Posted in: Japanese restaurants are springing up all over the world - most of them fake See in context
but... But... but I LOVE sushi with mango! It´s totemo oishii!
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Posted in: Check your Psycho-Pass levels at Shinjuku Station See in context
Well, the funny or scary thing (I LOVE the anime!!) is that I am studying computer science and this shit is actually being worked on. One of my compulsory courses next semester is data mining...
And yes, they are working on intelligent video cameras for places like airports which could identity ´suspicious´ persons (described, for example, as those 'looking around nervously´ , ´jumpy´ , and some other awfully fake classifications) automagically so that the police or security can them come to take away for a nice long interview. You prove to be innocent? Okay you can go, sorry about missing your flight.
I am NOT looking forward to further advances in this area. I was not before I watched the anime, and now I am DEFINITELY not liking where this is going....
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Posted in: Crowdfunded Little Red Riding Hood makeup debuts as 'sickly look' trend continues See in context
It´s nicer if they have cute animal ears so you can pet them!
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Posted in: Mister Donut becomes … Mister Cupcake? See in context
If they really wanted to sell them to me, they should have a super kawaii catgirl or catboy do the sales for these cute cupcakes ;3
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Posted in: The 10 best anime of the fall season, according to Japanese otaku See in context
I don't know about SAO becoming less popular here in the west. Yeah some people were displeased with Asuna locked up, myself and most other otaku just thought it was sweet how Kirito came to rescue her, and almost no-one I know or heard of dropped the second season because of that little (non?-) issue.
They're only doing themself a disservice anyway if they did, since gun gale online is awesome, and the new Kirito is pretty cute/sexy with his looks and badass lightsaber (and yes I am a boy...) XD
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Posted in: Ghibli transition to first TV series doesn't look all that smooth See in context
I have seen and really liked gits 2 innocence, sky crawlers (have both those on DVD) and knights of Sidonia, but just want to point out that Sidonia is unfortunately already over again, so not currently airing anymore :-( Sorry for my otaku nitpicking XD
I will be going to an anime convention this weekend, one of very many around here :-) I'm curious to see what my fellow otaku friends think of this new Ghibli work :-)
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Posted in: Super Bowl Monday
Posted in: Governor puts parts of Russia's Sakhalin on high alert after cargo ship runs aground
Posted in: Super Bowl Monday
Posted in: Japan logs record ¥29.26 tril current account surplus in 2024