very unfair to the fathers and should be changed. I don't think it is any different from the Hague treaty though, the only difference is that they do not pressure other countries to accept it, it was there before you even got married. Funny that people do not accept and criticize that Japanese law however want Japan to accept the U.S. law. NOTE: I didn't state any side is right it just sounds funny, "do it as I say but do not do the same".

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Posted in: American father wins custody of daughter taken to Japan See in context

"I am an American, let's say, I divorce my wife tomorrow"....what if someone in your situation used the Hague treaty to take a kid away from the other parent? Not all women are evil the way you claim and not all men are victims either "who cares what Japan or ANY other country thinks." selfish thinking like that one is perhaps what worries most mothers in this situation.

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Posted in: American father wins custody of daughter taken to Japan See in context

Bass4funk: and do you think it is right to decide for all those children that they must live with the U.S. parent no matter what? Not that this is a fight between the US versus Japan but why should Japan join the Hague treaty If it is clear that only the U.S. citizens side are benefitted with it, join it just because others did? If it was about right or wrong shouldn't all sides be satisfied with it? Shouldn't every case be investigated to then be determined where the kid in each case should live instead of labeling them U.S properties? Cos: If a parent, wherever he/she is from, can afford or not to go see their kids is not in question, why the treaty implies they're better off in the U.S is what I still don't get. If the U.S. has always been fair to your country that's great, I don't feel the same way and wish it was different. I'm not saying the non-U.S. citizen is right to take his/her child away from the U.S citizen parent but if they run away from the U.S. law instead of waiting them to give a fair custody trial is because they have a reason not to believe the U.S. Judiciary would ever give custody to the non-U.S citizen parent. So for you, keeping a child away from the non-U.S. citizen parent is not considered "cutting half the family"?

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Posted in: American father wins custody of daughter taken to Japan See in context

Bass4funk: If you read my post again you'll find out I did not mention any mother being a "saint" neither state that Brazil is the only country making part of the Hague treaty. I gave an example for why I think that Japan does well for their citizens refusing to be part of that agreement in cases like this. Whether you like it or not, It is my personal opinion based on similar episodes that I have seen in Brazil and comparing them with the episodes occurred in Japan (I could have said France, Germany, Australia but I'm not from those countries so I can not speak for them) I can only compare the similar episodes between Brazil and Japan and I find it that the Japanese PARENTS (not saint mothers) end up in a better situation than the Brazilian PARENTS because they do not have their kids taken away to the U.S.

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Posted in: American father wins custody of daughter taken to Japan See in context

In my opinion Japan does very well for their citizens not making part of that international agreement because let's keep it real: it benefits only the U.S citizens in cases like this. A child who has parents from different countries is a citizen of both countries until he/she completes 18 years old and chooses one of the citizenships himself/herself, so it's ridiculous that they call it international abduction when a mother takes her child to her homecountry just because the U.S. law wants it to be it. My homecountry Brazil joined that treat and often we see sad stories of brazilian parents who have their children taken away by brazilian authorities to hand them to their U.S parents in the U.S. in similar cases as this and the brazilian parents never get to see their kids again, really sad and unfair.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Vandals target metro subway lines nationwide See in context

I thought in calling them vandals, criminals and a few other bad names however after I checked the link CrazyJoe posted here I have to agree it looks pretty neat :-) well at least much better than those colored trains you find in Osaka that heads to Universal Studios or those ugly blue trains in Nagoya dome station which have Chunichi Dragons painted on it :-P

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Posted in: Brazilian held over fatal hit-and-run in Nagoya See in context

The headline does look like if the reporter wanted to display the nationality more than the actual crime, funny that If you read only the headline you wouldn't even know the driver's gender!! but it looks like it didn't matter because the most important was to display the nationality. I work in night clubs in Nagoya and see several guys, Japaneses and many nationalities who come drink alcohol and drive home afterwards and I also see plenty of car accidents, people driving crazy making a lot of stupid mistakes while driving around this crazy city of Nagoya that could lead to a fatal episode so it could have been anyone, unfortunately for the Brazilian citizens that idiot happened to be the one who caused something tragic to a Japanese national in Japan territory making all the good Brazilian citizens in Japan ashamed. With some of the comments here you can tell that in ANY nationality there are and there will always have the good people and the bad ones.

