Posted in: Seniors sparking new demand at love hotels See in context
Bust a nut
or Die Tryin'
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Is black voter support for President Obama racist? See in context
I admit that I voted for him to piss off as many racists rednecks as I could.
Am I racist? No
Evil, malicious and spiteful? Yeppers
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Is black voter support for President Obama racist? See in context
"Does it even matter? If it does, then the Republican party also has the right to champion a black candidate. Let them do that and see how many will change their vote"
The Party did but unfortunately the Godfather Pizza entrepreneur was caught with his hands in too many cookie jars
"Oh yeah and watch the "Original Kings of Comedy" DVD. Clinton WAS black. Even black people said so :-)"
Just because that cheeseburger gobbling saxophone playing embarrassment got his nutz off on some fat white lady, doesn't make him black.
-3 ( +0 / -3 )
Posted in: Brazilian student auctions virginity online to Japanese man for $780,000 See in context
As unpretty as she is, looks like he did donate to charity.
I'm more happy for the virgin guy. Imagine if a Japanese man won his bet.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Police officer's car stolen during stakeout See in context
Not much of a stakeout when the bad guys find you and well... make you look really unsmart
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: Tokyo man killed by street cleaning truck See in context
Some people can't even see when a pregnant lady is standing in front of them while they are sitting down in a priority seat. Why would you expect the driver to even be that alert?
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Nap time See in context
Can't blame him. Guess he just got tired of sleeping in those bathroom stalls.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Man who cooked, served his own genitals sent to prosecutors See in context
The prosecution wanted him to COME clean but I guess he didn't have the BALLS to.
I can go all day....
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: What Japanese women discreetly check out when on a hunt for a husband See in context
Understood. I was actually referring to Indian and Korean Americans as I have never set foot in either country. Personally I believe that the "Keepin' up with the Jones' " can affect anyone. I do understand where you are coming from with the extremely fast change in social status versus the passed down from gen to gen.
"Otome Sugoren, a website featuring articles on love, relationships and marriage, surveyed its female readers to get these results. The reporter who compiled the info and wrote the article is a Japanese woman herself, so you can be sure of its authenticity"
You can't even get women to agree on what to eat for dinner. Harry Potter written in crayon by a 8 year old fan has more "authenticity"**
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: What Japanese women discreetly check out when on a hunt for a husband See in context
"Rap music investing the money in gold chains and diamond-studded rims. In a way, Japanese women are like American black men. Even the "old money" in this country is relatively "new money", so the nouveau riche lifestyle has no counterpart and stays at the center of every Japanese woman's ideals. The men merely try to find the best possible mating partner and therefore struggle to fill those expectations."
Even Mr T stopped buying gold. Welcome to the 21st century. Great comparison though :) nR :(
"While in the Western world, conspicuous consumption is now seen as merely a misguided goal and one should not mainly live for the acquisition of status symbols to impress others or because spending money is an addiction,"
c'mon... miilion dolla bras, overpriced houses, and luxury/sports cars. Plus any Black Friday you tube Video will trump that. I will admit that Japan can be a little out of hand with the achievement thing but I have seen far worse from the Korean/Indian crowd. I'm talking nice house no furniture inside insanity.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: What Japanese women discreetly check out when on a hunt for a husband See in context
"On the sex tap thing, I've been married to a Japanese woman for seven years and even after 2 kids, the tap is still running."
Same here but its usually running when I'm at work or school :(
I just want a women who is competent enough to prevent a 3 month baby from falling out of a 10 story window or won't strangle the poor guy when she can't take it anymore.
8 ( +9 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan sees surge in aspiring adult film actresses; 6,000 said to debut each year See in context
Wow. 300,000 just to moan like a puppy getting kicked. If no one cares what can you do? It would suck so see your fiancee on the cover of some AV DVD cover though.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Young people easily get sucked into Aum Shinrikyo spinoff Aleph See in context
I can't believe they're giving yoga such a bad name. It jused to be about watching limber women go into "downward facing dog". Now there are government propaganda films as well. Why don't they all go move to the Senkaku islands.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: 41-year-old woman arrested for attempted murder of 5-year-old son See in context
"What's wrong with this mother!!!! Very soon her son is going to treat her like this too when she grows old. What come around and what goes around. And mind her, children have good memory."
Like I say, if you abuse your kids make sure you get a room downstairs. You don't want your abused son/daughter giving you a push that you didn't ask for down the stairs.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Student abducts 12-yr-old girl, confines her in travel bag in taxi trunk in Hiroshima See in context
Man. From cramming in school to being crammed into a bag. He should be crammed into a suitcase and dropped of at San Quentin with extra KY
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Details of Roppongi slaying emerge, but raise new questions See in context
"No one here dare to say they're probably Chinese"
They were probably Chinese....American
-11 ( +2 / -13 )
Posted in: Slain reporter's partner urges Syria to investigate her death See in context
"She became a well-known face on Japanese television after surviving a U.S. tank shelling on the Palestine Hotel in Baghdad in 2003 in which two journalists, one from Reuters and one from a Spanish broadcaster, were killed..."
