Posted in: China releases Japanese wartime documents See in context
Tohka its a comment by mariko oi, I was pointing that her comment sounds justifiable since we are on the topic on Japan and their history. In fact the 1972 treaty should of ease tensions. But denials started to surface as soon as the treaty was signed. Prior to 1970s you will have confessions from Japanese soldiers openly admitting their atrocities. Ever since ww2 ended Japanese were taught little about the war
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: China releases Japanese wartime documents See in context
Sad but true...
"Our system has been creating young people who get annoyed by all the complaints that China and South Korea make about war atrocities because they are not taught what they are complaining about," she said.
"It is very dangerous because some of them may resort to the internet to get more information and then they start believing the nationalists' views that Japan did nothing wrong." By Mariko Oi
2 ( +5 / -3 )
Posted in: China releases Japanese wartime documents See in context
OssanAmerica - A mere 14 A war criminals ? your mentality just says it all nothing to add.
Chocho just with one document statement from US report in Burma seem to debunk the whole comfort women issue ... However a bunch of documents and statement against japan is deemed untrue.. Wake up n live up to the facts, u choose not to believe n read and accept anything in japans favor, the only person your kidding with, is yourself.
dcog9065 - That's why the rest of the world is mocking japan at the moment.
Just unbelievable some of these comments..
-1 ( +5 / -6 )
Posted in: U.S. defends Japan against China's plutonium criticism See in context
Simply can NOT go two days without the Chinese (or South Korean government) complaining and belly aching about what Japan did or didn't do. Seriously, folks. This is getting old. And pathetic.
It's a two way street. Japan is doing the same thing
-8 ( +5 / -13 )
Posted in: Obama says Putin not fooling anybody over Ukraine See in context
The only reason why the EU and US are involved is a deal struck with Ukraine to fully disarm it's nuclear arsenal in return for protection. Really it's nothing to do with the US..
In 1954, the Soviets made Crimea a part of Ukraine as a symbolic gesture celebrating 300 years of Ukraine being a part of the Russian Empire (they were conquered essentially, they didnt simply join). But, previous to that, Crimea had been a part of Russia.
That saying (look from the surface) its hard to judge the Russians by it's claim of protecting it's interest, sovereignty and separatism by the pro russia ppl in crimea. But what I think the real intention is, is that the pipeline to russia's oil runs through Crimea.. so it makes sense there so much interest from Russia and the west to do what it can to control that area. Really this is just a political game. US is not much better than the Russians.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Japanese lawmakers call for revision of wartime sex slavery apology See in context
No matter whether they were force or not they were abused as sex slaves, bruised cut up and even death, these old women don't need to revisit the atrocities they need to put it behind them and enjoy the rest of their lives, seriously in the end would it make much of a difference ?
there was no need to review the testimony as the military had set up the brothels out of operational necessities.As long as it is clear, I dont see why it is necessary to investigate further to see what happened and what did not, he said
You ex PM is right
3 ( +6 / -3 )
Posted in: Japanese lawmakers call for revision of wartime sex slavery apology See in context
CH3CHO - Like i said, most of the comfort women have past away, there are 16 who have came forward. The ones that are dead will forever take it with them to the grave. Why do the nationalist want to do a research now ? like I said their using the tactic if u cant prove some that happened some 70 to 80 years ago you cant say it exist. All you want to hear is "as a result we find the conclusion there is no substantial evidence, Japan is in the clear, Bonzai !" That is bogus... u know it.
0 ( +3 / -3 )
Posted in: Japanese lawmakers call for revision of wartime sex slavery apology See in context
Japanese Nationalist using the tactic if u cant prove some that happened some 70 to 80 years ago you cant say it exist. Ie. Masscare in Nanjing, manila, burma, 137, comfort women list goes on and on... some high political figures go even go as far as none civilian casualities exist in nanjing. Now is their chance to debunk the claim n glorify its past since most of the victim have already passed away.
-2 ( +2 / -4 )
Posted in: Japan says it is puzzled by new China WWII national days See in context
They have made dozens, and still the commies keep complaining.
I feel sad for you.
-2 ( +3 / -5 )
Posted in: Japan says it is puzzled by new China WWII national days See in context
I notice the Pro Chinese brigade is out in full force today
FYI, I only started looking into this issue when Australian newspapers in public opinion started to look into to this agenda and mind you that it made it into the top 5 most read articles and for Japan, it's not looking good. Pro China I think not.. just common sense and an sense of injustice I had to speak out, like what my mates says here "own up or shut up". If the Japanese Government could of just left it as it is with the sincere apology and stop recalling apologies then yeah I'll give a good pat on the back and respect for the courage to admit what was wrong. Give me a good reason why I or others should support your views ? as I'm baffled
4 ( +7 / -3 )
Posted in: Japan says it is puzzled by new China WWII national days See in context
These commemoration days don't really mean much. Again, the CCP is just trying to survive by creating issues in order to motivate some of their citizens and sidetrack them.
Mate, you sound so insecure. What does commemoration day has to do with how much people earn in China ? Are you trying to make the point to belittle the Chinese as you think Japanese earn more money than them that make you feel superior like imperial japan ??? than ok think as your please... but I don't get your point how it relates to commemorations ? With the Abe led Japanese government which tries to debunk every war atrocities committed and cover up the shame, China has every right to voice their discontent about the Japanese government try to cover up these atrocities. Public opinion don't agree with your views or the views of Abe, and the longer Abe and people like you keep up the denies the more damage you will have on Japan Government on the wider international audience. I for one have an objective view that it's the opinion of the Japanese government that is destroying the image of the majority of Japanese people who built the great image what Japan is today.
6 ( +10 / -4 )
Posted in: Murayama says 1995 sex slavery apology review not in Japan's interest See in context - Australian women's story of when the Japanese forcing her into sex slavery, touching and sad, scarred her for life, yet she has forgiven the Japanese, she still has high spirits to keep on living along with her husband and daughters who strengthen her to this day. It make me wonder why some politician and a numb nut of a NHK executive in Japan still wants to open up wounds.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan upset by S Korean 'comfort women' exhibit at French comic book festival See in context
I can't come to terms with the ppl in this commentary, no matter how much is paid out, or what the apology was said in the past, you cannot say sorry or compensate and then be in denial. At least look up what a definition of an apology is .. What I don't understand is that why are ppl in this commentary always saying we paid the korean this much we apologized to the chinese so many time but then rub salt in the victims face and deny the atrocities committed. It makes me sick to see ppl trying to justify .. oh we didn't kill that many ppl or we didn't force comfort women they were willing to help ??, maybe we force a few but not that much?? Imperial Japan committed one of the worst atrocities in modern history it was the worst shame to humanity. Alot of countries around the world would share this view. If the German Government followed Shinzo Abe's actions there would be a global outcry. Don't get me wrong I love Japan and the people there, it saddens me to see that your Prime minister Shinzo Abe has cause so much problems for Japan, seriously this fool need to be booted out and shutup, he is causing much shame to the greater japanese who worked hard to create the perception of what Japan society is today.
0 ( +4 / -4 )
And the rest of the world really care
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