Posted in: Japan's trade minister criticizes S Korea for 'mistaken' explanation after meeting See in context
3 days ago, a former member of Korean parliament 鄭斗彦/ 정두언 was appealed "I'm opposed to the Boycott Japan action. It’s not time to raise anti-Japanese sentiment." and he found dead today. Official announcement said he killed himself. But, considering the too many suicides and suspicious death of Korean politicians, it's difficult for us to believe that.
Needless to say, the Moon administration has pushed forward their Anti-Japanese policy, and they passed a bill that saying "any remarks blessing Japan should be charged." Already some pro-Japan bloggers were arrested and their websites were regulated forcibly. Moon's Korea is such a country now. We should not respond to any complaints of them.
7 ( +13 / -6 )
Posted in: Tensions over history, North keep Japan, South Korea at odds See in context
That's China. Korea has been their slave for 300 years. So Korea begged Japan to release them. You should shame your ignorance. Idiot.
-1 ( +3 / -4 )
Posted in: Journalist Ito says she was 'desperate to protect' herself from rape See in context
There are too many reasons why Japanese people didn't trust her. The rape victims support group warns that she is trying to politically use the dignity of victim for her private grudge.
Her prosecution content is random.
Journalist Yamaguchi found the document about the Korea forces' comfort woman during Vietnam War in 2015 of his TBS Washington office chief era. When he was going to report it in TBS, his Korean boss threatened him. So he reported it on Bungeishunju magazine. This woman accessed him just after that.
Despite having drunk a large amount, she entered the hotel room with her quick light steps in the monitoring camera of the hotel. It's different from her testimony that she drank herself unconscious. Two years ago, all her perjury was turned out, and this indictment was withdrawn.
A year ago last spring, Yamaguchi talked about his resignation from TBS and the threat from his ex Korean boss in Webcast. Aaaaand, Shiori reappeared to the front of camera just after that!
Her testimony changed at every interview, and new claim included rape drag. However, it's difficult to get rape drug in Japan. She insist that she has the testimony of taxi driver, but nobody met the driver.
She insisted get a phone call from detective and it is said, "your case was subjected to non-prosecution by the corruption of Japanese police and the pressure from our boss". WTF? The police officials will not absolutely make such a ridiculous comment to the suspect in order to adhere strictly to the fairness of the investigation. People expect she is a big fan of LAW & ORDER SUV.
Curiously this woman spoke, " I hope revision of the law about sexual abuse than Antiterrorism Law" in her interview. A matter of course, further tougher penalty for sexual abuse is included in new Antiterrorism Law. Who seduced her and made her to say this remark? Only China and North/South Korea object to this law now. Many people noticed the true purpose of her legal counsels are to prevent the establishment of Antiterrorism Law. The legal counsels of this woman named 'Shiori' are family of Democratic Progressive Party (民進党 : opposition party) members.
Yesterday, one DPP lawmaker testified on Twitter that she was working in a 'Piano bar' and not attended journalism school in NY. She got the number of Yamaguchi's Washington office from a newspaper reporter who was her 'client'.
Strangely, all of her works and CV on her website were another person's.
She is self-nominating a journalist, but she actually worked only once for portrait of a beauty contest second prize winner. And the shooting location was the corridor of the hotel claiming that she was raped. It was her favorite place until she started a new victim business.
Many Japanese people doubt about her identity.
-10 ( +4 / -14 )
Posted in: Outlook uncertain for Japan's whaling industry despite commercial restart See in context
This is the report of the IWC Scientific Committee released today. See page 85.
IWCSC discussed Japan's withdrawal from IWC. As a result, they say Japan has been a major contributor to IWC since 1950s, and welcomes Japan's future participation as an observer.
It's also stated that Japan's future activities will greatly contribute to the management of resources of cetaceans, and will benefit IWCSC. Japan actively participated in IWCSC's discussions and stated that it would contribute to the stock management of whales while providing information.
As an example, the approval of the continuation of the visual survey program (IWC-POWER), which Japan has conducted in collaboration with IWC, has been approved, and IWCSC appreciates the continuation of Japan's contribution. Both sides contribute to the elucidation of the stock status of cetaceans through analysis of the obtained scientific data.