Wow. I am really sorry that she was ambushed by those gunmen but that 2003 report would have been my last broadcast.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Woman severs cheating boyfriend's penis in Peru See in context
I think it was an accident. She was probably aiming for his brain.
-2 ( +2 / -4 )
Posted in: Osaka assistant judge arrested for taking upskirt photos on train See in context
Why didn't he just wait at the bottom of the steps like all the other mature middle school boys?
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Cleavage-inspired ice cream offered at Akihabara cafe to celebrate release of 'Senran Kagura' sequel See in context
if only you could impregnate your 3DS, then Japans population would be on the rise.
3 ( +5 / -2 )
Posted in: S Korean rams gate at Japanese embassy in protest See in context
Wait. The best excuse he could muster for that bad display of driving was that he was deeply upset? Take a taxi next time. I don't fully know the lapse time between the Japanese demonstrator and Lil' Kim driving his truck into the gates of the embassy but I am sure he drove by the embassy a few times before he finally decided to do it. Too bad he didn't get trashed and pass out in an alley instead.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Two Japanese land on disputed island: coastguard See in context
I know that everyone finds the irony of the northern island dispute popping up about the same time as this. What about the sheer irony of Taiwan wanting to claim dibs on the Senkaku/Daioyu Islands? They get in a preparation H buttroar when China claims that Taiwan doesn't really exists and that it belongs to them. Now they want the Senkaka YouDai islands as well? It all boils down to the economics of fishing, drilling, and mining.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: No charges over Ghana deportee's death in Japan See in context
African, Asian, European, etc. A lady lost her husband to an unfortunate chain of events. I hope that she finds peace. I personally don't know his motives for resisting besides the obvious that he didn't want to leave his wife. Instead of pointing fingers at an illegal that failed to get his paperwork done or the ruffhouse detention center guys I just hope it doesn't happen again. I myself am divided in opinion on illegal immigration as most do not come here to bring down the country but to better themselves like the PhD holder stated. I would have just been much easier and less fatal to go through the system. It's too bad he could not have just been granted a spouse visa for his marriage to a Japanese national.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Study shows spanking boosts odds of mental illness See in context
Blah Blah Blah. I want to see the counter research. How do kids turn out when their parents do not spank them? Politicians? Lawyers?
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: What to do if someone on the street goes berserk See in context
Oh crap, Not a good week 4 me. I think I am the only guy that was thinking about another zombie bath salt num num num attack here before I read the article. I was a little shocked when it featured the hardknock life choronicles of a butthurtis vaginosis maniac with a blade.
At one time the perpetrator was almost invariably a young man. No longer. He is increasingly likely to be an older man in his 50s, 60s or 70s. Does that mean the pissed off young man morphed into the grumpy mean old bastard?
In all serious, when I'm on short skirt/daisy duke patrol it usually does include scoping out the scene. If a hard bump is what sets these ladies and gents off the most, maybe it comes down to a little more suimasens and less facebook status checking.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Suspect in train groping case escapes from police 'koban' by back door See in context
I hope that the old show COPS doesn't film any episodes in Japan. After one season premier no one will follow the rules.
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Posted in: Baby dead 'for a day' as mother chats on Internet forums See in context
I thought when it came to kids it was One strike and you 're out. This women got three. Instead of getting close to all those online strangers for comfort, she should have gotten close that her children that are still alive. Clearly this family has a problem with child watch. The thing is, I think family issues like having children really get complicated. Whether they were pressured by other family to start having or they thought they wanted kids before they had kids, the Department of Child Services here obviously needs an overhaul. I know a lot of people personally feel that the US Gov is way to involved in raising kids now, but there is always the yahoo chatting alternative.
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: More women in their 40s dating younger men See in context
Meh. I think it's great but the most important factor is that the women are stopping around the 20s. Personally, if two people of legal age want to bump uglies, go for it. Having said that, at least the women are not diving into school boy territory. Some men treat women in their forties as expired milk as they take fantasize about much younger girls. This seems to be the next step in gender equality. If the married 40yos are doing it, why cant the unmarried ones do it as well.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: 11-month-old baby falls to death from apartment window See in context
so the call didnt even come from the parent. She noticed him climbing around the sofa but did see or hear him go out of the window? That must have been some movie or TV show.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Commuters' tolerance tested in face of declining public manners See in context
Besides being stared at and farted on. I dunno. Not so bad. I do love how the average salaryman gets hit by the instant sleep monster when baba or jiji are standing in front of them hanging onto rings for dear life. I cannot believe that people complained about bumping though. Unless you are wearing a KY jelly suit, stuff like that is going to happen. About the pregnant lady thing, I actually made a mistake. I thought she was 8 months but she was actually 3 years pregnant from too many yakiniku trips.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Hamas releases 3 frail-looking Israeli hostages for 183 Palestinian prisoners under Gaza ceasefire
Posted in: Saudi Arabia to showcase kingdom's transformation at Osaka Expo 2025
Posted in: Trump says he wants to negotiate about Ukraine. It's not clear if Putin really does
All you have to do is look at the US to see what kakistocracy will do to your country. Not…