Japan Today

lovejapan9 comments

Posted in: Praying man See in context

For the tsunami and quakes, we have known many people were dead and missing so far. That means more wandering souls over this region based on the religion's concepts and believes so that Monks and other priests visit these areas on their wills to have prayers for these lost souls - they were dead suddenly without their relatives' presence and cares. In the picture JT post ... it is just one moment ... there are 60 second for one minute, 60 minutes for an hours, and 24 hours for a day, 7 days for a week, and 30 days or more for a month. If you are living in a cozy family, please respect other people, no matter their religions are. Thanks JT, people are moving forward.

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Posted in: TV, entertainment industry facing major crunch See in context

“Due to the mood of self-restraint, Japan’s entertainment world has probably been hit the hardest,”

business owners and managers may find more solutions now to keep their positive books.

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Posted in: Kamikochi Imperial Hotel to open April 26 for spring-summer season See in context

Depending on a business deal, business partners have to choose appropriate business venues for business talks. Kamikochi Imperial Hotel is not an affordable class to backpackers or regular tourists. But the CEO and marketing department know who are primary and frequent guests and customers.

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Posted in: Searchers See in context

Kentaro75, you can check at WHO website

Possibility and scientific reports are not final facts in reality, but you can check with other resources for your safety concerns.

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Posted in: Searchers See in context

And, you have to wear a diaper.

With your statement, I believe you are from the moon ... How many foreigners, including diplomats are living in ... less than 80km radius or in Tokyo, what are they thinking and feeling ... ?

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Posted in: Searchers See in context

Unless I was a Fukushima Daiichi plant or rescue worker with full radiation-protective gear,I wouldn't be within 80 km of that nuke plant.

If you are the prime minister, your comment will scare all Japanese people and make a chaos in Japan. There are more reasons to stay or move south ... There are more scientific reports for safety and information to inform people where to live, work and do social works.

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Posted in: Facebook looks to strengthen media partnership See in context

Such move can boost Facebook stock prices or market values temporarily. But we need to get down to business discussion now for how to make a deal.

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Posted in: Kamikochi Imperial Hotel to open April 26 for spring-summer season See in context

It is a great experience to stay in this hotel.

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Posted in: Nice day See in context

The landscape is exposing the nature with blossoming cherries and people's busy activities. She has a date today. He has promised to see her and invite for a lunch at a nearby restaurant.

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