This is the latest situation. It means we are working in the far from the fat white supremacist old men you worship.
In conclusion, read the interview of Paul Watson's fourth Russian ex-stripper wife.
-4 ( +21 / -25 )
Posted in: Japan hails Hachimura's NBA selection as new era for sport See in context
As a Japanese, I'm fed up with all of the hate comments against us overflowing here.
Each time half-Japanese athlete's topic comes out, japanophobe racists come and try to convict Japanese as xenophobia discriminator. However, neither Aska Cambridge nor Naomi Osaka nor Darvish have ever spoken of such experience.
A foreign reporter repeatedly asked Aska Cambridge "please talk about the racism you received from Japanese". Aska laughed and said "I've never had such a bad experience." She looked very disappointed when he answered because the malicious delusion that every half Japanese are discriminated by Japanese is most favorite topic of the Western media and its readers.
Darvish's younger brother, as a notorious gangster, had hurt many Japanese, beat his girlfriend and was arrested many times. However, there is no Japanese who blames Darvish as an athlete in connection with his younger bro.
So, when Hachimura was bullied by Japanese? B.LEAGUE already has many foreign and half Japanese players. It's the same with track and field, rugby and football. And everyone is looking forward to Hachimura's performance in NBA. That's all.
@BackpackingNepal said, "If there are halfu does some crime, Japan says they are not Japanese and never were and will be." Is that a fact? Sadly, it is an undeniable fact that aversive people in certain countries are coming to Japan to commit crimes. However, Japanese people are usually not hostile to legitimate visitors from any country.
Ironically, Each time watched the news of one murder case happened in Japan, JT readers always say "Japanese is a spooky potential criminals. Their inside is a cruel imperialist. "
And talks about the half-Japanese athletes “He/She is a very good athlete, so He/She should be Japanese !".
-3 ( +4 / -7 )
Posted in: Do you think a protest rally similar in scale to what happened in Hong Kong could ever happen in Japan? See in context
Before that, Japanese have fair rights of voting and candidacy. In Hong Kong, candidates must first be certified.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan encourages foreign tourists to buy travel insurance due to surge in unpaid medical bills See in context
Japanese don’t have to pay a large amount of medical expenses because we are paying the premium. However, foreigners misappropriate Japanese medical care and escape before paying for it. The loss is more than 2.5 billion yen a year. 70% of the perpetrators are Chinese and Korean, and Chinese travel agencies have the brochures on the "How to abuse the Japanese Medical".
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Nearly 50% of Japan's singles have no dating prospects: gov't survey See in context
Although the article refers to this as a government survey, but no Japanese responded to this survey. The other day, an American student at the Tokyo uni reported that half of Japanese male uni students were virgins, and it was widely reported by foreigners who hate Japan such as NYT, BBC, and The Guardian. Later that American student said it was the result of asking 50 of his friends. But other Japanese students said they didn't know him. And yes, that American student was indeed a "unattractive gaijin" to Japanese girls.
A ignorant Westerner proudly says to us, "You Japanese are ugly robots don't know love." It doesn't sound to me the words of a human who knows love. That's because it's the same excuses of the white colonists who slaughtered Asians, Native Americans and Aboriginals, the Nazis, and Chicom robots mentioned when they enjoying ethnic cleansing.
-5 ( +4 / -9 )
Posted in: 'Short skirts cause sexual assaults,' according to Japanese school uniform poster See in context
First of all, Western people trying to call all Japanese as misogynists should to focus on that many Japanese also protested it
You are always calling Japanese as "hater", "racist", "misogynists" in places without Japanese, but no one will listen to the opinions of Japanese people. For you, we Japanese seems to have to be miserable robots with no emotions.
However, actually we also resist even such posters of small companies in local cities. That's because we are human beings with emotions, isn't it?
4 ( +6 / -2 )
Posted in: Chinese navy helicopter flies within 10 feet of Philippine patrol plane over disputed shoal
Posted in: Senior Taliban officials make 1st known visit to Japan since takeover
Posted in: Russia’s shrinking world: The war in Ukraine and Moscow’s global reach
Posted in: Two men arrested over theft of 1,200 meters of copper cable