Posted in: Junk food linked to age-marker in chromosomes: study See in context
IMO, one's inherited genes and lifestyle also play a part. Diet is important, but not the whole story.
Longevity genes are no doubt important, probably around 80% of the reason most people that make it over 100 can pretty much do what they want (drink, smoke, not exercise etc) and still get sick very little before death. It's the rest of us, with that ratio reversed, that need to follow lifestyle advice (including diet :)).
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Junk food linked to age-marker in chromosomes: study See in context
Interesting....but since I am down to basically one meal a day, do how much junk you can eat on a 21-22 hour intermittent fasting diet is the next logical question. Not there there is anything boring about salmon, kale, popcorn or dark chocolate -- it just so much simpler and economical to fast for 1-2 days (not to mention mentally and physically energizing).
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: Sean Penn ups fight against COVID-19 with relief expansion See in context
Why always jump to a government first solution ? I had tests run by the state health department and had to wait a week or two before contacting them for results in both cases. Never heard back on the second one. Sean is doing a bang up job and I say just keep fighting the good fight until a faster cheaper model is granted FDA approval.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: As U.S. coronavirus cases surge, Texas, Arizona and Nevada hit new records See in context
City government buildings where I live are requiring it as well as a temperature check for would be visitors upon entering. And while I'm not not sure how they can get away with it legally they obviously have a plan in the case of a lawsuit. More businesses need to do the same and start refusing customers that don't wear masks or this is just going to go on and on.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Bob Dylan releases first original album in almost a decade See in context
Talking about being shocked at the manslaughter of Mr. Floyd from his Malibu home says it all
Why ? Dylan has never seen himself as a protest singer and dropped out of politics sixty years ago. It reminds me of the Phil Ochs documentary There but a fortune in which he wouldn't talk about their relationship despite repeat requests by the film's makers. I'm sure it would have been nothing but carefully crafted complements but he would still have come off looking like the bad guy.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Pandemic sets Japan on course for deep recession as spending, services plunge See in context
This pandemic has clearly shown us that modern economies depend on huge amounts on non-essential consumption.
Non essential food for sure as evidenced by all that farmers are destroying as restaurants stay closed. Unless everyone is really eating less which is an idea as well. But I don't want anyone to live off the land that doesn't make that choice. Your consumption is another person's job.
3 ( +6 / -3 )
Posted in: Madonna says she had COVID-19 See in context
Madonna doesn't need to self quarantine now that she has recovered. And wasn't in a position to before she knew she had it. Honestly if I were a dancer that came down with flu like symptoms early in this crisis a disease of vulnerable older people wouldn't be my first thought either.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Madonna says she had COVID-19 See in context
The commentators discussing her Instagram post barely had a concept of antibodies or Covid research before this announcement. Without it they most likely still would not. So unless Madonna were giving out disinformation, which she is not, here are distinct advantages to reaching a broad audience through market appeal. Believe it or not there were many people that complained about her last album and tour not being commercial enough....
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Madonna says she had COVID-19 See in context
These are closer to highly trained and conditioned athletes than normal celebs.....certainly no chronic underlying conditions other than possibly stress/diet (vegetarian ? lower zinc levels ?, or, in the case of Madonna a pre-existing hip injury that was also part of the reason some shows were cancelled.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Reade: 'I didn't use sexual harassment' in Biden complaint See in context
Biden’s interview yesterday was excellent,
So was hers.
-3 ( +2 / -5 )
Posted in: Biden declares sexual assault 'never, never happened' See in context
He never answered the question about did he remember Tara Reade, and Mika never pressed it. Coming from Biden that is plausible but I believe personally he remembers her and for good reason. The only thing he was pressed on was the Univ. of Delaware. We will know more after she starts with media appearances next week.
5 ( +7 / -2 )
Posted in: In 4 U.S. state prisons, nearly 3,300 inmates test positive for coronavirus -- 96% without symptoms See in context
Agreed there needs to be more info on the type of tests used plus differences with the ones that did carry symptoms. But prisoners are in model physical condition for the most part, not elderly, obese, smokers, breathing polluted air etc.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: New Zealand could pull off bold goal of eliminating virus See in context
If the virus has mutated into over 30 strains as some studies is the one in NZ more similar to the aggressive form that hit Europe and subsequently NYC or the West Coast which has been much less affected ? Not saying governmental response is inconsequential but lockdowns or states of emergency or other background information does need to be understand within the context in which they are operating.
3 ( +5 / -2 )
Posted in: Hong Kong police detain veteran democracy activists in raids See in context
The leaders unionization drive among workers in various industries to make collective demands on the state is suddenly bearing too much fruit, maybe ?? Under the guise of lockdown and social distancing one reason they have been able to procure much needed medical supplies in the bargain.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: China virus epicenter Wuhan raises death toll 50% See in context
The test kits produced in China have also proven to be ineffective or extremely limited in accurately identifying cases. Even PCR testing in the West is still way too insensitive. Even if they are trying to make an honest assessment, bad science is bad science. And it is as scary as bad government.
