Japan Today

kujiranikusuki comments

Posted in: Nintendo debuts touchscreen Wii successor See in context

YAWN!!! and akward! this will be great for kids! but thats about it. I dont blame nintendo they cant take on Sony and Micro$oft head on. They have to come up with "gimmicks" to compete. I call them gimmicks but I am well aware they also sold the most consoles, and plenty of people enjoy the gimmicks. its just not for me. I am not saying we shouldnt try to reinvent the wheel. but I dont think 3d, or Move, or Kinect, or WII U, add ANYTHING to games. just look at angry birds! 1 dollar! its simple and its still fun. You dont need gimmicks to make a good game. you just need a GOOD GAME!

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Posted in: 71-yr-old man arrested for beating 32-yr-old son to death See in context

"Given the effeminate state of the average Japanese male these days, it's not surprising that the old man was the stronger" Yeah! I agree. Not to mention the old man could be a farmer. Still in good shape. The "boy" a 50kg skelton that struggles to lift his breifcase and is out of breath from smoking 10 packs a day. but then agian who knows!

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Posted in: Mazda to stop building midsize cars in U.S. See in context

hmmm. thats too bad. The mazda6 was a decent car. They are making the RX-9 soon. I am excited about that. A new Japaense sports car race is about the hit us!!! like the old days with the supra vs rx-7 vs skyline (r-34 and 33 and 32) Suburu and Toyota have a new joint sports car that will turn heads as well.

Last time we got the r-34 as the clear winner. The single best non exotic production sports car ever made until the GTR came out.

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Posted in: Bunny girl See in context

"Because... Some people are more concerned with having fun and enjoying life in their own distinct way than sitting around wondering WHY other people are doing stuff that has absolutely zero effect on their own lives??" go to a movie. take a nice bike ride. go on a blind date. read a book. I am sorry but there are countless other way to have fun than be a weirdo. "the nail that sticks up gets hammered down" What about Yankees with their blond hair and dragon vans and loud scooters? Be a rabbit in your house or inside your mind. Be a normal person out side. just look how embarrassed that dude next to her is...

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Posted in: Which form of renewable energy do you think is the best alternative to nuclear energy? See in context

woops: am not saying gen 4 reactors will save man kind, but they will ease the burden until Fission reactors become a positive reaction reality. I meant FUSSION reactors become a positive reaction reality. HUGE difference.

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Posted in: Which form of renewable energy do you think is the best alternative to nuclear energy? See in context

really??? no one mentioned Fusion (NOT FISSION) power? and generation IV nuclear reactors (fission).

@TheQuestion I agree with you 100%! not only what you said but they are nearly indestructible, and the problems we have had in the past are irrelevant. The fuel would be in-cased in carbon bucky balls basically indestructible un-meltable (at fusion temps) balls. not OPEN AIR fuel rods.

INSTEAD the world is now NOT going to build these new nuclear reactors, they are also shutting down existing ones. Germany just announced no more nuclear power by 2022. IRRESPONSIBLE actions based on the ill educated public's response. Fukushima was mis-managed from DAY 1!!! Chernobyl's design was TERRIBLE! Soviet reactors didn't use shields OF ANY KIND!!! The soviet used nuclear technology irresponsibly from DAY 1. They lost 6 or 7 nuclear reactors they tried to launch into space (the USA only built and {successfully}launched 1 and canceled plans to build more after seeing what a bad idea is to launch them into space). Russia even irrsiblby used Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators (non fission radioactive electrical generators) for decades, even having LOST TRACK of many of them!!! my point is an irresponsible manger will cause problems in WHATEVER system you decided on. Just look at all the industrial accidents in India with chemicals and chemicals making processes that have been used and deemed safe for 50 years or longer.

you have global warming happening all over the place and you want to get rid of all OLD and NEW power plant options that have NO effect on global warming. notice I said power plant. I dont consider a solar panel a power plant. and a dam worsens the effects of global warming. geothermal is a a pipe dream from James Bond movies.

do you really want to compare all the deaths and health problems burning coal has had on people for the last 150 years vs nuclear accidents? REALLY? get a clue and get educated. Yes nuclear power CAN be terrible. but coal IS TERRIBLE all the time every day!!!! worst case, 10,000 birth defects vs MILLIONS of deaths JUST from black lung! not to mention all the crap that everyone else in the world breathes in smaller amounts.

I am not saying gen 4 reactors will save man kind, but they will ease the burden until Fission reactors become a positive reaction reality. all those other energy sources are great supplements to current needs today.. but thats all they are. Supplements.

