Posted in: Diamond Princess leaves Japan for Malaysia See in context
Have never taken a cruise before in my time & will never now.
6 ( +6 / -0 )
Posted in: 2 Chinese ships chase Japanese fishing boat near Senkaku Islands See in context
Here's a checklist for Abe:
1) Pull out all Japanese businesses out of China
2) Complete the conversion of the 2 helicopter destroyers to take the F35
3) Put up a military presence on Senkaku
4) Chase any Chinese Coast Guard & fishing boats away from Senkaku waters
16 ( +18 / -2 )
Posted in: Koike asks Tokyo restaurants, pubs to shut by 8 p.m. See in context
She knows the coronavirus wakes up at 8pm to do it's dastardly act!
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: What’s behind Japan’s surprisingly low coronavirus numbers? See in context
I am rather familiar with the Japanese way of life and to answer the question, I have to say it's the typical Japanese sense of cleanliness imbued into the culture. Japanese washes their hands, at least the wives & kids and the majority of the husbands, when they return home and before meals and after toilet. There's no hiding of figures like the PRC Chinese are doing. I have also learned this habit while living with a Japanese wife for 25yrs, especially as I myself am a fastidious cleanliness freak.
-5 ( +5 / -10 )
Posted in: Oscars, movies help pass the time on cruise ship quarantined in Yokohama See in context
Shouldn't these people be made to pay at least some of the cost for keeping them there?
-13 ( +1 / -14 )
Posted in: Prosecutors probe 2 Americans for allegedly helping Ghosn escape See in context
The 2 Americans will be extradited. PM Abe will talk to Trump, "We'll pay more of the military cost provided these 2 are handed over". In the US, no one cares about Ghosn unlike in France or Lebanon.
5 ( +10 / -5 )
Posted in: Manager at Turkish jet operator says he helped Ghosn escape because of threats See in context
Now that the escape is done, every one involved will come up with how he or she was forced, threatened, hoodwinked unknowingly. If further investigations are conducted, it will be shown that their bank accounts have been added to generously recently. I followed Ghosn's case quite sympathetically at first, now I'm not so sure about his innocence. Unfortunately the Japanese authority have been conned and in any country anywhere else, heads would roll. We are also now reminded that this is the Tokyo Olympic year. Even the decades-old Tsukiji fish market have been moved out to Toyosu to make way for this great event. An event of the Tokyo Olympic, the marathon, have been moved to Sapporo, for God's sake! Move this criminal out of Japan! Banzai! Meeting over...
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Ghosn met Lebanese president after fleeing Japan See in context
Carlos Ghosn need to be out of Japan as 2020 rolls in. The spotlight of a Ghosn trial in Japan does not go well with the upcoming Olympic Games. I understand the Japanese foreign Minister was in Lebanon a short while ago, probably for a last minute discussion. It was agreed that the Japanese authority will let the great escape take place during the year-end holiday period. There is no mystery about this.
6 ( +8 / -2 )
Posted in: IOC wants men's marathon on final day of 2020 Games: Coates See in context
Tokyo 2020 Olympics is an excellent occasion to use the MagLev trains to transport the marathon runners from Sapporo to Tokyo for the medal award at the closing ceremony. Just imagine, 'Live-streaming' from the moment they get on the train at Sapporo and disembark at Tokyo.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Mitsubishi to shut Singapore oil-trading unit after losses by trader See in context
The name Wang Xingchen sounds like he is PRC Chinese. On further checking, he is indeed Chinese, not Singaporean. It is such a shame that up to 50 employees of the company might lose their jobs because of him. Singapore is a very safe place for foreign companies to do business here and I hope Japanese companies will not be 'turned off' to operate from Singapore due to this incident.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: U.S. upset by ASEAN's 'effort to embarrass' Trump via partial boycott See in context
Skipping the meeting himself and getting a downgrade for his appointee upsets Trump. He's like a 10yr old who decides to send his teenage brother to an invited birthday party and gets upset the teenage brother was ignored. He then disinvite himself to all future parties to punish the host. TRUMP is not fit to be the POTUS.
12 ( +14 / -2 )
Posted in: Stand and be delivered: Japan's evolving escalator etiquette See in context
Changing how people should use the escalators is an evolving process and it will not begin to work for next year. It will actually create unnecessary confusion during the 2020 Olympics. Stick with the present system but increase the number of signages is the way to go.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Japanese researchers develop briefcase-sized dialysis machine See in context
Although many would have wondered when such a device will be available, it is coming soon. Well done Japanese medical scientists! This is a much better achievement than some countries with the largest submarine or the fastest hypersonic missiles.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan, Russia at odds on starting economic projects on disputed isles See in context
Japan should not be duped into these Northern Territories project. Russia, under Putin is trying to pull such an obvious scam. Imagine you occupy other country's territory & you ask them to invest free money into developing them & not returning them.