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Posted in: Man arrested for scalding 3-year-old stepson with boiling water See in context

Bartholomew HarteAUG. 25, 2011 - 12:40PM JST What a Horror for this 3yr.old-this all took place at Home,at the hands of a real Sicko! In N.Y.C. this goes on like a vicious cycle,to wit,Child abused Many times before the Child Welfare agency takes the child into foster care.six mos. later,child returned, 2 weeks later Funeral held for child Murdered at the hands of Parents-Beyond Words,freinds. If You See Something, Say Something!

I didn't know the system in the US was like that. Wow! I'm shocked! I guess the Judiciary system in the whole World is to be blamed for not saving those poor kids in time then, If there was just something we could do to fix that..

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Posted in: Man arrested for scalding 3-year-old stepson with boiling water See in context

Let's scald him in boil water and burn his hands to see what it feels like!! That ass....!! I hope I'm wrong but I feel like the worst is that the boy was given to the family of that woman who in my opinion is as blamed as he is because she witnessed her own child pass through all that suffering in silence so the boy might still have been returned back to a hell of life.. Poor boy! Articles like this make me want to build an enormous house and adopt all these poor children. I have a 4 year old one who's a little devil and he makes me lose my temper often however It's just unbearable to understand how can some people find courage to do such barbaric things to small children or even to an adult.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Man held for assaulting neighbor over bouncing soccer ball dispute See in context

Wow Mr. Takeda went to defend his kid and came back unconscious?! Yea I think he needs some Karate lessons indeed!! lol

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Posted in: 19-year-old man arrested for beating up woman's 5-year-old daughter See in context

The children’s mother was quoted by police as saying: “I had no idea any mistreatment had been taking place.”

Yea right! And I'm "Alice in Wonderland". How come the other 7 and 8 years old children not only confirmed they knew about the bruises but also witnessed him punching and kicking the little girl? That woman is as blamed as him. She cared more about practicing to make more kids with that 19 year old scumbag than caring for the ones she already had with other guys. I'm a single mother of a 5 year old son and IF somebody ever touched him, I think that I could teach that person a good lesson in only 5 minutes too because I'm a mother and protecting my child is my job no matter what. Poor kids, I wish I could adopt them and give all my love to them! What is frustrating is that they will probably be returned back to that w.... and the scumbag will be released because he's a minor and we'll see him again in this article when he finally kills all the children. Shame...

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Posted in: What do you think of school uniforms in Japan? See in context


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Posted in: Man stabbed to death; another injured in Nagoya street brawl See in context

Hmmm... My friends mentioned knives not swords, somebody must have been drinking when watched what happened. Nishiki which is right next to Sakae is a rich area but still not as safe as sakae, a single woman can't walk alone there late in the night without being disturbed by the yakuza. They think they own everywhere.

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Posted in: Man stabbed to death; another injured in Nagoya street brawl See in context

Mrsynic at 09:53 AM JST - 19th January What part of Nagoya was this in? Again JT fails to give us the full details of the story. Moderator: Naka Ward.

BoratLikeBarry at 10:35 AM JST - 19th January What part of Nagoya was this in? Again JT fails to give us the full details of the story. It says Naka Ward. Again, a reader fails to read the article properly and blames JT for not telling them information that was already there.

It was in Sakae to be exactly! My co-worker who's a security at my club saw everything, he's a big guy and almost went to help but my other co-workers advised him not to interfeer on their business otherwise he would be the next, people were saying there were some Chinese and the yakuza is involved too...my friend told me a police officer got there on time and caught one of the murderers still stabbing a guy who was already dead on the street...my work place is like in the movies!

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Posted in: 23-yr-old student held for allegedly molesting 4-yr-old girl in Shiga games arcade See in context

Trial?? The only thing that comes to my mind after reading this article is that someone like that scum doesn't deserve anything other than punishment for what he made that girl and maybe other young kids pass through.

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Posted in: Savoie's suit against judge dismissed in child abduction See in context

I think that Japan does very well for their citizens not signing any international agreement in cases like this otherwise everyday we'd see several cases like Sean Goldman's here, an innocent boy who had his life teared apart and people like David Goldman who got into a custody battle only to call the media's attention not caring for his son's feelings in any moment.

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