3 Gorges damn anyone??? WORST IDEA EVER! hydroelectric? more like epic hydroFAIL!

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Posted in: Keeping up with Japanese metrosexual manes See in context

"sexier/edgier" yeah... but it ends up just look extremely homosexual. which is 100% fine if thats what your going for... but something tells me they are just ZEROsexual.

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Posted in: Ford sees chance to woo Japanese buyers See in context

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! please stay away from Japan. Enough damage has been done!!!! Ford will be the nail in the coffin and when everyones cars break after 6 months the entire economy will crumble becuase every one went broke fixing their Fix Or Repair Daily (f.o.r.d) cars.

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Posted in: Man arrested over murder of woman near Yokohama Station See in context

do you REALLY think the murder would go to the hospital with her? do you REALLY think he would call emergency services if he was the murder? He should be a person on intrest not a murder suspect!!! I love the J-police. I really do. I think they do a great job. I think people bash them far too often. They have the highest murder arrest rate in the world!!! something like 95% of all murder cases are solved. In the USA its like 30% and we have 4000% more murders! anyway. any idiot knows if you call emrgancy service they are will have your cell phone number and then your name! no one is that dumb. He didnt do it!

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Posted in: Sony to report Y260 bil loss See in context

hackers didn't help. I usually support hackers becuase 95% of the time they participate in mostly legal activities like hacking the Microsoft kinect and making our web SAFER, and most importantly the open source movement (trust me no hackers equals NO android OS or FireFox)! to be a good programmer you have to know rudimentary hacking skills. Even though I like my 360 WAY more than my PS3, if I ever met the hackers who hacked sony this last time I would gladly see if I fit a ps3 controller up their $$$. and to do it just weeks after the earthquake. IMO they are in the same category as Taliban scum.

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Posted in: ‘Mrs’ Ayumi Hamasaki poses in first sexy shot after marriage See in context

wow. Japanese beauty can still amaze me. that's why I'm ganna marry my J-girl next year!!! but Lady GaGa??? she may make "catchy" music and is business savy, but I just dont find her sexy or all that attractive.

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Posted in: Police search for man who called emergency services for dying woman See in context

Strange indeed!!! How was a woman strangled in one of the MOST crowded cities in the world near one of the MOST crowded train station in said city, and no one saw anything!?!?!?

AND if he called emergency services they should have his cell number!!! I called 110 twice this weekend and can attest to that. They even knew where I was located before I told them (I was calling about a SUPER urusai neighbor who wont turn his music down even when the police tell him to)

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Posted in: Nap time See in context

its called sleep. losers. get some!

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Posted in: 'Talent' Miyu Uehara dead after apparently hanging herself at home See in context

"had not been able to find true love. " at age 24!!!!!! live a shallow life, die for shallow reasons. sorry she died. but she took her OWN life. selfish and dumb! sorry if you think I am being rude. I feel for her friends and family, but not for her.

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Posted in: Kan to forgo PM's salary until nuclear crisis brought under control See in context

yeah. glad he did it. its a good symbol. better than NOT doing it, but it is pointless. Unless all the other big wigs do it too. It is pointless. the amount of money is s drop in the bucket. lets just hope other people do the same. most politaians can. most COEs can as well. Just look at Clinton. He made millions while in office even if you subtract his entire 4 years pay. Steve Jobs doesnt take ANY salary, but make millions a sec from stock options.

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Posted in: Handling the big exodus out of Japan See in context

MORE JOBs openigs for me!!!! thank you cowards!

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Posted in: TBS drama 'Jin' to be broadcast in 80 countries See in context

"Jin was actually a pretty good drama for the most part, rare amongst Japanese dramas." you mean: FIRST TIME EVER! (I know that isnt true, but it feels like that sometimes)

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Posted in: Out for a walk See in context

"How safe is it for kids to be walking through debris like that" not to mention dead humans or animals which both offer their fair share of sickness and psychological damage. That dog is the CLEANEST thing I have seen in the devastation area.

