Japan Today

littlehammer comments

Posted in: Mother, two children found dead in apparent murder-suicide See in context

Yes, Monkeyz, just like the lies about the happiness of the single woman and the lies of the so-called "fulfilment" of part-time mothers who leave their children to be raised by day care workers so that the mothers and the fathers can "fulfil" themselves in their appointed career. Yep, yep.

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Posted in: U.S. President Barack Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize See in context

At least it has been confirmed that any of the Nobel Prizes now have no meaning. First, to the Global warming fraud specialist Al Gore, and now to the Global saviour. All you have to be is a socialist and you are a winner. Reminds me of the days of the Soviet Union.

The world has gone mad cheering for a hack from the Chicago political machine while Americans are realizing what they are going to be getting from the egotistical occupant of the White House. Don't worry about the neo-cons that supported Bush or McCain they are nothing but a slightly different shade of the same failure.

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