Posted in: Woman arrested for attempting to drown one-week-old daughter See in context
Im afraid it is you who hasnt understood the sentence it is not the same illness. They are different psychiatric illness, one more dangerous than the other. You still are trying to bully me, the only thing I can do is stay away from Japan Today, Im not going to feed your pathetic need to bully other people.
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: Woman arrested for attempting to drown one-week-old daughter See in context
. It may be useful to conceptualize these disorders as existing along a continuum, where postpartum blues is the mildest and postpartum psychosis the most severe form of postpartum psychiatric illness.
OK, Stranger, lets look at that shall we. That sentence does not say it is the same illness. It says that they are both post partum illnesses, and PND is the mildest psychiatric illness, and psychosis the most severe. And only that it "may be useful to THINK OF" them like this. It does not say depression is the same as psychosis. The post natal thing is only the trigger - and the only thing they have in common.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Woman arrested for attempting to drown one-week-old daughter See in context
Puerperal psychosis is considered a psychiatric emergency that typically requires inpatient treatment. Acute treatment with either typical or atypical anti-psychotic medications is indicated.
Talk about totally misrepresenting what was said in the article, SL.
They are different illnesses. The baby blues being the least serious, and post partum psychosis the most serious. PND requires totally different treatment to pps. They are different diseases. If you are going to present yourself as the voice or reason and science on Japantoday at least get it right, buddy.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Woman arrested for attempting to drown one-week-old daughter See in context
You accept that psychosis is a totally different illness to depression, SL? PND and PNP are both post natal mental illnesses, but that is where the similarity stops. Part of the reason a lot of women don't go and get help with their post natal depression is because they do not want to be labelled as potential baby-murderers, when PND suffers are at no risk of doing so in the first place.
A woman with PND is absolutely able to distinguish between right and wrong, whilst a woman suffering from the very rare post natal psychosis has lost touch with reality. Not all women who murder their child have post natal psychosis. Some are just spoilt little princesses who realise the party is over.
I hope things continue to get better for you unagitosaru.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Woman arrested for attempting to drown one-week-old daughter See in context
They are totally different illnesses, though triggered by the same event - childbirth. PND, does not have a psychotic, manic element to it. Severe post natal depression is not a step on the way to post natal psychosis.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: 'Iron Man' star Downey presents boy with bionic arm See in context
Really great. E-nable also do really good work providing low cost functional arms/hands to children.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Woman arrested for attempting to drown one-week-old daughter See in context
Women with ppd dont hurt their children, the only person they hurt is themselves. A different condition, post natal psychosis carries a 10 percent chance of infanticide/suicide. At least get the science right, if you are going to wave it around, SL.
This woman chose to give in to the thoughts and compulsions of her mental illness, instead of walking out and away, getting help, or hurting herself. She is at least partly culpable. I have no idea how she will justify to herself even holding this child again, no matter what the reason, some things just cannot be taken back.
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: The longer hours single parents work for their children, the less time they have with them. What we need is a welfare system that offers single parents basic support such as better working environment See in context
Oh Viking, what a nightmare for you and your boys! My heart bleeds for you, sweetheart. I wish I could send you a big hug. Alimony? They do not have any system to collect any monies a Japanese court might deign to award to an ex wife. Not one yen, in fact even getting a divorce when they are blocking it is very difficult.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Man arrested over fatal abuse of 2-month-old son See in context
This pathetic excuse for a man certainly thought so.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Man arrested over fatal abuse of 2-month-old son See in context
I would say that anger and revenge are a pretty decent reaction to a wife beating child murderer, yes. Eye for an eye. Not that I would, but any man who reads that a child has been murdered and a woman beaten, and doesnt want to re-educate the perp doesn't sound like much of a man to me.
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: Man arrested over fatal abuse of 2-month-old son See in context
I think that Kevin sounds like a decent person - it is the reaction any good man would surely have to hearing that a father beat his wife and then beat his baby to death.
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: When pedophiles or minors convicted of violent crimes are released from prison, do you think residents in communities they move to should be informed of who they are and where they are living? See in context
Once an individual sexually molests a minor they lose all their rights to live freely. They are never rehabilitated, and are always a risk to children. Public safety means it can never be a case of do the time and all is paid up. In the US, between 40 and 53 percent reoffend (depending on same sex or opposite sex offences and a few other variables) and are caught, I guess quite a few of them just get more careful, reoffend and just don't get caught.
Paedos dont give a damn about their victims, so I really could not give a hoot if they want to whine about being monitored or the risk of vigilantes.
-8 ( +2 / -10 )
Posted in: 2 men arrested for using 14-year-old girl to work as prostitute See in context
Illogical - cause and effect, SL, nothing exists in a vacuum. The abuse they go through damages them psychologically, which then makes further abuse a continuation of normality for them.
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: When pedophiles or minors convicted of violent crimes are released from prison, do you think residents in communities they move to should be informed of who they are and where they are living? See in context
I think pedophiles should get the death penalty, then there is no way they can commit "more henious acts" when they get out of prison.
-13 ( +5 / -18 )
Posted in: 2 men arrested for using 14-year-old girl to work as prostitute See in context
Any psych review of adolescent prostitution will tell you that girls who enter teenage prostitution somewhat willingly are overwhelmingly children who have been abused and neglected already in their young lives. No one goes from being a normal, sexually inexperienced or virginal14 year old adolescent, to a prostitute servicing 500 men over a period of time just for a handbag, and it is naieve to even consider that a possibility.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: 2 men arrested for using 14-year-old girl to work as prostitute See in context
All young teenage prostitutes are victims, WC. And you were not being mean, you were being intelligent, Homura.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: 2 men arrested for using 14-year-old girl to work as prostitute See in context
Wc these young girls get caught, "nampa-ed" by good looking young men who then trick and trap them into being prostitutes. You are talking like the ones that get caught up in this are whores. They are victims. Have some respect.
