Japan Today

lucksi comments

Posted in: Tokyo begins taxi service trial with starting fares of 410 yen See in context

With 410 yen for the first 1059 nd 80 yen for each additional 237 meters; it sounds like Japan is using some weird measurement system and the numbers come from converting it to metric.

But they don't, so this makes no sense whatsoever.

Why not simply 400 yen for the first 1000 meters and 100 yen for each additional 300 meters?

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Posted in: Documentary looks at why Japanese parents let young kids walk to school by themselves See in context

Let's see:

Kindergarten: I went there alone on foot after my mom showed me where it is and how to cross roads safely (very short distance) Elemetary school: I went there alone and on foot High school: I went there alone on foot and by bus Apprenticeship: See above until I had a car.

As was the norm for any kid growing up in the 70s and 80s in Germany. And this gave me independence. If I wanted to visit any fair or any event, I used public transportation. My parents had no problem with letting me ride the train unattended for hour long journeys. Once I was grown up and actually had a car I could check out places further away without worrying to get lost. And much later I visited Japan without having booked tours or speaking/reading the language and in the first week even without having a smartphone. Yes, I took the wrong train twice, but hey, adventure.

If I look at the school run in the US nowadays, I can only shake my head.

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