Posted in: Celtic reap rewards of Japanese market on and off the pitch See in context
Thomas is a Rangers fan :)
1 ( +4 / -3 )
Posted in: Celtic reap rewards of Japanese market on and off the pitch See in context
As a Celtic fan, we absolutely love our Japanese players! Hatate just cracked in two great goals tonight to give us a 3-0 win over Rangers and we're now top of the league!
1 ( +4 / -3 )
Posted in: Celtic announce triple signing from Japan's J.League See in context
Great stuff from Celtic! Nakamura was always a legend and Kyogo has hit the ground running. Looking forward to this. Four class Japanese players at Celtic..Sugoi!
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: Furuhashi scores hat-trick in home debut for Celtic See in context
As you may have guessed from my user name, I'm a big Celtic fan. Furuhashi is fast becoming a fan favourite. Exciting times!
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Do you think China made the coronavirus and released it either deliberately or by accident or it wasn't manmade? See in context
Err Strangerland..Coronavirus has a 99% recovery rate. 99%. MERS has a 64% recovery rate. 99% of people who get CV, don't die. And we locked the world down for that. Mad.
-9 ( +5 / -14 )
Posted in: Do you think China made the coronavirus and released it either deliberately or by accident or it wasn't manmade? See in context
How does China benefit? My south London council has spent thousands of pounds of PPE that all comes from China. How do I know? I work in the warehouse and deal with loads of boxes of China's PPE on a daily basis. If it wasn't for coronavirus, we wouldn't have bought lots of stock. And that's just one london council. Think of the amount of customers worldwide. That's how they benefit.
-2 ( +8 / -10 )
Posted in: Ushio launches world's 1st UV lamp that can safely kill coronavirus See in context
I work for a south London council warehouse. We deal with medical equipment. Last Tuesday we had decontamination training. The trainer told us not to place much faith in the UV light 'forms' of decontamination. This was a guy with 30 years experience in dealing with germs and viruses.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Van Morrison rails against virus restrictions in new songs See in context
Covid is all about the money. 'Young doctor explains why he’s against forced COVID-19 vaccine'.
-5 ( +2 / -7 )
Posted in: Foreigners in Japan becoming target of discrimination due to virus See in context
I got thrown out of a chain store chemist yesterday (London UK) by not wearing a mask (I genuinely forgot). I walked in (mask in bag) and was accosted by an aggressive clerk.. and after her telling me I was scum.. I went: 'You've just lost £10' and walked out). I've complained to the chain and the company are looking into it (and seem to be on my side) but my point is: everyone in th UK is 'grassing' (UK word for telling on everyone else) on everyone else now. So, while it's easy to blame the foreigners in Japan, you KNOW the Japanese are also grassing on every other Japanese as well. Bottom line: they're gonna get it just as bad as you! :)
-11 ( +6 / -17 )
Posted in: UK announces first major post-Brexit trade deal -- with Japan See in context
Visa free travel would have been great! I would have been straight on a plane lol! Anyhoo, Japanese products are a tad pricey here in old Londinium so here's hoping we get some Sapporo Gold, Sapporo Black, Ebisu beers (discovered them just before I left, nice and they do a cracking stout) and Kirin Green Label which was ok as it goes. The only mainstream Japanese beer here is Asahi 620ml so bring on the beers and the liver transplants!
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: '90% of what you experience is rejection' — The world of screenwriting, as told by Japan expat Matthew Allen See in context
I wish there was an edit function. Typo tastic above!
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: '90% of what you experience is rejection' — The world of screenwriting, as told by Japan expat Matthew Allen See in context
Lol. I just started studying scriptwriting (for fun). I've currently working my through loads of good books at the moment. Man, there's so much to learn. Thanks for the motivation there matey hehe. As Les Brown says 'You've got to write even if nobody reads your words because that was given to you do'. And.. to chime in on the 'debate'..I believe if you don't speak pretty good Japanese (i'm lower intermediate so not that great) then you'll never truly experience Japan. I felt I only experienced a 'surface' level experience when I lived in Tokyo due to the fact I couldn't really speak to anyone (in their language) lol. However, I've now got 67 sentences from Kuromukuro added to Anki, so give me another ten years and I'll be good to go!
