Posted in: Japan to develop missile-detecting drone: report See in context
Matthew Simon, Sorry I didn't make myself clear. Im not pointing finger to any particular countries. I just think that Japanese and Chinese people do really want to solve things instead of badmouthing each other. After all they are suffering right now. I read some comments before and just think they're not possible coming from any Japanese or Chinese, cause it's extremely clear that it doesn't help anything but worsen the problem. So it's reasonable to think that there are people who like Japanese or Chinese cultures are helping them in the wrong way. There are many reasons contries think they can benefit from the dispute of Japan and China. For example, selling them weapons, kicking China or Japan out and becoming the other's trading partners, making their own point about their disputes with Japan or China, etc. I just hope that they are 'defending' China or Japan out of their love of these countries.
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Posted in: Osprey out See in context
Really sad to see the Okinawan got hurt. Maybe protesting is not the best way but it's understandable considering the time we live in. Lots of people around the world are protesting now, cause it's the most efficient way to draw goverments' attention. I think the Japanese Chinese and US goverments are all hot-headed now. Good thing is that people of these countries are rational and willing to find a solution. BTW, people who are expressing extreme attitudes, could you please show us your ID to prove you are a citizen of these countries and really are involved? Opinions are welcomed. Extreme comments intended to stroking anger are not. Anyway, I think the Japanese Chinese and Americans should stick together and pressure their goverments to have a constructive conversation. Unless you really think there's enough communication and trust among these three countries. Drop the tough guy shit and each take a step back. None of them is profiting now. It's just a matter of who suffers more.
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Posted in: Japan to develop missile-detecting drone: report See in context
We are living in an intense time and tough economy. None of these two goverments are willing to see a war. If they did, there should have been a war two months ago. People beyond these two countries, just back off and stop saying provoking shit. Go find an economy book and see how this dispute is affecting the global economy. It's only a matter of who suffers more, none is spared.
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Posted in: Japan to develop missile-detecting drone: report See in context
Anyone who's willing to see a war should really think again. Neither the Japanese or the Chinese are benefiting from a war. Why are there so many people from other countries so eager to stur things up? This is a dispute between two goverments. Their citizens are just being used to save their faces. Good folks in China and Japan really want to live in hatred and war? Any of their citizens are so evil that they should be dead in a war? People are unbelievable!
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Posted in: Noda to attend Asia-Europe summit in Laos See in context
Just hope the leaders of these Asian countries can sit together and have a throughout conversation. Lack of communication and trust is really a problem now. Stop blindly saving your faces. Do something constructive to make your people better off instead of putting them in hatred or wars. Why can't countries in Asia just stick together and help each other? Your living standards are still not as good as the western countries and your governments are wasting your lunch money on purchasing weapons from them.
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Posted in: China plans 80 books on Japan war trials See in context
Advice for the Japanese: you are rational and strong people, even the Chinese have to admit that. So do what you are good at and be an adult in this dispute. For the Chinese: same thing. Your country has grown too fast, and the citizens may not ready for the big name. It's still a communist country so it's wrong for people treat you the same way as they treat the other countries. Neither the China nor Japan is benefiting from this, so stop saying any provoking things to each other (if they are really Japanese or Chinese). Governments and their media all say partial things to their people so they can defend them. That's normal. From what I hear, before this dispute the Japanese and Chinese actually admire each other's culture. Hating each other is not helping this dispute. For people do not belong to these two countries, Just back off ok? It's already too complicated enough for the two governments to handle. Unless you really don't want them to solve it.
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Posted in: China plans 80 books on Japan war trials See in context
I can see y the Chinese govt is doing this. China has already offered to solve the dispute by sharing the control of the island with Japan and restore the situation to previous peace. So this action maybe pressuring Japan govt into takeing the offer. What really upset me is that people beyond these two countries keep making partial comments and stroking anger of the citizens of Japanese and Chinese. Kids defend their family, that's normal. Neighbors stroke anger or provide weapons so they can fight, that's not normal. If one really want to help solve the dispute, say something objective and rational. Anyone say anything provoking is only adding fuel to their anger. After all, the Japanese and Chinese all want to solve this as soon as possible. Seems that others don't.
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Posted in: U.S. envoy goes into damage control mode over latest Okinawa incident See in context
People should really watch their behaviour when they're in another country. We're living in an intense time. What a person does represents its country and can be raisen to a political level. Seems that more and more countries are having this problem now. Neigher bad behavious nor stereotyping is helping world peace.
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Posted in: S Korea considers extraditing Chinese man to Japan See in context
No, It feel like someone wants to stir up all. Suppose this guy finish his prison term and thenceforth be sent home then nobody can say SK is not right. Why they make this a issue at this time and especially when this guy's already been taking his charge half way? Ok, so I can't help but thinking who'll get most profit if chinese hate japanese and refuse to use JP products? the answer seems clear~
Good point. Thanks for the insight. It's really interesting why this has become an issue at this point of time. Ultimately nobody benefits from political crisis. Just hope every big player can realize it.
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Posted in: U.S. urges calm in China-Japan dispute See in context
Every one should treat this dispute calmly and rationally. IF you're a Chinese or Japanese watching this news, stop worsen this already shitty matter with your extreme attitudes! If you're not citizens of either of these countries, there's none of your business in this matter. Stop taking advantage of others' misery. You think the Chinese and Japanese want this to turn into a big crisis? Stop messing this up with other irrelated issues and don't pull other countries in this, it'll make it more complicated!!!!! Everyone should focus on how to solve this. After all, no one really benefits from a war, much less the neighbours.
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Posted in: S Korea considers extraditing Chinese man to Japan See in context
Well, actually both two countries have a point in this. Thing is, this guy has already served in Korea for his crime, then he should be sent back to his country. but before that Korea govt may have to do something to satisfy Japan. It's just a political play. People should just sit back and watch. After all, citizens in any country all want peace. Hopefully Korea govt can come up with a solution to satisfy all?
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Posted in: Tokyo go-kart operator busted for renting to unlicensed tourists
@Agent_Neo Please tell Mr. NETANYAHU to admit his country is nuclear armed !
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Posted in: Tokyo go-kart operator busted for renting to unlicensed tourists