-2 ( +2 / -4 )
Posted in: 4,800 chickens perish in fire See in context
Battery chicken farm conditions are so inhumane, this is just awful. Poor chickens.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Man arrested over fatal abuse of 2-month-old son See in context
Thank you Viking, sadly there are far too many women who have had similar experiences out there, only for them to be apportioned blame in their own torture and suffering. I am not sure if we are the lucky ones, because we get it and are not making inane remarks about how this poor lady should be locked up.
I often think of starting a support group for non Japanese victims of domestic violence, but somehow it is very scary to make yourself so vulnerable and known. There is still so much shame amongst survivors of domestic abuse, for precisely the reason that they are blamed by so many people for their own injuries and predicament and that of those around them. The only reason I said something here was because I did not want you to think no one understood or was on your side amongst all those downvotes/comments. No doubt I will have it thrown in my face if I post here again!
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: Man arrested over fatal abuse of 2-month-old son See in context
Refuges aren't all wonderful, but it did at least give me breathing space and a safe space, Viking. I really am sorry you had to struggle like that to get away. You and I were strong, this poor lady shouldnt be punished or spoken badly of for being weaker or more vulnerable. I honestly find it upsetting reading these comments putting her as culpable as him for the murder, or indeed her having any fault or blame. She is a victim too.
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: Man arrested over fatal abuse of 2-month-old son See in context
Well that would have made the divorce easier! Viking, I knew many women in the refuge I ended up in, and the ones who had the worst time of it, were not the wives of the drunks or losers, they were the wives of white collar sociopaths. These were the ladies who were threatened with the psych ward if they spoke out, who were pursued.
It makes me want to weep for this woman, she not only lost her baby, but will of course be judged harshly for being the victim of this monster. He has beaten her in every possible way.
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: 2 men arrested for using 14-year-old girl to work as prostitute See in context
Sensei, do you not see how saying they should have paid an underage child more money is sick? Where is the outrage from the police about her being pimped out, they seem more concerned that she wasnt paid "fairly".
2 ( +6 / -4 )
Posted in: Man arrested over fatal abuse of 2-month-old son See in context
I am sad to hear that, Viking. (moi aussi). It is very easy for people to say this woman should have done more, but what you are not comprehending is from that first beating you are living in a state of siege, of constant terror. These often very charming men, who put up such a good show to the outside world, instill such fear in their victims, fear of not being believed, of not being helped, that getting help is very difficult. Even help, once asked for, is often not forthcoming. These arent generally losers with no jobs. These are fully functional human beings, charming, utterly believable. The victim is often incoherant, panicked, not a good advocate for her (or him) self.
After a few beatings, this woman needed saving by someone else. A neighbour who heard the disturbance, her parents, someone willing to do something positive to save her and the baby. Judging her so harshly, suggesting she needed time in jail is failing to understand this woman is every much as victim as her baby. Except, if anything, this lowlife showed her less mercy, now she has to live with the death of her beloved child. Some women, and lets face it, its mostly women, are strong enough to fight the system, to get help. Some desperately need helping. So perhaps get out of your comfortable little lives, and do something to help victims of dv, instead of tutting from behind your keyboards.
Stay strong, Viking.
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: Woman arrested for attempting to kill her 13-year-old son See in context
Where are all these voices of outrage when the father is the murderer? Oh yes...blaming the mother.
THis woman is a sad example of the ramifications of lack of mental health care in Japan.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Man arrested over fatal abuse of 2-month-old son See in context
It is not that easy Wc626, and I am very glad for you that you do not know that from personal experience. Leaving is actually the most dangerous time for a woman. This poor lady bears no responsibility for merely being too pregnant and beaten to escape from a child murdering psychopath. Not everyone is as strong as you.
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: Man arrested over fatal abuse of 2-month-old son See in context
Why on earth are people blaming the woman. Quite often these men do not show their violent behavior before marriage, and she is a victim in all of this. Leaving a psychopath is not that easy, especially when you are vulnerable and beaten, as this woman was and just had a baby.
5 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: Prince William, Abe visit Fukushima See in context
How does seeing a British royal make anything better for these children, Smith? They still live in a toxic environment, and are still suffering just the same. A trip to Disneyland would have a more positive effect and cheaper than all the security for this irrelevant member of another country's royalty/
-1 ( +3 / -4 )
Posted in: Prince William, Abe visit Fukushima See in context
Sure is Jforce and better not say anything other than what a wonderful figurehead he is, promote good relations, fun good all round chap, what an inspiring visit.
-3 ( +1 / -4 )
Posted in: Gang leader killed boy, say 2 other suspects See in context
Ok Da....if they can prove only one of them actually did the cutting, fine. But life in prison for the pathetic little boys who sold out the one they decided was going to take the fall for it.
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: Two children, aged 4, 2, die in apartment fire See in context
A 4 and 2 year old cannot look after themselves, let alone in an environment which isnt childproofed. Idiot parents cost the lives of their kids. Kevin, the FATHER is also to blame. He is also responsible.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Trump says he is serious about Canada becoming 51st state
Posted in: Trump says he is committed to owning Gaza, but could let Middle East states help rebuild
This bloke is so caught upon his own BS he don't realise that China will not allow that to happen.…
Posted in: Trump says he is serious about Canada becoming 51st state
Posted in: Trump says he is serious about Canada becoming 51st state