Japan Today

KuroShadow comments

Posted in: Despite recent crackdowns, pet industry still rife with problems See in context

Do you really want to know what happens to some of the 700,000?

WARNING: contain disturbing images.


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Posted in: Britain evacuates embassy staff from Iran See in context

No one is fooled by this pantomime.

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Posted in: 26 bodies dumped in mass slaying in Guadalajara See in context

I don't know the root causes of this lawlessness but it is not doing Mexico's reputation much good.

There are some really nasty comments on this site which crosses the boundary of good taste and decency.

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Posted in: Gemba asks China to set up crisis management mechanism See in context

globalwatcher, you have answered your own question. China's hugh investments in raw material and natural resources require an insurance policy- that is a modern armed force to protect its global interests. Let's pray she does not end up like Japan back in the 1930s!

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Posted in: Japan, France agree to boost efforts on nuclear safety See in context

...set up a committee to study cooperation on the use of nuclear energy. An indication that they have little intention to reduce or eliminate nuclear energy. When will we ever learn. Should the words 'nuclear' and 'safety' belong in the same sentence?

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Posted in: 8 nations sign anti-counterfeiting treaty in Tokyo See in context

The treaty is a start but as some of you have pointed out we need everyone on board, including the big players such as China & Russia. With pirated music, software & film products, there is a digital generation of young people growing up who has never paid for any such items. Why is that?

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Posted in: China enjoys 'bubble' while Japan languishes on sidelines See in context


Not talking about theft of intellectual property. I meant US economic, financial, technological & polictical assistance during Japan's rise to economic prosperity.

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Posted in: China enjoys 'bubble' while Japan languishes on sidelines See in context

When you consider China’s economic miracle was achieved within a generation and without the helping hand of the US as was in the case with Japan then it looks even more impressive. Their old economic model can’t be sustained and they know it, hence why they are moving into the high-tech & green industries. According to the Guardian, China (not US) is now the only country which has the means to extricate our troubled economies from collapse!


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Posted in: Japan says no key data lost in cyberattack; China denies responsibility See in context

It smells fishy to me. Many countries engage in industrial/coporate/governmental cyber-espionage of some kind - the Russians, the Israelis, the Americans & the Chinese, you name it. What amateurs would leave such traceable, simplified Chinese characters, especially when the security spotlight is currently focus on China? Having said that, major governmental depts & large companies such as Sony should have robust protection in place for critical systems.

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