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Plastic bag usage at Japanese stores down by 50%, but plastic bags sales through the roof See in context
In London, we put all our food waste into a biodegradable bag and once a week the local council collects it along with the rubbish. It's reduced our household waste by a lot. There's the solution. If it works here, it'll work there.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: China's fishing suspension near disputed islands in East China Sea ends See in context
Meanwhile just outside the Galápagos Islands....
13 ( +14 / -1 )
Posted in: Emperor, empress, Abe attend ceremony to mark 75th anniversary of WWII surrender See in context
Good read on the BBC website today: 'VJ Day: A WW2 hero and a reckoning with Japan's past'.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: England 1966 great, Irish soccer icon Jack Charlton dies See in context
Wonderful tribute to Big Jack:
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Mixed reaction from Hong Kong expats to UK visa offer See in context
I voted leave on left wing reasons. Immigration was far down the list with regards to my leave vote. The people from Hong Kong are welcome, most opinion polls support this. But not many will come to be honest. There are other options on the table for the Hong Kongers. China is also going to make it very difficult to move money / sell property and will probably harass family members of people who do leave.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: National Ainu museum opens in Hokkaido after COVID-19 delay See in context
Long overdue but good stuff.
6 ( +6 / -0 )
Posted in: England 1966 great, Irish soccer icon Jack Charlton dies See in context
RIP Big Jack. You gave this London Irish kid a lot of pride back in the day when the Irish weren't the most 'popular' of races in the UK.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Japan caught in dilemma with mainland China over Hong Kong See in context
Just reading on the BBC this morning that 53 countries at the UN support China. "At the United Nations this week, Cuba - on behalf of 53 countries - welcomed the law. Speaking at the 44th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, it said: "Non-interference in internal affairs of sovereign states is an essential principle enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations. We believe every country has the right to safeguard its national security through legislation, and commend relevant steps taken for this purpose." Plus, China is going to stop the UK granting visas. To be honest, the only one who can stop China is the US:
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Hong Kong police make first arrests under new security law See in context
The last time there was a mass exodus, a lot of Hong Kongers went to Vancouver and the city got incredibly rich. A lot will go again. Not so many will come to Britain. Britain owes it to Hong Kong so I fully support it. I don't support Johnson politically but good on him for offering citizenship. At the same time, it has to be noted that Britain still wants to trade with China, so until all countries pull their businesses from China, nothing will happen. India on the other hand: 'India, traditionally a non-aligned country but already at odds with China over deadly clashes on the eastern Ladakh border, on Monday announced it was banning more than 50 Chinese apps, including Bytedance’s TikTok and Tencent’s WeChat. China says it was concerned by the move and seeking details'. (Source: Guardian) Sadly, the only way to beat Beijing is to bankrupt Beijing and most companies are addicted to their profits. Until companies move to a new base, nothing will change.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: UK judge says Depp broke court order in Sun libel case See in context
I'm always interested in libel cases having studied it three times lol (for 3 different media the UK). We (the UK) have some of the strongest libel laws in the world.... so I'm interested in this.
For non UK readers, The 'News of the World' (AKA The Sun) Newspaper has a rather bad history of 'hacking dead children's' telephones so..they're not the most innocent of UK newspapers lol. Interesting case.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: High court says Twitter need not delete tweets on man's arrest history See in context
Just shut down my Twatter account last night actually. It's full of raging, angry individuals lol. I just got fed up with it. It's impossible to have a debate now. I'm 48, so I've spent more time without social media then with it. I also killed Faceplank in 2017 and don't miss it. Less is more in my old grumpy opinion :) In 5 years, I'll probably end up with a first generation Nokia mobile lol.
