Japan Today

kyuzo comments

Posted in: U.S. serviceman held for breaking into woman’s apartment in Kanagawa See in context


What's wrong with you? You clearly don't have so much to do but reading stuff you don't want to read and comment on things you don't care about. Go on, leave your computer. Go out, interact with people... Do. The. Right. Thing.

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Posted in: 61-year-old woman suffers fractured skull after being hit by cyclist See in context

Surprised I do not read more about these kinds of accidents. Bikers all over the world are reckless but the combination of 70-year olds on bikes with no brakes that the can't handle, really narrow sidewalks and using those very sidewalks for bike riding is not a good one. Not a day goes by without having some biker swooshing by me, way too close and certainly to fast. I look forward to the day when the Japanese government realizes dedicated bike lanes are a pretty good idea.

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