9 ( +9 / -0 )
Posted in: China didn't warn public of likely pandemic for 6 key days, documents show See in context
The first few weeks maybe. From what I have read in Western papers like the Guardian and NYTimes this started cropping up in early/mid December 2019, possibly November. By late December there were patients that had spent weeks in a Wuhan hospital. There is enough governmental blame to go around but by the time that airlines started cancelling flights in early February it was basically too late.
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: Figures show hundreds of COVID-19 deaths in UK care homes See in context
Odd how the number of deaths from pneumonia has sharply fallen this year..
Not really when the rate of health care workers is so high.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Figures show hundreds of COVID-19 deaths in UK care homes See in context
As prevention, treatment and testing have become more refined patients are being given medication for COVID (not an underlying disorder) and many have actually recovered or are at least in stable condition. They are also being transferred between facilities to ease possible transmissibility. I know because there have been several outbreaks near where I live. It will be interesting to see how the numbers evolve from this point forward.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: China panned over wet markets See in context
Are they an alternative to supermarkets ? In other words, similar to Farmers Markets without the exotic wildlife ? If re purposing these venues as a place for clean and fresh produce is the goal I'm all for that....whether it can or will be managed that way is another problem.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Figures show hundreds of COVID-19 deaths in UK care homes See in context
I believe it has been the same system of reporting in the US. At home and nursing home deaths that were not tested due to a shortage of tests were not counted. Obviously the elderly have died but not dozens at a single home in a matter of days.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: S Korea reports more recovered coronavirus patients testing positive again See in context
there no point of lockdown corona virus is the most common cause of common cold and there is no immunity to it, covid19 is same
Really ? Then why is there immunity of 3 to 4 years to the original 2002 SARS virus ?
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: U.S. nursing home deaths soar past 3,300 in alarming surge See in context
I would be willing to go back to work with a mask and testing. Until the public health infrastructure is more widely in place most people are going to be wary of mingling no matter what Trump declares.
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Posted in: U.S. nursing home deaths soar past 3,300 in alarming surge See in context
I take this as confirmation that 15% of the total deaths have been in people who already had other conditions before coronavirus. That is significant for further research.
Probably closer to 75, and around 50 (???) more than one. The point being without the ever so slight push from this virus most people in this country do have one and still somehow manage to stay alive. Obviously there needs to be better disclosure from all treatment facilities but nursing homes even during a flu epidemic do not get wiped out with dozens of deaths in a matter of days.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Assange fathered two kids with lawyer in Ecuador embassy: report See in context
This might explain the split from Pamela Anderson. Because he was still seeing her in prison at least until last year.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Jane Goodall says disrespect for animals caused pandemic See in context
Wuhan's wet markets and others is that in Wuhan they sell meat of not only domestic animals but also wild animals such as bats, civets and pangolins.
Bats are the natural reservoir of literally hundreds of coronaviruses. It is nothing specific to Wuhan unfortunately. 2002 SARS epidemic started from coronaviruses in bats that made their way to humans in Guangdong province, MERS coronavirus from bats in Saudia Arabia but (most likely) used camels—as a bridge for reaching humans. Even if these markets go underground there will almost certainly be fewer of them, not only in China but all of Southeast Asia (Vietnam has already enforced a ban).
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Aichi Prefecture to declare its own state of emergency See in context
This could be a sea change for distance working, healthcare, education, etc. Or we could just revert to the ways of the past as though coronavirus never happened. Many thought working or learning from home was not a good thing but I've heard a lot of people saying it is much easier than they expected.
We'll soon see.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Countries start thinking about easing restrictions, even as virus death toll rises in Europe, U.S. See in context
The problem is not knowing the population that has been exposed without diagnosis or being asymptomatic. A base rate less than 2-3 % and tests are going to have to be extremely accurate or you will end up with more false positives than the number that actually had it. Not to mention possible mutations of the virus and disputes over mask wearing mandates, etc. The stay at home orders will have to be lifted gradually, followed by government offices and restaurants/bars probably not for a while. Unfortunately for that sector.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson hospitalized with coronavirus See in context
A pregnant finance that had symptoms and doesn't want to be tested ? He may be a great leader but this doesn't sound like the most responsible couple. Hope the baby to be is OK.
7 ( +8 / -1 )
Posted in: UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson hospitalized with coronavirus See in context
History of smoking and a bit portly. This probably should have been step one.
7 ( +8 / -1 )
Posted in: Darvish speaks of anti-Asian discrimination in U.S. amid outbreak See in context
I don't remember this with the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome which was so named after being first reported in Saudi Arabia and found in bats in that country, any one else ?
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Trump says U.S. Steel will get investment from Nippon Steel, instead of being bought by it
Posted in: Airbus acknowledges slow progress on hydrogen plane
Posted in: 34-year-old man arrested for alleged sexual assault of 18-year-old girl
Posted in: 34-year-old man arrested for alleged sexual assault of 18-year-old girl