Posted in: Kono suggests need to end reversal of Japanese names in English See in context
It matters if you have a name like, say, Ralph Lauren. All of a sudden you'd become Lauren Ralph,
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Trump tells Russia to get its troops out of Venezuela See in context
There are more in dispute than oil. Latin America has suffered decades under dictatorships that forced socialism/communism economic politics to the market. No wonder, that despite being a rich continent in termos of natural resources, it's poor and underdeveloped. What is the the point of keeping it this way? A huge market of almost a billion people kept in ignorance and poverty, exactly like Maduro is doing right now? USA wants Latin America to be rich and a partner - Latin Americans do want to buy from USA. American brands sell like hot cake, even with low consumer spending power and high import tariffs. China and Russia see this potential as well, and they want to block the rightwing wave that has reached Latin America last decade.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Apple's iPhone struggles unravel ambitions of Japan Display See in context
Truth is that Japan missed the tech bus by some 5 years - an abysmal span of time in technology. I remember that when Japan Display announced the new factory, some said it was already obsolete.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: New York Times CEO warns publishers ahead of Apple news launch See in context
It’s been two years since mostly have been reading news from Apple News, not because of the brand, but because it’s easier to select what you want to read, in a safer way, with great content. NYT is doing exactly what Blueberry did 10 years ago, missing the opportunity. BTW, NYT and WP are blocked on my News feed: too much campaigning against and for politics.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Record 2.73 mil foreign residents registered living in Japan in 2018 See in context
I have seen in three languages, from different midias, articles close to advertisement about how to immigrate to Japan, legally, once the airports are open. I wonder if Japan will be t he structured New York of the future, or the London of the ilegalls?
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: Malala urges G20 to boost funds for girls' education See in context
Her trajectory is tragic and brave. But she has embraced the wrong side of history, as one can canvass by reading her declarations. IMO, a heroine turned whiner.
0 ( +6 / -6 )
Posted in: Poll: More Americans want immigration to stay the same See in context
What amazes me more is to read here Americans supporting illegal immigration only for the sake of political ideology. They are for illegal immigrants, amongst them rapers, killers entering USA only to show disapproval to Trump’s anti-illegals politics. Can’t believe that there are Americans like that. Disgusting.
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: Mosque attacks spark outrage, fuel concern over Islamophobia See in context
It is wrong to blame Islam and it’s followed because of acts of violence perpetrated by some radicals. Just like it’s wrong to call the Catholic Church pedophile because of some priests. And it’s even more wrong to twist this tragedy to fill in a person’s political bias, as seen above. Peace, people
0 ( +5 / -5 )
Posted in: Apple says Spotify wants benefits of a free app without being free See in context
Spotify is the tick complaining about the ox not nourishing it well.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: AKB48 annual popularity contest will not be held this year See in context
I don’t know what’s is more shocking to all good citizens of the world: the tragedy of not having the general election thing, or to discover that there are experts in the field. Posting in English.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: As newspapers close throughout U.S., role of government watchdog disappears See in context
The real media now is US, politically speaking, is us. The readers. Fed directly from the sources. And the watchdog. of course, is also us. Everything that takes a sheet of paper to get done has been moving to the internet, and newspapers were slow to change. However, even the ones that were early in the process are facing problems too, due to modern journalists taking sides in almost everything. Instead of reporting reality, most are just openly campaigning for whatever reason that moves them. How can you keep reading your newspaper if one of its jornalists keeps inciting “civil desobedience”, for instance? As I heard of one. My local paper had a daily publication of 20k five years ago, but with the internet and the biased engagement in the last election, it’s bleeding and going bankrupt. It won’t be missed.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Guaido returns to Venezuela and a new phase in campaign See in context
"Maduro was elected democratically", yes, if you consider that his army forced voters to ballots - which, during vote counting, should come out with more votes to Maduro than the other options. Sorry if you get informed thru the likes of Reuters, but the real situation in Venezuela is very different from what you are posting here.
Guaidó has said many times, and is supported by neighbors that have to bear with the consequences of famine and violence of Maduro's regime, that he is interim President, until Venezuela recovers and new elections are defined. Any other situation other than the interim one would be dismissed by the Lima Group, which is the best observer of the crisis in Venezuela.
Guaidó is not in a comfortable situation, but it's the only one that Venezuelans have right now. Venezuelans are calling for a military intervention in their own country, they are desperate out of hunger, violence and assassinations, only by being opponents to Maduro's dictatorship.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: New emperor to greet public earlier than planned See in context
Hope he finally carries out the the promise he made to Masako sama upon his proposal: to make changes, for better. Hope the butterfly flies again
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Trump warns conservatives against 'socialist nightmare' in fiery 2-hour speech See in context
Trump is 100% right. What you guys don’t see is that the socialism that is warning about is the kind that is closer to US: the South American one that is already inside US territory in the voice of some Democrats. Not the Right-center Scandinavian socialism Americans of Latino ascendency think that US is an enemy (even if they’re born in US), because that’s what the likes of Chavez, Maduro, Lula, Dilma, Ortega, and all Mexicans Presidents have been sowing for decades. If you don’t abandon this hatred for Trump’s person and embrace America’s conservative mind that has made your country rich, free and prosperous, you will wake up soon to a President that will implement the horror in economy and politics. Open your eyes, guys. Venezuela was that third richest country in Latin America less than 20 years ago. Now, they have no food, no medicines, not even toilet paper. Thanks to socialism.
