Posted in: What is hell? Book stirs debate about afterlife See in context
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Posted in: What is hell? Book stirs debate about afterlife See in context
Christians annoy the heck out of me...especially the "Born Again" kind...I don't understand the ideoogy of putting all of one's faith into a mythical character from the Middle East. We all might as well pray to Ultraman.
Hell is what you make of it. Webster's 2nd definition of hell - a : a place or state of misery, torment, or wickedness.
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Posted in: 4 killed, 141 injured after 7.4 quake hits Miyagi Pref, vicinity See in context
Shook a lot in Shinjuku as well. Laid up in bed with food poisoning but once the shaking started, forgot about my discomfort and was at ready with my Emergency Pack at hand. Stay safe everyone!
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Posted in: 2 men arrested for growing hemp in Tokyo park See in context
It's funny how people who know nothing about it, critisize it. "make persons crazy and do foolish things"??? LMAO...the craziest thing I ever did was fall asleep while watching Pink Floyd - The Wall with a bag of Doritos on my lap. I say,
"Legalize it - don't criticize it Legalize it and i will advertise it" -Peter Tosh
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Posted in: Cameraman accused of murdering Kanazawa housewife rearrested See in context
I'm confused...isn't dumping a human body a jail-able offense? You guys are right, there is a lot of missing information here! This article needs a rewrite.
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Posted in: Kiss cancels Japan tour See in context
Good one combinibento! As a KISS Army member since 1977, gotta love the references. Well done.
The cancellation isn't just for the Japan leg of the tour. It may soon be growing due to "professional differences" among band members. The only members that remotely get along are Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley.
Slipnot and AKB48...hmmmm...that WOULD be interesting! How about Enslaved and KARA (I like the way they move their hips)?
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Posted in: 49-year-old man dresses as woman, enters female public bath area See in context
Too funny! I wonder what the penalty is? Also, what are the charges?
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Posted in: What do you think of love hotels? See in context
All this talk about love hotels being shady and immoral is all hogwash. I live out in Kumagaya and we have at least 5 scattered throughout the area of my neighborhood. In the area I live, extended families living together is quite common place, so when you want an intimate moment with your spouse, these offer a little affordable resort not too far from home. My wife and I frequent them from time to time and find nothing at all shady about them. Most of the couples we see there are our neighbors though, so it can be a little bit embarrassing. LOL All in all, I am for them...even if some, on occassion, are used for other activites. I say, keep them available for those of us who enjoy our little special moments with our special someone.
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Posted in: Woman arrested for selling pornographic images of 4-year-old daughter See in context
This is just plain sick. As a father of a daughter, I cannot phathom the activities of either the man purchasing the pics nor the mother selling them. They both need severe mental treatment to say the least.
This is something I just do not understand. How does a mother who carried this child within her for 9 - 10 months even consider this type of activity? I truly believe this lady is missing a lot in the mental department. The guy needs to just be put away in some padded room someplace - forever. How in the world does one get aroused by a 4-year old??? I just don't understand.
At a loss for words.
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Posted in: Muslims seek change in way Hollywood movies portray them See in context
kyushujoe, I've seen movies that come from Islamic countries but unfortunately they do not have the same exposure as Hollywood movies.
nemurenaijin, I have no idea why you are commenting on my comment. I'm merely agreeing with Sarge that Muslims should have the opportunity to make Hollywood movies.
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Posted in: Muslims seek change in way Hollywood movies portray them See in context
Sarge hit on something brilliant! Have Muslims make their own movies! I would love to see how the rest of the world is portayed from the mind of a Muslim screen writer.
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Posted in: Car mounts sidewalk, killing 9-year-old boy and injuring 3 others See in context
Carcharodon - I bet you are absolutely correct! The most amazing thing I've seen so far is a guy on one of those motor-scooters using his keitai while driving. Crazy! I'm surprised we don't hear about more accidents related to keitai use.
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Posted in: Three Fukushima prison guards punished for bullying young coworker See in context
Ok, a drunken college prank I could understand but aren't these guys supposed to be law enforcement "professionals"??? I couldn't imagine them trying this sort of thing on the prisoners. I'm sure there would be a huge retaliation from the general population resulting in some severly injured prison guards.
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Posted in: 70,000 commuters delayed by quarrel over cell phone on train in Chiba See in context
I think ALL 3 involved should be fined for causing the train delay. Talk about the inconvenience to all those commuters trying to get to work. All over something so mundane.
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Posted in: Retailer Don Quijote pulls Nazi outfit after complaint See in context
Well said plasticmonkey!
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Posted in: Retailer Don Quijote pulls Nazi outfit after complaint See in context
The Holocaust was not unique. Man has done horrible things to each other throughout history. The Nazi's just used more modern killing methods. Face it people, our history as humans is very dark, the Nazis were a mere portion of that dark history. Let it go, move forward and learn from our past history, for the sake of all.
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Posted in: Retailer Don Quijote pulls Nazi outfit after complaint See in context
I don't really codone anything that the Nazi's did and do not have anything against Jews, I'm just saying that it's ridiculous to impede on other people's preferences to satisfy your own. I mean, who cares if I were to listen to Slayer and wear an SS jacket, as long as I'm not going around gassing people, others should just leave me be.
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Posted in: Retailer Don Quijote pulls Nazi outfit after complaint See in context
I agree with bobbafett, it does sound like they are becoming more like Nazi Germany. The Simon Wiesenthal Center has gotten to be a bunch of whining jerks who take every negative comment about Jews as being anti-semitic and feel offended by every little thing that resembles Nazi Germany.
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Posted in: 18-year-old female university student dies of alcohol poisoning See in context
I agree with gaijinfo, shame on the friends for not watching her back. As an avid partier from before even my college days, one pact my friends and I had was to keep an eye on each other. There have been many a time where I had to tell a friend to walk it off or go sit down in a quiet corner to either crash or sober up. Of course we would check up on him/her every so often. As we were all drunk, at least one or two of us would remember at different times to go check on them (which amounted to be almost every 5 minutes). I'm sure this poor girl was simply left alone until it was too late. An unfortunate accident but one that happens all too often.
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Posted in: Japan hit by 6.9-magnitude earthquake See in context
Yep, our building swayed quite a bit.
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Posted in: 3,000 pairs of stolen panties found in home of underwear thief See in context
Good question Papigiulio. Ok, college "panty raid" prank, that I understand. Geezus, with 3000 pairs, this guy was making his obsession a full time job. It's no wonder he only held a part-time job, the rest of his time was spent seeking out pretty frillies.
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Posted in: Woman trapped inside Osaka subway car for 4 1/2 hours See in context
No apology is necessary at all. People need to start taking responsibility for their own actions. If you fall asleep on the train, maybe you should not have stayed out so late. If you pee yourself while drunk, maybe you should learn to handle your booze. Japan caters too often to the immature in name of convenience. Besides, although the driver claims to not have seen her, he may have been afraid to try to wake her up in fear of being falsly accused of being a chikan.
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Posted in: The squad saving deer from tourist trash in Nara
Posted in: Japan seeks exemption from U.S. steel, aluminum tariffs
Posted in: Missing truck cabin located in sewer pipe near Saitama sinkhole
Posted in: 800 cabbages stolen from Aichi field