Posted in: Why are Olympics going on despite public opposition, medical warnings? See in context
To bad the olympics isn’t the same since it’s all about professional athletes now and their big egos!
Find your article hard to believe. You sure Japanese are so against the Olympics? They must be hypocrites,
The trains are still packed, Tokyo still full of people, Yoyogi park was packed and will be this weekend as well.
Sad to see how many of you are nothing more than fear mongers, your so worried about this then stay home and don’t work or leave your home.
Been over a year and half with 99% of the population wearing mask yet the yet people still testing positive. Lol
PCR test!! I feel sorry for Dr. Kerry Mullis. His invention has been misused for so many years.
Let the games begin!!
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
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Send that clown back to the thirdworldish where he belongs.. England in other words.
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