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Posted in: Jenny Periman sparkles in NHK's 'Eigo de Asobo' See in context

@bentheredonthat "i don't like it that she is fine with the term "hafu." many parents resent this phrase, and I too despise it. there are better ways to refer to oneself, and she should begin using them."

my wife and I plan to have two "hafu" kids. a word has NO POWER except what YOU allow it to have! words change, gain, loose meaning, tone, power, and context over time and use. If you go around telling everyone HAFU is a bad word and is racist then YOU are making it a bad word and racist. If a "pure bred" hates half race people and beats them up and spits on them and calls them HAFU, then he is making the word a derogatory word. If some HAFU calls her self HAFU then I have no problem with it. Its like gaijin. some people find it offensive. I dont. so there for me it is not an offensive word. and I when I spread my opionion of the word gaijin I influence what other people think of that word, and try to get people to think its not a racist word (just slightly less polite, but fine for friends, its much ALL OF the JAPANESE language)words like ni%%er have a terrible past and a terrible meaning. now with pop culture use, and people like dave chapel they have taken changed the power of that word, for better or for worse. HAFU is not a bad word, why are you trying to make it one? chapel once said he uses the N word so much to take away its power, to make light of it, so people will rememeber in jokes and songs and not its slave reference. Maybe Jenny is doing the same. HAFU the word isnt going away. so we can go two ways. make it a charming endearing term or one of disgust and rudeness. its 100% up to you how you feel about the word, but you also have to power to change your perception. because its really the intention behind the word right. I can call you a jungadumbbolo. that word has no meaning for you, but if you knew what my intention to calling you that you would be VERY VERY offended.

Moderator: Readers, please do not try to turn this discussion into a debate on the word "hafu." That is not what this story is about.

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Posted in: Dog days See in context

just one thought. i guess press is allowed into the evac zone since this picture was taken. I wonder how many people are still operating in the zone. police? press? hospitals?

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Posted in: Taking precautions See in context

this is mad. they tell us to stay calm and there is no danger and now they gives kids these crazy looking radiation hats.

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Posted in: Rebuilding northeast Japan to take years, billions See in context

Last summer I rode through every single one of these towns and villages that was destroyed. I took a motorcycle trip comeltly around honshu island. my friend and I rode along the coast line the entire time. These were the towns we drove through. the towns we stopped at. The towns we slept in. they are gone now. its hard to swallow.

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Posted in: Evacuees See in context

the ba chans are probably right at home being able to sit around and chat with there friends all day long. But I am sure plenty of the younger ones are bored out there minds. I worry that so many people are taking shelter in Gyms and large open area indoor places. Reports of after shocks have not stopped.

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Posted in: Do you have an emergency kit prepared in the event of a natural disaster like an earthquake? See in context

sort of. they didnt have a sort of button. Its a half-@$$ emergency bag. But I also have mentally prepared in my mind what to grab and get out in 30 seconds or less.

Also. for ipone users. get a free app called QUAKEsos. if I lived in sendai it would have saved my life. it has many simple features. you can see all the earthquakes in the world. updated every few mintues. if a quake is ANY where close to you it will send a message to your phone. so like me driving in my car with loud music, I still would have gotten and heard a message coming through. I probably would not have heard any sirens. For the sendai quake I got about 5 or 6 VERY urgent messages. I new it was a big deal when I finally got a message along the lines of: THIS is SERIOUS, run for high ground NOW a tsunami is coming. its doesn't get clearer than that. it also has a IM SAFE and I NEED HELP buttons to send to the company and a list of contacts you select a email about your condition. so you can let your loved ones know ASAP your statues. it will also send a search signal to your phone if you need help.

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Posted in: Gap opens flagship store in Ginza See in context

good luck taking on Uniclo. If I had to choose, even though uniclo fits like it was made for a anorexic alien child baby thing I still choose it over the gap.

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Posted in: Making a spectacle of himself See in context

I KNOW THAT GUY!!! I met him when he was rapping at a cell phone store in Akiba! I have the pictures on face book to prove it.

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Posted in: Punk icon Akihiro Namba says only rock can cure Japan’s ills See in context

maybe... GOOD rock. but all the good bands I have heard in Japan are SUPER indie underground bands.

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Posted in: For many Japanese, laid-back overseas vacations a one-way ticket to nowhere See in context

"To think that I have never touched tobacco, drinking liquor, or illegal drugs all these years. Sometimes I wounder who these people are." thats just sad. I am a recovering alcoholic. sometimes you have to know when to throw in the towel. but I don't regret my experiences. my life would have been so.... BORING... with out.... medicine.

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Posted in: For many Japanese, laid-back overseas vacations a one-way ticket to nowhere See in context

p@y p@l support for us who are not so good at complicated over priced Japanese bank transfers.

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Posted in: For many Japanese, laid-back overseas vacations a one-way ticket to nowhere See in context

I recommended happy-herb.

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