Japan Today

kyotovalentine comments

Posted in: Shibuya herb vendor raided after 3 teenagers fall ill See in context

It was most likely Salvia its popular here (U.S.) in headshops and it will make you trip your ass off. Plus there is no regulation whatsoever about the crap they put in it so there is no telling what they were smoking.

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Posted in: The story of love hotels See in context

NINJA DAVE HOW lame you are, obviously on the FAR side of FUN! Love hotels rock! I spent the better part of my 20's in Japan , maybe you have to be young? If Japan's love hotels were to die out it would be a seriously SAD situation as they are a very unique part of it's society nowhere else on earth has such imagination been used to create a place for love so ....

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Posted in: Woman, among 31 detainees released from police custody following tsunami, rearrested See in context

Sherrif I disagree they are not saying that they will let criminals who commit crimes AFTER this type of tragedy go, it is a case of non-violent- non-dangerous people who were ALREADY incarcerated, not those committing the extremely heinous act of looting at times of tragedy that were let go. I don't believe this would lead anyone to think "oh they won't do anything if I loot"

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Posted in: Disaster sparks social media innovation See in context

PPayne, I have to disagree with you, America did TONS for Haiti as well, still is, and the scope of the Japanese difficulties are much more difficult.

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Posted in: Disaster sparks social media innovation See in context

bad guess anglootaku ... he IS helping by creating the net book that's proceeds will go to the red cross. We here in Austin Texas have been doing bake sales, and fund raising since it happened. What have YOU done?

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Posted in: Porpoise left by tsunami in rice paddy returned to sea See in context

Blessings and best wishes to all humans and creatures that managed to survive this apocolyptic event.

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Posted in: Employee finds Y4 million in trash bag at Nagoya recycling facility See in context

aloha japan I tend to agree with you, I hope he receives it if it isn't claimed. but I doubt that will happen. Maybe someday his honesty will be rewarded.

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Posted in: 28-year-old man accused of punching 2-year-old boy to death See in context

woundedsamurai. he WASN'T his parent it was his stupid mother's boyfriend.

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Posted in: 28-year-old man accused of punching 2-year-old boy to death See in context

lethroaway he said HE PUNCHED him because he didn't TIDY UP! How can you talk about snapping? he wasn't crying or screaming. a 2 year old does not have the mental capacity to understand tidying up . I wish this guy would have to go to an American prison where prison justice would prevail for him.

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Posted in: Fashionista See in context

and yes GW Squaws do not wear headdresses like this one, we only wear feathers and bands.

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Posted in: Fashionista See in context

Well since I am only a halfbreed I cannot speak for all tribes but personally I find it both offensive and a form of homage. Flattering no. More like someone has so little talent that they can't find anything new of their own so they have to dig up the 70's again when everyone was jumping on our tribal band wagon.

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Posted in: 17-year-old boy falls to death from Tokyo apartment building See in context

I meant I don't think suicide of students has increased so much NOT suicide in the overall population. That has DEFINITELY increased.

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Posted in: 17-year-old boy falls to death from Tokyo apartment building See in context

This has been going on a lot longer than 10 years. I was first in Japan in 1982 and the pressure was just as bad then. I would like to see the suicide numbers. I don't think there are more. I just think that media has increased.

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Posted in: What do you think of love hotels? See in context

LOVE HOTELS = LOVE ..... PERIOD. So sexy to ride up on a harley with your boyfriend and peruse all the lit up room boards to decide which room is right for you - FUN!!! and you've got to admit some are downright hilarious, like the one in Wakayama shi with a huge Santa Claus on top!

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Posted in: Green ice See in context

yes this picture does seem very reminiscent of the shining but just FYI did you know that the shining was shot in the middle of summer? Kubrick did a great job of making you feel the cold considering it was 90 degrees.

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Posted in: Green ice See in context

kind of scared when it starts melting... icicle through the noggin anyone?

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Posted in: After the latest scandal on match-fixing, can anything save sumo or is it a dying sport? See in context

It is a sad thing to see Sumo the way it is now. When the great Chiyonofuji was wrestling it was a beautiful and very popular sport. Perhaps it has declined in popularity as strong Japanese sumo wrestlers have declined and been replaced by foreigners, thus weakening the Japanese identity with their only purely National sport?

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Posted in: Tokyo couple die in apparent suicide See in context

Guess You all don't know the Japanese history of Shinjuu romantic suicide performed by couples. Most famously written about by Chikamatsu in the 1700's in his play Sonezaki Shinjuu. It was usually performed by those forbidden to love one another by society, class etc....

