Japan Today

Lord Dartmouth comments

Posted in: Rohingya woman helping community members to adapt to life in Japan See in context

There were their own kingdom until the British colonists crushed them.

Actually, the Rohinghya were close friends of the British, and benefitted from British rule (the British favoured them over the Buddhists, who tended to less enamoured of the Raj). The Rohingya were also persecuted by the Japanese during the war for their loyalty to Britain (the Buddhists tended to favour the Japanese invaders).

The kingdom of Arakan (presumably the Rohingya kingdom you refer to) was crushed by the Burmese in 1784, who then ceded it to the British in 1826. Do you have any evidence that the British ever crushed the Rohingya?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: 51% of Japanese feel relations with South Korea are good: survey See in context

The public's perception of relations with other countries are all based on TV those daft wide-shows with noisy oafs mouthing off on things they barely understand.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Rohingya woman helping community members to adapt to life in Japan See in context

In living memory, all these peoples lived in peace within the Raj: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Burma, all under the care and protection of the King-Emperor. Good times.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Japanese foreign minister asks Rubio for exemption from Trump tariffs See in context

What about Japan's 778% tariff on rice imports?

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Posted in: A list of government web pages that have gone dark to comply with Trump orders See in context

You're gonna draw the ire of los pendejos Lord Dartmouth.

That's fine. I'm used to it. It's always better to be right than popular.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan to halt funding for U.N. women's rights panel over call to end male-only imperial succession See in context

High time. I wish Japan would cut ALL funding to the UN. It's a toxic sink of anti-western, anti-semitic, woke nonsense.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: A list of government web pages that have gone dark to comply with Trump orders See in context

Excellent news. The word 'gender' actually has no meaning with regard to human beings. It is a grammatical word and relates to masculine and feminine nouns. Humans have no gender, just sex, and they are male and female.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: Which U.S. companies are pulling back on diversity initiatives? See in context

Fantastic news. Rolling back the woke-industrial complex at record speed! Promises made, promises kept.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

Posted in: How Christian nationalism played a role in incorporating the phrase ‘so help me God’ in the presidential oath of office See in context

Yes, because everyone knows Christianity is the biggest threat facing America.....thought no one, ever.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

Posted in: Starmer visits Auschwitz and vows to fight the antisemitism he sees growing in the UK See in context

For once, I agree with Starmer. Sadly, though, his policies are actually boosting anti-Semitism.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Posted in: Musk turns on UK's Farage and says he should quit as Reform party leader See in context

Both are British heroes.

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

Posted in: Canadian PM Trudeau likely to resign this week: report See in context

See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya.

-3 ( +11 / -14 )

Posted in: New Syria PM says will 'guarantee' all religious groups' rights See in context

This man is a wanted terrorist who has masterminded massacres. But I suppose he's the right kind of terrorist for the smug liberal elites of the west.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: EU says asylum rights can be suspended for migrants 'weaponized' by Russia and Belarus See in context

The absolute shamelessness of the EU! They finally do what all Europeans want them to do, but hide behind this lame fig-leaf for fear of being accused of xenophobia or worse. Whatever happened to the rah-rah days of Merkel and 'Wir schaffen das!'? Mealy-mouthed, useless people who have failed to protect the European population! The only reason they're backtracking now is that they're terrified of a total takeover of EU member states by the right and the ensuing de facto collapse of their beloved gravy train.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Nobel Peace Prize winner urges Putin to understand destructiveness of nuclear weapons See in context

This is a bit silly. Putin knows very well how terrible nuclear weapons are, and that's why he hasn't used them.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Archbishop of Tokyo Kikuchi becomes a cardinal in Catholic Church See in context


The word 'Catholic' means 'universal', and as the world gets 'smaller' it must encompass and include people from all over the world.

I totally agree, and the Church has done that very successfully for many centuries through its extraordinary missionary activities. Nevertheless, the fundamental meaning of the Church's activities should not be forgotten. She is not in the world primarily to be some kind of club or social activist organisation, but to save souls.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Syrian rebels say they have toppled Assad in state television announcement See in context

Effectively, Syria will be controlled by the Al Nusra Front, which is basically Al Qaeda (though they deny it), and we have fools like Angela Rayner celebrating Assad's downfall. The west, in their usual ignorance, will yet again have to learn that the enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Posted in: Archbishop of Tokyo Kikuchi becomes a cardinal in Catholic Church See in context

"It is our mission to contribute to the development of the world." "I also feel there are large expectations (on me) to deliver a message of peace from the Japanese church."

OK, but is that what Catholicism is really about? I thought it was about teaching the gospel to people of all nations, baptising them, and helping them to save their their souls through the sacramental life of the Church. St Francis Xavier or St Paulo Miki would not recognise this new social justice version of Catholicism.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Himeji Castle entry fees to more than double for nonresidents See in context

It might be cleverer to word it as a discount for Himeji residents.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Australian PM blames antisemitism for arson attack on synagogue See in context

It could be an inside job, to get sympathy or increase protection for their community.

