Posted in: Evacuee finds shop robbed during brief return home See in context
Alladin and others, a few gang members/young teens/criminals that went around those areas on a shopping spree do not represent the 100 + million j people . U are wrong alladin this time. As for the few rich and in power, yes, some do lie, scam and whatever to b on top and to stay on top.
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Posted in: Do you think smartphones are becoming too complicated with too many functions? See in context
The same smartphone could be very complicated if you choose to use it to its fullest potential. Or for those that just like to surf the net, email, and so on, then it is quite simple. Ive got an htc and i use it as a usb memory card, can view all office documents when sent via email, find my way on google maps navi (way better than my old iphone 3gs for some reason, because it could find my location and accurately quiet quickly) and a billion other functions I use. Oh love the app when i hear a song and want to know the artist. It is definitely the future.
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Posted in: 19-year-old man arrested for beating up woman's 5-year-old daughter See in context
I am usually all about peace and non violence. In this case however, I would love to get my hands on him in a place without fear of repracutions!
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Posted in: Netanyahu tells U.S. Congress Israel ready for painful compromises See in context
Palestinians should ONLY accept the UN 1947 proposal, Although it was so biased. In 1947 the population of Palestine was 33% jewish and 67% non. But the minority 33% got 53% of the land. Go figure. The zionists didnt accept it because they beilieve the whole of palestine should b cleansed and only jewish. And the thieving started. 67 boarder is a great compromise by the Palis. If i were them, i wouldnt accept that. I would only compromise on the 47 proposed division. It would be great to give back all stolen land by the zionests but.. Simple google search would reveal all this info on UN sites or wikip
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Posted in: Cordless chargepad See in context
I still dont get the point. The pad still has to b connected to a power source using cable. But im sure there is a reason to this gadget. Could soneone fill in what the article is missing.
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Posted in: Obama defends his Mideast peace vision to pro-Israel lobby See in context
Ihavegreatlegs, you are soo out of it. You could easily do a quick search on the creation of israel in 194? and how the thousands of arabs were expelled from their homes in order for israel to be created. Thats what the british did with support from us and ussr. I cant wait for someday someone coming to your housr grabbing you by the hair and throwing you out of your house because u will be judged as you judge. The 1967 came waaay after half the land was STOLEN. They fought for their land and lost and the punishment for trying to claim their land back is for more land to be stolen, and every year after 1967 until now 2011 are still kicking out arab farmers and building new settelements for the Russian jews and other poor jew immigrants paid by your money collected as taxes if you happen to b an american. And i really do hope one day someone robs you of everything so you can maybe understand the plight of the palestinians. I wonder if you would have the stones to fight back, pun intended.
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Posted in: Man attempts robbery; flees after being told to go find job See in context
cactusJack, I actually enjoyed this article. News doesnt always have to be sad. In fact its nice to read funny stories such as this one. One thing I would agree on is that it shouldnt be on the main page
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Posted in: Palestinians more skeptical about Mideast talks See in context
Molenir, u and a few powerful the US feel that way as opposed to the REST OF THE WORLD (billions of people). Israe is just lucky to have those few powerful people controling the way a superpower like the US leans on this matter. This is another example how a powerful few can control the masses even beyond their borders.
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Posted in: Netanyahu rejects Obama's idea on borders See in context
Just like in Japans case, once all those baby boomers/old school farts retire and younger generations take office, much change is forseen. The younger israeli generation hate the fact they have to join the army, be involved in the unhumane treatment of pals at check points and raids. They want this to be over with as much as the pals. Just the few powerful old farts that seem to control the masses.
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Posted in: Obama addresses Arab world; urges Israel to go back to 1967 borders See in context
Can everyone see the result of the israeli master plan in the last 20 or more years of building ¨illegal settelements in the west bank¨ ? They have always known there would one day b 2 states, and by building those settelemts with 300,000 or so living there now, they can say what netanyahoo. For those who argue about the spoils of war, why cant the israelies do what the americans had done with japan and germany...
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Posted in: Disasters send Japanese economy back into recession See in context
So glad they added thst last part about consumer spending and too bad they cut out the part about exports being less than 15% of the j economy( go to bbc for the full articlr). Cant wait to hear from other posters try to claim that exports is what drives the j economy. Pfff. If it isnt for those moms eating out and shopping, dads out drinking and youngsters at izakayas and hostesses, people buying a new car every 4-10 years and the souvenir giving culture, japan would be in a very dark place. Keep spending people!!
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Posted in: Heartbroken Kobe man stabs ex-girlfriend, three policemen See in context
Umm, that should teach the officers a lesson or two. I wish i could say more should get stabbed to teach them a lesson in breaking hearts and using people, but then u would end up with most of the popul in hospitals. Love is very serious so please people act responsibly!
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Posted in: Schwarzenegger reveals he had child with staffer See in context
Who wants to bet shes not the first. It could b another tiger...yanee, good point.
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Posted in: Vacuum cleaner good for liquid spills See in context
Id love to buy one and that price is pretty good, the problem is finding a place to store it, especially in j homes!!
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Posted in: 'Talent' Miyu Uehara dead after apparently hanging herself at home See in context
For some of us who dont LIE, CHEAT, are CONSIDERATE, and LOVING in nature, have a truely truely difficult time trying to reason why we should continue on living. Its is difficult enough to find a good mate with the traits mentioned above, let alone a soul mate (who we are attracted to), especially in this land of sexual sin.
