Japan Today

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Posted in: Wendy's closes its doors in Japan See in context

I guess they had to pay a lot of money to Wendy`s USA for the license. When it is not a name well known by the locals, it is USELESS to pay for a franchise. Just create your own, save 25% of the costs and design your own marketing policies.

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Posted in: Mexican navy kills top cartel kingpin in shootout See in context

The main problem is that USA citizens consume huge amounts of drugs. Their government, instead of tackling this issue internally, develops "plan Colombia" to taint the marihuana crop. But as Americans keep on consuming, the business moves to Mexico, Ecuador, Bolivia or Brazil.

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Posted in: Junichi Ishida declared 'Spouse Hunter of the Year' See in context

who gives this award?

He is successful because his soon to be father in law opposed to the marriage. I am tired of these "happy awards": put some spice in them (like "worst nikibi face", the "less intelligent man" or "the fatty celebrity of the year").

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Posted in: Becky beckons See in context

The money Jetstar is paying her could be used to at least giving a blanket in their flights.

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Posted in: Kobe Luminarie See in context

I like this type of "illumination" and enjoy it in Hiroshima, but I wonder how it can be justified when there are signs saying "reduce energy consumption" everywhere. One uses electricity to work and live, not just for the pleasure of seeing a light.

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Posted in: Charlize Theron among star-studded cast at World Cup draw See in context

Paraguay is strong. Today is South America number 1 or 2. South Africa as a first seed is a joke.

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Posted in: Charlize Theron among star-studded cast at World Cup draw See in context

Most probably Asia and Oceania will be put in the same group for the draw, so they will not share the same group.It will be 1 or 2 from Europe, 1 from South America, 1 from Africa/Concacaf and 1 for NZ/Asia. The pools to avoid, in my opinion, will be the ones that have Portugal, France and/or Paraguay, as they are second seeds. Japan cannot avoid playing against one of the top seeds, but is better to play against Switzerland or Slovenia than to play Portugal or France.

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Posted in: Airhead female fans can't get enough of 'cool' accused killer Ichihashi See in context

They like him because he does not speak (so they do not have to converse), does not eat (so the woman does not have to cook) and he is in jail (so they can't have sex).

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Posted in: Is chivalry dead on Tokyo trains? See in context

The article is very good. I also have a similar discussion with my wife: if women ask and fight for an equal treatment, then expect no more than un-politeness. But in Japan, women are neither equal nor "different" to men, but are less than men. From ways of calling them (using their first name and "chan") to the social habit of quitting the job for getting married and expecting the man to provide all the money, this society sees women as a different species. I love Japan, but this is the only social characteristic that I really hate. Things are changing, though. Very slowly, but changing.

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Posted in: Meet the brains of Tokyo's women-only housing boom See in context

I think it is a good idea. Now, it would be a great experiment to give one apartment to a man and see if the women´s behavior changes.

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Posted in: Veteran tour escort relates travelers' lack of decorum See in context

She wouldn't have had any trouble if she hadn´t married him. Women in their 30s are so desperate to get married that they do it with the first rich guy that they find.

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Posted in: Lawyer asks investigators not to question Hasan See in context

There are many here who could answer this: His trial will be held by a military court? Is death penalty OK for the military justice?

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Posted in: Policeman fires two shots during brawl with foreigners in Mie See in context

Now, if the truth is that the policemen went there and without saying any word one made a "warning shot", is anyone going to believe 20 foreigners? Three people surrounding a policeman, and they cannot prevent him from reaching his gun?

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Posted in: Waiting See in context

this is amazing. So many people have so much free time to spend is useless things... I think I compensate with them. If I had time, I would never spent it that way.

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Posted in: Happy birthday See in context

great photo. They definitely are a symbol of many of the good things of Japan. In this case, the dignity of old people.

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Posted in: Ritz-Carlton Tokyo named best hotel in Japan by Conde Nast Traveler readers See in context

They just rate excellence, not price. There are many people who dont care paying ridiculous money to get a bed, so for them, this might be a useful information.

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Posted in: Cop arrested for stealing girl's underwear during investigation See in context

I hope they detain him for 20 days, dont let him see his family, ask him 100 times the same questions and force him to sign a confession. If that is what they do with normal people for petty crimes, it should also be the behavior for a police officer.

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Posted in: Junichi Ishida’s golf green proposal finishes with bogey See in context

I would never marry a woman that puts his father's opinion before mine. If she doesn't love him enough yet, she should just say it. Don't put the father in the middle of the couple.

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Posted in: Three men arrested for dumping dismembered bodies in Tokyo Bay See in context

It is interesting how this case, involving drugs, maffia, murders and dismembering ocuppies much less space in newspapers and tv than pickpocketers, bullies and people caught with 0.08 gram of drugs.

