Japan Today

lynnk comments

Posted in: 146 Japanese lawmakers visit Yasukuni shrine See in context

China can complain only after they withdraw, apology and compensate from tibet, uygur and step back from taiwan.

Korea played victim but more than 800,000 korean applyed for japanese military voluntarily and many of them who passed the screening fought with japanese

What a hypocrites

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Posted in: Abe says Obama just wanted to talk trade at sushi dinner See in context

Gee abe did not say “It was all about work,” he only said he talked about work a lot. Seriously this irresponsible reporter must b either didn't pay enough attention or wanted to give twisted impression by exaggerating to make article to crave attention.

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Posted in: Justin Bieber says sorry after visiting Yasukuni shrine See in context

Chinese and korea attacks for who visited for yasukuni so make them look like victim so they can get more compensation and justify occupying japanese island.

We all know who is real militarist and what happened in Tibet and uygur, don't we?

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Posted in: Marchers in Ikebukuro fete Hitler's 125th birthday anniversary See in context

This reporter forgot to tell how big this group was There rmore tan 120 mio population in this country

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Posted in: South Korea ferry death toll tops 100 See in context

Well don't forget to blame the current owner of the ship cuz they promised the japanese seller that they will only use it for a display for water park. Spent only 500 usd a year for safty.

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Posted in: South Korea ferry death toll tops 100 See in context

They made extra guest rooms that brought extra 239t and extract 50t side lamp so they can put more cargo in front also, That made the center of gravity higher and unstable The conversion was done by small new company has no experience and sluppy safty test They need a new regulation and decent standard To make the best out of this tragedy

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Posted in: South Korea ferry death toll tops 100 See in context

Wrong ship, was sold for display, wrong conversion, makes the center of gravity higher, wrong course, the 5th fastest tide in the world Too much cargo, 3-4 times hevier than it's limit wrong captain and crews, with no experience and trained Wrong police which never tell the truth Wrong government which didn't take the US and japanese offer, Feel really sorry for all passengers

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Posted in: Officials vague on rumor Japanese support was refused for S Korean ferry See in context

US navy stopped their practice and waited for go sign so as japanese so their offer were wasted morelikely.

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Posted in: Officials vague on rumor Japanese support was refused for S Korean ferry See in context

Suga didn't say the offer was refused, all he said was the offer was turned down,

This irresponsible reporter should have studied japanese language not to cause misunderstanding and unnecessarly attacking

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Posted in: Abe offers sympathy, help to S Korea over ferry disaster See in context

**japanese has well trained divers and ship who specialized in resque from sinkin ship. Prob the best and most experienced in a world

It must have made so much difference on the no. Of survivers if they accepted as soon as they got offer. Cuz they have been all waiting for go sign from korea still now

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