Who knows?

'Wick's pencil', this is sickening accusation. I suppose they pulled off Kristallnacht for the same reason? And the Holocaust?

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Posted in: Australian PM blames antisemitism for arson attack on synagogue See in context

The mad multicultural experiment the west has been pursuing has utterly failed, and instead of admitting it, the elites double down and accuse their critics of racism and a certain kind of 'phobia'.

It's not going to end well.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Posted in: Western states assail Russia's Lavrov over Ukraine at OSCE meeting See in context

'Putin is trying to rebuild the Russian Empire/Soviet Union' is a refrain we've all heard thousands of times now. It's catchy and many people believe it and parrot it, but is it true?

Well, he's had a quarter of a century to reconstruct a Russian Empire, so I can only say that's he's not doing a very good job of it, considering he's invaded only one country so far, and that was after 22 years in power and under extreme provocation.

I know some people will shout 'What about Georgia?' but of course it wasn't quite so simple. The deranged Saakashvili ordered an indiscriminate attack on Russian peacekeeping troops in South Ossetia, and Russia, understandably, hit back hard. Lunging rapidly and deep into Georgian territory, they then completely withdrew after a few weeks. Empire-building? Not terribly impressive.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: French government collapses after no-confidence vote, deepening political crisis See in context

GBR48, people who do not vote are irrelevant; they lose any right to complain, and cannot be pointed to in an attempt to undermine the legitimacy of a duly elected government. I loathe the Labour government in Britain, but I recognise it as the legitimate government. The fact that they won only 33% of the vote (9,708,816 votes) is neither here nor there. By contrast, Brexit was won by the votes of 17,410,742 people - almost twice the number. In fact, Brexit was won by the largest number of votes ever recorded in our entire history on any particular issue, and 72% of all registered voters participated in the referendum. It was eight years ago; surely it's time to move on and accept the result.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: French government collapses after no-confidence vote, deepening political crisis See in context

The fascinating thing about this situation is that, however awful Macron is, he is right about the need to cut public spending. The French state is a monster, employing about a third of the nation. The pension system is unsustainable - the pension age having only just gone up to 64 from 62, and the opposition - Le Pen and Melenchon - want to bring it down again. Much as I respect Le Pen, and think that on balance she is the best choice for France, someone HAS to take drastic action to cut the debt. And when that time comes, there will be more - much more - blood on the streets, because...well...it's France.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Trump's plan for Ukraine comes into focus: Territorial concessions but NATO off the table See in context

Let's look at this coldly and honestly:

Ukraine is not our ally and never has been. We have no obligation to defend it.

The war was provoked by American neocons who deliberately ignored Putin's red lines about NATO expansion and western meddling in his backyard spelt out consistently since at least 2008.

Ukraine has only survived so far in this fight thanks to the ludicrous amount of money and materiel we've pumped into it.

The southern and eastern provinces of Ukraine are Russian in language and sympathy. They were poorly treated, and when the Ukrainian nationalists launched the American-backed 2014 coup d'etat against Yanukovych, they unsurprisingly took it as a signal to break away, knowing that the new regime would be coming in hard against them.

In the real world, when countries cannot continue an armed struggle, they sue for peace and sometime have to ceded territory. France ceded Alsace and Lorraine in 1871; Germany ceded a third of its territory in 1945; Japan ceded its whole empire and the Kuriles in 1945, etc.

In conclusion: we either stop this senseless slaughter now or continue to fund an endless bloodbath which will result of the destruction of the whole Ukrainian nation. A hard choice, but we live in the real world, and we must deal with messy realities.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Posted in: Democrats stick with Schumer as leader; their strategy for countering Trump is far less certain See in context

Chucky Schumer? Oh boy, they are really struggling, aren't they?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan museum named 'world's most beautiful' at French award ceremony See in context

That looks like some badly painted ventilation shaft covers.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: International court to begin hearings that may shape global climate litigation See in context

What a load of meaningless babble. We were told that the Maldives were sinking a while back. If that were true, why did they build a new runway for Velana International Airport a few years ago? Would you invest in a new runway if you really believed your islands had no future? I suppose they built it with the money they acquired from shaking down woke western countries.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Japanese chief of International Criminal Court lashes out at Russia, U.S. senator See in context

Lindsey Graham's description of the ICC as “a rogue and politically motivated organization” can hardly be bettered. The same goes for the whole of the UN. No one takes these people seriously. Disband the whole thing.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Posted in: Bill to legalize assisted dying in England and Wales faces heated parliamentary debate See in context

Dreadful outcome. How sad that this is the message we're sending to old people. Unloved, uncherished, unrespected: just a burden on their juniors.

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