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Posted in: Almond Cafe reopens at old spot in Roppongi after 2 years See in context

I remember the Almond from 1982 and always being able to orient myself by it and know my way to the Marine's barracks up the street, as for too many Gaijin's in Roppongi GET OVER IT! that's like saying there are too many Chinese in Chinatown San Francisco, Japan is Japan but there will always be a place for the respectful gaijin that loves Japan to be able to share in and enjoy the country I love so much! I only got to live in Japan for 6 years but I go back every chance I get.

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Posted in: Japan looking to sell 'smart' cities to the world See in context

@SIMONFOX The Bush administration actually changed the usage of the term GLOBAL WARMING to CLIMATE CHANGE in order to lessen the concern of American's when he wouldn't sign the Kyoto Protocol. So if you are making up caca that the supposed 'HOAXSTERS' are saying get it right.

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Posted in: Do you think companies, including private ones, should be required by law to list the amount of compensation their executives receive? See in context

NOT private companies, but publicly held companies, YES

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Posted in: Imperial Hotel to host classical dances by geiko and maiko See in context

Wish I could go!!!!!

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Posted in: Tottori struggles to keep population from shrinking further See in context

What an excellent idea Adachi san! Ganbatte! I really hope you keep up the good fight, You make me feel for the elderly people with no buses or trains, I can't imagine a place in Japan with no bus or train how sad for them. I hope they get a bus service back even if its only one day a week!

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Posted in: Anti-smoking 'monsters' have smokers on the run See in context

LUNCHMEAT 2nd hand smoke is NOT a myth just like dinosaurs and global warming are NOT MYTHS! the problem with your answer of open a window? what if you can't ? oh say its RAINING like it often does in Japan, or COLD like it is quite a lot of the year. AND THAT DOES NOTHING FOR THE STENCH! I once smoked and I am now THANK GOD 6 years quit . I never knew how much I STUNK when I smoked. You can smell a smoker from 10 ft away. And UGH when you get on an elevator with someone who just put one out. Smokers don't realize that not only are they polluting our air they are offensive even when they are not lit up. AS FOR THE SHS MYTH I recently lost a friend to lung cancer who had never smoked, how did he get it? The Doctors say it was because he was a life-long musician and the second hand smoke he was subjected to killed him WAY TOO YOUNG he was only 54.SO YES YOUR SECOND HAND SMOKE DOES HARM OTHERS. OH AND IVAN >> GOOD ON YA! EAT JAPANESE GARLIC GREENS THEY"LL GIVE YOU SOME GREAT AMMO!

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Posted in: Veteran pickpocket caught red-handed stealing wallets on bullet train See in context

Bdiego The greensha is definitely MUCH better as far as space and comfort! as well as overall service of the bento cart ! and there are non smoking greensha! love 'em just wish I could afford them all the time!

Moderator: Stay on topic please.

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Posted in: Man, 19, arrested for beating girlfriend's 2-yr-old son to death See in context

JAPANHUSKER I AGREE WITH YOU. THERE is NO way her child could get beaten to death and not show outward signs. THEY BOTH NEED TO BE JAILED AND PUBLICLY HUMILIATED.

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Posted in: Whale watching See in context


Moderator: All readers back on topic please. This discussion is not about whaling.

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Posted in: Mother arrested for killing daughter wrote of child's death on blog See in context

Sir Gamble MY child SMILED the first time I held it in my arms and said hello, he was approximately 5 minutes out of the womb.He also continued to smile in his sleep from then on, so unless my child is super special babies can smile. of course I spent a lot of time making sure I laughed while he was in the womb so maybe it was a residual giggle. I feel for this poor baby and the mom too, normally I have no trace of empathy but my child went through a very colicky time where he would cry for hours and I remember thinking at one point - this is when parents wind up doing stupid things that hurt their babies. Luckily I was older and more equipped to handle it but until you've dealt with a constantly crying baby for weeks , and it seems she had no help , you can't know anything about the situation. Have you taken care of a child alone full-time? Just wondering..

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Posted in: Shark conservation proposal defeated at U.N. meeting See in context

Masterkuno can't believe you're very (INSERT epithet HERE)comment.The ecosystem is a delicate balance and MOTHER NATURE put NOTHING on the planet that does not play a VITAL ROLE except HUMANS. Who are basically F'n everything up. One day I'm off to the wilderness to find the last place I can grow my own food, raise my own game and fish and to hell with the rest of the world. Somewhere deep in ..... not gonna tell for fear someone else may go...

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Posted in: China is doing very nicely for the moment, thank you See in context

CHINA may be doing great but they suck on human rights check out this video on their coal mines, an average of 100 people a day die.http://www.honkytonk.fr/index.php/webdoc/

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