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Posted in: Wireless speaker See in context
I can see it selling. Will it b directly conpeting with the wireless headphones?
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Posted in: Prime Minister Naoto Kan is facing calls from both within his party and from opposition parties to resign. Do you think his days are numbered? See in context
Yes. on another note, how did koizumi do it??
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Posted in: Men act stupid when talking to beautiful women, study shows See in context
and i thought i was the only one that gets flustered around women im attracted to, which doesnt mean just beautiful. There are many beautiful women im not attracted to....ETC! that one is for you Z
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Posted in: Japan's Christians celebrate Easter amid disaster See in context
although i agree with you ironchef on the suffering to a certain degree, the 24,000 who died wont have the chance to suffer and grow into a stronger person. Neither would the ones who are severely physically health wise suffering.
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Posted in: Israel deploys rocket defense system against Gaza See in context
You must b kiddn if ur trying to include israel as part of ur peaceful and righteous. They are as much to blame for the viscious hatred cycle as their arab cousins. But definitely shalom to other nations like canada.
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Posted in: Kagawa Univ associate professor and kenpo black belt punches woman See in context
Bogva, lets take it a bit more extreme to make my point. Would u allow a murderer, thief, or a rapist to continue working at school? .No. same thing goes for a violent person that cant control their anger.Ur private life has everything to do with ur work. After all, its the same person (attitude, charqcterc, decision making) at work or at home. Bob, there are appaling people with no manners in every country. To say most of japanese people have no manners IS appaling. Again, the hypocracy.
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Posted in: Tokyo shoppers clean store shelves of basic goods See in context
Debucho, i live 400km south west of tokyo. Although u could still buy the expensive water from convinience stores, all the water at every supermarket, drug store...are all out. I usually drink bottled water to begin with so now im forced to dust off my brita filter.
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Posted in: Israel retaliates against Hama for deadly Jerusalem bus blast, rocket attacks See in context
This is gettn old. Pro israelies will say they have to defend themselves. Pro palestinians will say they are fighting for freedom and thats the only method tjey have to fight with. Pro israelies can argue till, but if u dont see it from the pro palestine side (which is to get out of the getto called gaza, and i love the hypocracy), its useless. Again, it is what it is. I just wish the palestinians would take a more gandhi approach to gaining their independence.
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Posted in: Two men steal quake donation money from Fukuoka 'gyudon' restaurant See in context
And yes mr dog, that would b a great idea. Ive been using reverse phsycology/unorthodox methods for most of my life. People should try it some time. When one expects a punishment but receives the conplete opposite, it does wonders. Again, i speak out of experience and thus quite confident in my comments. I just hope the so called experts posting do speak out of experience of living it or first hand involvement and not just what u read or see. As we all know the saying, believe nothing you hear and half of what u see.
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Posted in: Two men steal quake donation money from Fukuoka 'gyudon' restaurant See in context
For those that think harsh punishment is the only answer ur way mistaken. From my experience and friends and tv shows like opra :) kids who get punished by beatings from a belt etc does not achieve anything. Actually it fuels the hate and erases the wrongdoing. And so the cycle continues. Ive worked at at a school just for the truobled kids. They pick up chairs and throw them, kick tjings, scream and so on. This school is a dormotory live in style from first grade elementary to 3rd grade junior high. They have daily one on one therapy and let me tell u, by the time they graduate its unreal how much theve changed. No jails like N.A. or other parts of tje world for youth who become worse off than they first went in as we all know and again i know from seeing it first hand. Talk to me only if uve experienced abuse urself for doing sonething wrong or dealt first hand using YOUR methods of punishment and tell me your success stories.
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Posted in: Two men steal quake donation money from Fukuoka 'gyudon' restaurant See in context
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Posted in: Two men steal quake donation money from Fukuoka 'gyudon' restaurant See in context
Ok, i was exagerating to make a point at how most of you guys sound with a pitch in one hand and who knows what worse in the other. So they stole some coin. But to go as far as throwing them in a fire from hell and who knows what disturbing punishment methods u harsh posters were recommending is just absurd and sinking lower than the young teenage not knowing any better kids. If i had a dollar for every naughty thing, like stealing, i had done when i was younger id b rich. However, i turned out to b nicer, more generous, more understanding, caring, forgiving than most who hadnt done the shiat i did. As another poster mentioned, its bound to happen, people should be careful of the other scams that will b going on. One love hommies.
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Posted in: Two men steal quake donation money from Fukuoka 'gyudon' restaurant See in context
Eaaaasy people. They are dumb kids. They dont deserve anything but a talk. The ones saying they should rot in hell or or in my opinions are the evil ones. U havebt the slightest clue why one would steal but logically, its because someone does not have enough. Instead of jumping on their throats i would give them double what they took to help them out and to talk. People stop being so evil and negative.
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Posted in: Radiation detected in Fukushima milk, Ibaraki spinach after nuclear accident See in context
AdamB, everyone can feel ur negativity. Stop twisting the news. All the article is saying is, if u drank milk or eaten spinish from there not to worry (due to small dosage), but to stop eating that shait. Simple.
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Posted in: Musk's tactics frustrate some White House senior officials
Bringing rice to Japan is like carrying coals to Newcastle... I do that too.
Posted in: Japan to release 210,000 tons from rice reserves due to surging prices
Posted in: Anger, chaos and confusion in U.S. take hold as federal workers face mass layoffs
Great article--DEI and climate change.
Posted in: Hawaii is the rainbow capital of the world. Here's what that means