Japan Today

lutfreak comments

Posted in: Environmental crises bad but not always fatal for businesses See in context

The reason Bhopal had so many deaths was the India government. The area around the plant was supposed to be a residence free area for accidents like that. But the India government allowed thousands of people squat there illegally without clearing them out. So when a not too unpredictable accident occurred, a lot of people who shouldn't have even been there were killed.

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Posted in: Sexless in Japan See in context

I was reading the article and replies thinking about the severe shortage of babies in Japan. Although not much mentioned here, it would seem that mostly Japanese women and girls don't want babies. After all, one guy can get 50 to 100 girls pregnant. So there are enough guys out there. I've heard that the marrage rate in Japan is quite high, but most married couples have no offspring. The Japanese are quite poor, considering how little food and housing they get for their money, but still better off than third worlders, who have much bigger families. Some have written that the poor in Japan have fewer kids than the better off. Is it true? This is very different from the U. S. In the U. S. the poorer off have more kids. You can see it primarily in the number of single teen girls in poorer neighborhoods that get pregnant and carry their babies to term. Is this not true in Japan? Having a baby gives a girl a feeling of fulfillment and purpose. Why are not more Japanese girls interested? They once were.

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Posted in: Which side do you think looks more in the wrong following Wednesday's clash between Sea Shepherd and Japanese whalers? See in context

I think the pirates (Sea Shepherd and company) are wrong. They deliberately interfere with and threaten (cable to entangle the propellers of a ship, etc.) sailing on the high seas. If they are not listed as a terrorist organization, they should be. That is their technique. I think the whaling ships should shoot holes in their boats to repel them. There are legal ways to protest things you think are wrong. The whale population is recovering well from what I have heard.

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Posted in: Woman held for taking indecent photos of 6-yr-old daughter for sale See in context

I would guess that the woman had no husband or boyfriend from the lack of mention. I would guess the woman was rather desperate for money. It could be the photos were merely really sexy and the girl didn't mind being photographed. Pornography does NOT lead to other crimes ('Report of the Commission on Obscenity and Pornography', 1970) and, in my opinion, should be legal. I hope the mother does NOT go to jail and is NOT separated from her kid. In the U. S., when a kid is snatched from her parent, she is put in a foster home, with often rather bad results. I don't know what usually happens in Japan. I haven't heard of orphanages in Japan.

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Posted in: 57-year-old Saitama tax chief arrested for taking pictures of naked 9-year-old girl See in context

Maybe he just thinks little naked and semi-naked girls are cute, as Annie Liebovitz, above, does. I can see that. There are lots of naked little kids in classic European pantings. I can't see little boys being cute. They catch cats and put lighter fluid on them and light them and knock other little kids down, etc. Some parents don't like their kids being photographed. And if he ever thought of doing a commercial exhibit, he would have to go through the great hassle of getting permission of all the parents.

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