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: Abductee supporters march at Diet; demand repatriations from N Korea See in context
That's sad. I'm currently reading a good book on the Japanese abductees in North Korea so the Yokota case seems quite relevant to me. Good luck to them all. The book is called The Invitation Only Zone and is £6 on Kindle. It's a good read:
7 ( +7 / -0 )
Posted in: Actress Kumiko Okae, 63, dies of pneumonia after coronavirus infection See in context
She died of pneumonia not coronavirus. Does anyone die from heart attacks, cancer, liver disease, traffic accidents, the flu etc. anymore? If you're 81 with cancer, get the flu and die - cause of death is cancer. If you're 81 - with cancer and have a strain of CV (and it may not even be the killer strain of coronavirus as there is lots of strains of CV), then your cause of death is coronavirus. Mad.
-7 ( +0 / -7 )
Posted in: Koike urges cooperation to avoid Tokyo lockdown See in context
To be honest, I reckon had it in December. I was knocked out for 4 days with a weird flu that had the same symptoms as Coronavirus. It was like someone had sucked the energy out of me. It was definitely different to the run of the mill, standard flu. Tough to explain but it was a bit more energy zapping and a bit more intense. Anyway, bed rest, paracetomols and lots of warm water and 5 days later no problem. I'm in the minoroty that thinks this CV panic is a way to a) bring in restrictions against personal freedoms that will never get rolled back 100% (like 9/11) b) crush small businesses so big corporations can step in and profit and c) finally push us into a cashless society so we can control everything. Sure CV isn't great, but to me it's being used as an excuse to erode our personal freedoms unlike other massive flu epidemics that killed way more people in the past. I'm with David Icke on this one.. at 3.1M views in 6 days, it seems a lot of others are as well:
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Iranians vote in parliament elections favoring conservatives See in context
At 'theFu', if you look at Iranian history, both my country (the UK) and the US did really bad things to Iran to try and get their oil. We helped over throw a democratically elected government and the US armed Saddam Hussein and encouraged him to attack Iran. About 500,000 Iranians died because the US encouraged Saddam to attck. If I was Iranian, I wouldn't be going 'Yeah UK you rock, yeah US, you mean freedom!' So, I get it.
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: 44 more people on cruise ship test positive for virus; some elderly to be allowed off See in context
Meanwhile in south London, a Chinese woman with the virus ignores advice, calls an Uber and strolls into a public hospital. Nice.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: In an increasingly partisan media environment, do you believe journalists have lower ethical standards than in the days before social media? See in context
To be honest, it's more about lazy journalism rather than lower ethical standards. There's just no money to pay people to go knocking on doors, sifting through hours of research etc. due to the majority of the press giving away their content for free. I haven't bought a newspaper in years. Where's the income to pay the wages coming from? Most journalists now sit at their desk surfing twitter because there's no budget to send them anywhere. In the UK, it now costs £27,000 in tutution fees for three years at university. Add on another £25,000 in living fees and are you really going to go £50k in debt for an industry that's low paid and with a shrinking job base? If I could go back in time, I'd learn coding and work a £70k a year job!
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: After Brexit: UK leaves EU but what's next far from certain See in context
This is exactly me! 'Voted leave in 2016, and on the day of the result, I thought that it was certain that remain had won. I was astounded that the result was for leave. Three and a half years later, I am almost equally shocked that Brexit has been allowed to happen by an establishment that is thoroughly opposed to it'.
It won't be so bad after things settle down. If Canada can have a trade deal with the EU that doesn't include freedom of movement, I'm sure we can also do that. 'CETA does not involve Canada paying into the EU budget or signing up to EU rules on the free movement of people in return for increased market access'.
-4 ( +4 / -8 )
Posted in: Ishiba pledges to resolve territorial dispute with Russia
Posted in: Iran supreme leader says U.S. talks 'not intelligent, wise or honorable' but doesn't rule them out
Posted in: Ishiba pledges to resolve territorial dispute with Russia
Posted in: Hokuriku region of Japan experiences record snowfall