-10 ( +3 / -13 )
Posted in: Amazon drops New York headquarters plan amid protests See in context
ran into fierce opposition from some local politicians and community activists, including newly elected Democratic Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, whose district borders the New York site.
this Ocasio-Cortez has the potential to be America’s Maduro, she advocates for the same train on thought that has plagued Latin America: bolivarian economics (as seen in Cuba/Venezuela/Bolívia), Che-Guevara’s societal doctrination, where everyone loses but her and her partners. NY losing 25,000 jobs because of a small group of Democrats, wake up America!!!
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: 'Bohemian Rhapsody' wins at Golden Globes; Close beats Lady Gaga for best actress See in context
Did she actually mean to use that word? If so, what does she mean?
To sublimate is used in a religious sense, meaning that one is consciously dominating his/her feelings.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Apple cuts forecast, citing weak China sales amid trade tensions See in context
Apple is partially to be blamed. While the X line is superb, its average price is out of touch with reality. I have an iPhone 7, which works perfectly. When I tried an XR I wanted to upgrade instantly, but then I realized that the XR costs twice the price I paid for the 7. I think many Apple customers have done the same calculation. Hope in 2019, Apple revises its price policies. It’s hurting the company badly.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: 6 found dead in house in Miyazaki Pref; 7th body found under bridge See in context
Jesus. RIP.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Hundreds of migrants push on to U.S.-Mexico border bridge See in context
Worse than these illegals thinking, and trying, trying fo invade USA, are the Americans who think they have a right to invade their country.
0 ( +11 / -11 )
Posted in: Trump's media relationship frays more: CNN reporter's press pass suspended See in context
I don't understand why Trump take questions sessions like this. It is clear that American media, led by CNN has an agenda of portraying anyone in the WH as a criminal with a blank check, as long as they are Republicans. Trump doesn't need this sort of aggression from leftwing journalists, who choose words carefully to make a case against him. The exchange about illegal immigrants makes it clear. CNN stinks.
-8 ( +7 / -15 )
Posted in: U.S. Olympic Committee moves to disband USA Gymnastics body See in context
One have to admire the way Americans can take harsh decisions for the good of the most.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Growing caravan of migrants pushes deeper into Mexico See in context
Put the blame on these jerks who keep voting for the left in Latin America. Also, the Democrats have a good share of this, for their steady support to the likes of Maduro, Morales. It was Obama who said proudly to now incarcerated for corruption Lula “you are THE guy”, a sentence that many took as a blank check US handed to the corrupt former President
-5 ( +4 / -9 )
Posted in: Here today, ghosting tomorrow — workers just disappear See in context
I have a modern one: One day a transvestite submitted for a position in our bar. As an open minded business, we decided to hire her after a training period (like which wine goes well with what dish). She was happy and the day she was to start to a full house, she never appeared. She shunned us every way possible. Much later we learnt she said to other staff she was feeling shy. Then one night I saw her selling herself on the streets. Was shy for a bar, but not not for prostitution.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Canada, U.S. reach deal to save NAFTA as trilateral trade pact See in context
POTUS Trump undeniably has a winning hand on trade in favor of Americans and fairer deals. That’s what matters, in the end. The American Way Of Life is based on good economy, on good administrations.
-3 ( +3 / -6 )
Posted in: Japanese, American win Nobel medicine prize for cancer therapy See in context
Congratulations on such an important research. As for the literature prize, it will take years to recover from the fiascos of Bob Dylan and the in-house sexual imbróglio.
-8 ( +0 / -8 )
Posted in: Accuser of Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh agrees to testify to Senate committee See in context
Her refusal to testify under oath speaks volumes about her and the Democrats. She is lying. Probably had a derailed crush when they were younger. Democrats want damage at any cost. That’s it.
-2 ( +2 / -4 )
Posted in: The traditional beauty of Kyoto's 'geiko' and 'maiko' culture See in context
Those who can go, can't miss this. Unique and rich.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Apple iPhones get bigger and pricier; Watch turns to health See in context
The XR definitely will be a hit. Time to upgrade from my iPhone 7. Two things: when Samsung launches a new model, Samsung users don’t even bother to comment. But they do comment on Apple, angrily. I call it “inferiority syndrome”. Two: according to some posters here, Apple should never upgrade design and software. I call it “the obsolete syndrome”
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Pro- and anti- whaling nations brace for battle in Brazil See in context
It is one of the most horrendous habits that Japan practices. Whaling is as wrong as killing any other animal.
-2 ( +10 / -12 )
Posted in: Trump says U.S., Japan have begun talks on trade See in context
The world has to stop perceiving US as a customer who doesn’t have things to sell too, in order to make a living. Trump is quite right on this.
7 ( +10 / -3 )
Posted in: Japanese foreign minister asks Rubio for exemption from Trump tariffs
Posted in: Japan foreign minister stresses G7 unity toward peace in Ukraine
Posted in: Fistfights, anthem boos in stormy U.S.-Canada ice hockey clash
trump baited Japan and Japan fell for it.
Posted in: Japanese foreign minister asks Rubio for exemption from Trump tariffs