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: Crown prince says royal duties need review as members decline See in context
The younger brother is starting to show what was written in the 'gossip mags' about his antipathy of big brother & wife, now Emperor & Express. Masako-sama's illnesses are not entirely imaginary, some think. Many would side with the big brother & wife. Long live the Emperor & Empress!
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: Japanese tanker hit in Gulf attacks heads to port See in context
Imagine, Japan PM Shinzo Abe has just left Iran & this happens to a Japanese tanker!
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: The kids aren't alright: Japan struggles to protect its most vulnerable children See in context
I am still shocked after reading this article. How can an advanced country like Japan which I admire so much allowed such a case like Miwa to happen & there must be many more! I get the blues just going to 3 months of stay-in military training in Singapore. For a 6yr old to be taken away by case-workers, away from her mother for 8years, this is criminal!
7 ( +9 / -2 )
Posted in: Young swimmers See in context
Swim, baby salmon, swim, I want that sashimi...
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: New emperor faces big challenge following in his father's footsteps See in context
Now that he is Emperor, the 'rumours' of disrespect to Emperor Naruhito & Empress Masako from Naruhito's younger brother & wife will hopefully cease........
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: 'Made by war criminals' label proposed for some Japanese-made items in S Korean schools See in context
As a South-East Asian, I find these South Korean tendencies to continously bring up anti-Japanese hatred very childish & political in nature. South Korea is not the only Asian country to suffer under Japanese occupation. But these took place more than 60-70yrs ago. You question what selfish motives these South Koreans have. It is a good thing other more level-headed South Koreans are speaking up against these imbecile actions. One suspects money & politics is involved. They should focus their time & energy into the K-pop sexual harassment accusations coming out. Those K-pop pretty boys are too good to be true, in my opinion.
11 ( +16 / -5 )
Posted in: S Korean assembly speaker says apology needed from Japanese emperor See in context
Other countries in Asia have suffered under the Japanese during WWII and have forgiven or got over it. Why can't South Korea do the same?
24 ( +31 / -7 )
Posted in: Nissan's second thoughts on UK-made SUV add to Brexit worry See in context
The people of Sunderland who voted for BREXIT, 61% of them, cannot blame anyone but themselves.
7 ( +12 / -5 )
Posted in: S Korea accuses Japanese patrol plane of threatening flight See in context
If SK claims that the Japanese plane is flying too low, then show the picture or video. Don't tell us they do not have one, even cars on our roads are being video-taped for transgression. I have this feeling SK is just trying to shield their sailors from scrutiny & hope this blows over OR a big country nearby is behind this & they are thinking of tourism.
17 ( +21 / -4 )
Posted in: S Korean 'forced labor' plaintiffs seek Nippon Steel asset seizure, paper reports See in context
SK seems to be doing what PRC is silently urging them to do, otherwise the Chinese tourism trade will not resume fully. Doing the gardening for your hated neighbor so they'll stop throwing rubbish over into your garden.
7 ( +11 / -4 )
Posted in: Taiwan reunification with China 'inevitable,' says Xi See in context
Just imagine a concerted defense put up followed by guerilla warfare, it will be bloody & there will be no outright winner. The Chinese diaspora around the world will be mobilized into the fight. Again, no winner here.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Policeman leaves pistol in Osaka convenience store toilet See in context
A gun has considerable weight when worn in a holster attached to a belt. Funny after doing his business and walking out, he did not notice the weight difference.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Grown children surprised to find their fathers absorbed in internet rightwing sites See in context
I know of an Asian immigrant in the US who settled well in white suburbia, USA. This person is now so pro-Trump I couldn't believe how living in the USA can change a previously non-political person so much. During the presidential election campaign, my every worrying comment about Trump was met with 'Oh, crooked Hillary is bad' and so on. Every discussion about Trump was met with 'crooked Hillary' rebuttal! In my mind, this person of yellow skin must be thinking 'I'm an associate white USA citizen now, I must support Trump & the building of the border wall and Mexico is paying for it'. Worrying times for all of us.
2 ( +5 / -3 )
Posted in: Nissan executive pay may have topped ¥3 bil cap in FY2017 See in context
How can the company Nissan not be charged together with the top executives?
10 ( +10 / -0 )
Posted in: IAEA urges rapid decision on treated water at Fukushima See in context
So, no one have thought about consulting China or Russia how they dispose of radio-active waste water?
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Mayor of Japan’s Conan town to Conan O’Brien: 'If you want the money, come visit' See in context
Some Japanese hair product company will soon have a gel name 'Conan - strong permanent hair gel', then O'brien can ask for some yen.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Judge finds Trump administration hasn’t fully followed his order to unfreeze federal spending
Posted in: Judge finds Trump administration hasn’t fully followed his order to unfreeze federal spending
Posted in: Japan's total debt hits record ¥1,317 tril in 2024