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Posted in: Shibuya rice See in context

I think it is a great initiative. I really wish her the best. A young woman with initiative is not something very common around here...

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Posted in: 40 police cars, 100 officers, one copter mobilized to chase 2 thieves See in context

Wow 40 cars and 100 officers were just sitting around doing nothing before this? There seems to be a serious over population of police

100% right. Remember it was on a Sunday night, in an area full of rice fields. What do 100 officers do when nothing happens (99.9% of the times)?

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Posted in: Health insurance gets more complicated with new visa law See in context

You dont like it, go to another "state", as ThonTaddeo says above. In this case, it means another country. But for a system to provide affordable health care to the elderly and the poor, it has to take money from the young and rich. You could say that the system is expensive, but if you choose to stay here, you will live longer and in better health, and this will not depend 100% on your income.

About taxes: My wife gets a 255,000 yen salary as teacher, and in hand receives 220,000. That is less than a 15% discount, including taxes, pension and health insurance (My income is not subject of taxes, so hers act like the only income for a family of 3).

Two years ago I had an ACL reconstruction operation, spent five days at the hospital and it costed me 25,000 yen (I payed ten times that and then I received a part back). When my wife had a baby, we received more money than what we paid.

Someone must be paying for it, but for a low income family that has babies (and a father that get his ACL fixed), it is an excellent deal.

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Posted in: Health insurance gets more complicated with new visa law See in context

As for 99.9% of foreigners, either we don't need it as it is too expensive and we will never get anything out of it

99.9% of foreigners? Most foreigners are from China, Korea, Brazil, Phillippines and Peru. Are you sure you speak for the 99.9% of foreigners? There is a clear bias on this discussion towards thinking this will be applied only to English teachers: they could be majority here, but by all means are a minimal part of total number of foreigners living in Japan.

Free rider issue is at the base of this discussion: young, healthy people do not want to pay for a service they don't use. Japan has a system that does not allow that. The US does not have it: if you are young and healthy you don't pay much, but as soon as you get older and your health deteriorates, you go bankrupt.

Just obey the Japanese law and pay. If you don't do it, then do not complain later when you get punished.

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Posted in: Health insurance gets more complicated with new visa law See in context

Most foreigners are aware that they should be inscribed into the National medical system. Nevertheless, some do not apply based on the "freedom to choose" concept. Disagree with the law is not a valid excuse not to respect it. The "freechoice" policy lacks completely of a solid point to defend its concepts. It says that "Many non-Japanese get the treatment they need when visiting international clinics where non-Japanese doctors practice, despite the fact that they are outside of the Japan's social medical system". Do these doctors have a license in Japan? Why they are not inscribed into the Social medical system? How many exactly have access to these doctors? Rules are very clear and very fair: they are the same for everybody. If we want to have the same rights as Japanese people, we should also be under the same law.

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Posted in: Woman arrested for dialing 119 on 157 occasions See in context

Did they have to wait to the 157th call? She made more than a call per day for 4 months. Nobody noticed the fifth time she called that she was a wacko?

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Posted in: Ishihara blames Tokyo 2016 failure on behind-the-scenes deals See in context

It was interesting that all the speeches were done in English, except for Brazil's president Lula. Maybe some concepts could have been better expressed in Japanese. On the choice, we should consider that venues are not only given to countries, but also regions. Last olympic games were held 3 hours by plane from Tokyo. It is good that Latin America can organize the Olympics for the first time, and I see very unlikely that the games will return to East Asia before 2028 (Guessing 100%, I think 2020 may be for an Arabic country or Russia, 2024 for the US)

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Posted in: Noriko Sakai hiding out in high-security ward of university hospital See in context

Does she need to flush the drugs out of her body? This all started 45 days ago. How long do drugs remain in the body? I agree with most comments that this is an unnecesary show.

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Posted in: Small tsunami hit Japan after Samoa quake See in context

If they said waves up to 50 centimeters and finally the waves were "very weak" I guess they should have been of some few centimeters. Seriously, can this be considered a "small tsunami"?

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Posted in: Mona Yamamoto sighted at Midtown park with new man See in context

I read the news a few hours ago and I havent been able to recover from the shock yet. Definitely, the world is about to end...

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Posted in: Figure skater Miki Ando rumored to be in love with 3-time divorcee coach See in context

Maybe his logic is: "I marry them while they are at the top of their careers, I get a coach fee. I get divorce when they begin to fail and I get part of the money she earned". Obviously, he always marries young skaters. 33 years old and 3 times divorcee is a sign that whether he is awful choosing wives or that he just wants something else ($$)

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