Japan Today

laconic comments

Posted in: 23-year-old man arrested over death of girlfriend's 2-year-old daughter See in context

The kind of intellectually challenged, morally bankrupt personality it takes to abuse a child in this manner is simply unfathomable to me. Doesn't matter what kind of rough childhood or abuse or bullying or maladjusted home life this [insert expletive here] endured to make him think it was acceptable "discipline" to bite a child, then punch her in the stomach.

But surely that is the point, I presume he was brought up in household where this was exactly the kind of discipline that was meted out. This kind of crime can only be dealt with by a strong social services network. The death penalty is absolutely no deterrent.

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Posted in: Japan's disaster becoming contagious abroad See in context

I don't know of a single place in Scotland that accepted the JCB card before March 11th. I know I could never use mine when I went back home.

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Posted in: Tokyo Bay fireworks festival, set for Aug 13, canceled out of consideration for quake victims See in context

Pointless!! Why not hold it and ask each spectator for a 500 yen donation?

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Posted in: Too much katakana contributing to Japan's malaise See in context

If Japan were to get rid of kanji altogether and only use hiragana, they could solve a whole lot of social issues. There would be no need for cram schools because children would have thousands of in school hours to study that are now spent learning kanji. This would save parents millions of yen. It would also cut child suicides. It would make it easier for foriegners to work here, guaranteeing an influx of overseas talent to re-energize the economy and put billions of yen into the pension system. Kanji could continue to be studied as a specialized subject, much like Latin and Greek are, for the tiny percentage of Japanese people who are interested in reading the Tale of Genji.

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Posted in: Life's good for Julia Roberts See in context

She divorced and remarried an out of the limelight cameraman much to her credit.

Her credit? I seem to remember he was married at the time, I think that was their main reason for staying out of the limelight.

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Posted in: High school student caught with cannabis resin See in context

dolphingirl just for YOUR information, the link between smoking marijuana and the increased incidence of schizophrenia in teenage boys is now widely accepted in the medical community.

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Posted in: Two women attacked by man with umbrella in Shinjuku See in context


He was told to be more of a casanova but misheard it as "Kasa-noser"

ha ha ha ha ha

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Posted in: Saitama woman recovers after suicide attempt; arrested for killing 8-yr-old daughter See in context

People always talk about "what a waste of life, taking away the child's future", but surely if the mother was clinically depressed then all she could see were ways in which her daughter's life could go wrong and so maybe it was better to end it now while all she had were good memories. Of course I am not condoning the mother's actions but I am fairly sure she did what she did out of a misguided sense of love. Try walking a mile in her shoes before shouting for the noose.

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Posted in: Gunman kills 3 Pittsburgh police officers responding to domestic disturbance call See in context

Personally I think the reason that Americans with guns are more likely to kill than say Canadians or Germans, who also have access to firearms, is that Americans are brought up with an absolute belief that they are the centre of the universe, their needs and desires take precedence over any other concern. Arrogance and guns don't mix.

Moderator: Please do not post inflammatory remarks.

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Posted in: Jun Hasegawa capitalizes on 'haafu' look See in context

My kids are half (half european and half Japanese, they have 50% of the DNA from each of their parents). Neither of them are double (in that neither of them contain 200% DNA as far as I am aware). My guess is that the posters who object to the word "half" are the same ones that see racism every time there is an empty seat next to them on the train.

Why is there no "e" in Jun?

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Posted in: Former teacher arrested for kidnapping, confining 12-year-old girl with stun gun in Nagasaki See in context

So the taxi driver picked up the guy carrying an unconscious girl on Thursday but reported it on Saturday, right?

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Posted in: Woman in wheelchair dies after being hit by drunk driver in Gifu See in context

Police have not yet released any further information as to why she was on the road in her wheelchair at that time of night

Sorry, is there a curfew for those with physical disabilities in Japan? Why on earth shouldn't she have been out at 10:40pm? She may have been on her way home from work.

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Posted in: 2-yr-old boy drowns in drain while parents are in comic cafe See in context

This case is pretty cut & dry imo, the ONLY aceptable excuse for this family to be in a manga cafe is if they went in to read TO their kid, clearly they were there for their own reading pleasure, therefore this is very clearly a case of parental neglect,

GW, I am sorry but when I decided to have kids no one told me that I had to give up any and all personal time and devote 24 hours a day to them. I take my kids to the library, stick them in the kids corner with a few pop up books and then go and find some books to read. Keeping one eye on them. Is this neglect? Just because it is a manga cafe why do you presume it is sleazy?

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Posted in: 2-yr-old boy drowns in drain while parents are in comic cafe See in context

romulus3 Have you never heard the expression "pride comes before a fall"? You seem to me to be a very dangerous parent, so arrogant and full of your own perfect abilities. You have no idea exactly what happened, as USAkuma said it may well be a case that each parent thought the child was safe with the other. Tragic accidents happen all the time and while most are preventable with hindsight, in the real world you, and this includes romulus3, can not cover for every possibility.

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Posted in: For Japanese men, dysfunction starts in the cradle See in context

I know the other mothers in my kids kindergarden fairly well and I TOTALLY AGREE with the writer of this article. On a daily basis I listen to them complain that their sons (at 5 years old) are starting to want to sleep alone but the mothers think they are still too young! They give in to their childs every whim and actively discourage the kids from having anything to do with dad on the weekend. It makes me wonder about what kind of adults they are going to turn out to be. Well done Mr Liddell

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Posted in: Two teenagers accused of killing 8 swans in Ibaraki lake See in context

As a parent myself I am all for not having to take the blame for what my kids may or may not do, but surely no decent parent would allow a 13 year old to be out alone at 1 a.m.

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Posted in: Which professions do you respect the most? See in context

Firemen. Risk their lives for £30,000 a year.

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Posted in: Pram safety aboard trains a growing problem See in context

Oh yeah JR, that is real safe. ...expecting a woman to get on and off a train within the few seconds that the door is open while carrying an infant, 3 shopping bags and a folded up pram while at the same time making sure that 3-year old big brother doesnt fall in the gap.

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Posted in: Man arrested in Kobe for killing woman in Chiba See in context


To whom it may concern.

I Katsuyuki Daigo did this. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

But it still took them 6 days to arrest him.

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Posted in: What do you think of the new Japan Today design? See in context


I was having a nightmare resetting til I realised that the activation e-mail was being sent directly to my spam folder (which automatically deletes every 12 hours). Where are the quote buttons? Bold? Subject line? It is really confusing to see who is responding to whom

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