Japan Today

madmel comments

Posted in: Mother, 6-year-old daughter in coma after two cars collide head-on See in context


Ya know I cannot rememer what car it was but it was a private Kei Car but it didn't have them. The other thing that blew me away is the car seat the people just bought didn't have the hooks and strap to use them anyways. Only seat belt. Its weird why the Light cars cannot be built safer as the Smart has excellent crashworthiness for the size of car.

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Posted in: Mother, 6-year-old daughter in coma after two cars collide head-on See in context

Shogun36 Dashcams are a great idea but the conspiracy people (especially the poor drivers in this groop) would say its an invasion. I think in Russia they get you a big discount on insurance that is why you see so many crazy Russian crash vids.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Mother, 6-year-old daughter in coma after two cars collide head-on See in context

Yea obvious seat belts where not used by the injured. 75 and driving is not an issue if they are tested every year. Sure the reaction times are slower but cannot be any worse than a teen texting on a phone. Read a report once that there was a head collision at highway speeds. With air bags deployed and seat belts work both occupants walked away from the crash with no injuries. Japan needs to use their cultural shaming (as is done with so many other social subjects) to get seat belts worn and get child seats used ALWAYS. My North American model 2002 Suzuki car, "built in japan" has the modern attachment points between the two cushions for child seat. I was in japan a few years ago and the cars still don't have this. Thus the baby seat flops around uselessly with the seat belt. Crazy that Japan is the Automotive paradigm and their cars don't have the same safety features as the export models for their own people.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Posted in: Man slashes supermarket employee after being refused product exchange See in context


It IS Illegal to carry a "Dangerous Weapon" (such as a knife) IF it is over 6Cm in length? (anyone, anyone) in Japan...just like it is in most countries."

Not just like in most countries. A knife regardless of length is only a "weapon" when used as such. It is a tool otherwise. In Canada and many states you can carry knives over 6cm if they are not concealed. You could walk around with a Katana if you wanted to but why would you attract that kind of attention.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Man slashes supermarket employee after being refused product exchange See in context

By the comments above is it not normal or legal to cary a pocket knife in Japan? The intent is obviously different but I have had a knife in my pocket for over 45 years. Never needed or wanted to use it in that fashion.... even when in a fight with a guy that broke into my house! I know many Japanese chefs often cary knife cases but again not for this stupidity.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Tokyo Olympic organizers eye July 2021 for start of Games: reports See in context

People will die, that is a sad probability. Locals that are used the crazy heat of Tokyo still succumb to it. Imagine people and athletes that come from places that never see over 30 C

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Tokyo Olympic organizers eye July 2021 for start of Games: reports See in context

Are you freaking kidding me. JULY in that city. If Japan wants Olympics the whole even should be up in Hokkaido. The climate way more hospitable for spectators and Athletes. That disgusting amount of heat in Tokyo will kill some people. Participants and/or competitors. I have no desire to ever visit that city in the summer. You can cook eggs on the street its so damned hot. Have the Olympics at the tail end of Cherry Blossom season. That would be better temps and would be such a beautiful time of year there.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Father gets 16 years in prison for fatal abuse of 10-year-old daughter See in context

"Chip Star" - Jail/Prison is the same thing and yes they are very comfortable in most first world nations. That I have seen. I have worked in a couple. Especially compared to the victim! They have way more luxuries than the general population is aware of. His sentence years would be fine if he was humiliated and beaten every day he was there.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Father gets 16 years in prison for fatal abuse of 10-year-old daughter See in context

If Japanese prisoners in for life are the same as here he will be taken care of once in general population. Many lifers have little tolerance for people who abuse/hurt children. I am sitting here watching my lovely 10 year old daughter playing hapily and it brings me to tears thinking of a monster doing those things to such an innocent delicate person.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Posted in: Man accused of killing 19 disabled people disrupts trial See in context

The only think to much Marijuana would have made him do would be to fall asleep in a corner after raiding their kitchen due to a bad case of the "munchies"! He is just an evil person.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: More details emerge over Kawasaki stabbing rampage, killer See in context

This obviously a mental health issue. One person commented on it always being "Men" who do these horrific things. By nature males of any species tend to be the aggressive ones. World wide we need a better handle on mental illness as these incidents happen all the time. The weapon of choice doesn't matter. Its the unstable person wielding it. I have had a swiss army knife in my pocket for 45 years. Never with any intent as a weapon. It's a tool i use daily, if not hourly. Including grade and high school. I remember teachers not restricting the fact we carried them we where told to behave properly and not carve are names on school property. Imagine that, giving us responsibility with a potentially dangerous item instead of brow beating us with "What if's"

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Trump fan See in context

What is wrong with people???? Trump is an absolute idiot. Why would the intelligent people of Japan support such a fool? A repeated failed business man. He never got the major vote...just the stupid American election system was used to his advantage. He is the biggest Joke on the planet as a leader...

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan begins last round of 'research' whaling off Pacific coast See in context

Has their bogus "research" possibly hypothesized that we as a species should stop destroying other magnificent species. There is no need for this anymore. A wealthy first world nation should not need to rape the oceans to feed themselves. They are smarter than that.

-12 ( +5 / -17 )

Posted in: Kobe city bus hits several pedestrians; 2 dead See in context

"alwaysspeakingwisdom" your information is totally flawed. I am a repair technician for a bus company. I presume this bus is diesel and most diesels do not have butterfly valves for that purpose. Acceleration in a diesel is controlled by increasing fuel delivery. I have never had this occur in my carrer with a bus. Historically it is most often it is driver error. Even the self accellerating Audi's of old where still driver error but they attributed pedal spacing wasn't as good as it could have been.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: Air transport to and from Tokyo disrupted by cold snap See in context

"And you don't think that maybe Calgary has more experience and infrastructure for dealing with snowfall than Tokyo does?"

I was referring to the airline industry not the guy sweeping the water. Its a Couple hour flight from Calgary to Vancouver and they typlically have Osaka like weather all winter, Vicotria more so and the airports handle inclemate weather no problem...but then your on your own as the two cities have minimal snow removal equipment so you just can't drive anywhere safely.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan to ban use of plastic straws, cutlery in gov't cafeterias See in context

Any effort by government towards environmental benifit is a good thing. Plastic in itself is not the huge issue. It's the single use plastics that get thrown out by the tons every minute on the planet that are the problem. However when that rice cooker dies or any other appliance it needs to have a path to get recycled. The three "R's" of the recycling triangle suggest we reduce and re-use FIRST. Recyle is the last one as its the most expensive and wasteful energy wise. The first poster is so wrong about Japan being a good recycler....they are far from it. For decades it just got bulldosed into the ocean or exported. I would say Germany has made a good step in the right direction. The manufacturer is resposible for the waste...NOT the consumer. They have a taxation penalty for the waste.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Air transport to and from Tokyo disrupted by cold snap See in context

Well near Banff it was -38 the other day and flights out of Calgary never had any issues? Oh and they got a bunch of snow also half meter I think before that.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: 3 Japanese schools believed to have kept human skulls for teaching See in context

My first reaction was SO WHAT! Every medical school had full bodies that are worked on for education. I found a Skull in the trunk of a cusotmers car by accident. It fell out of a case/presentation box by accident. It had the top cut off and the top was attached by a hinge. I also knew his first name was "Dr." So it was a non issue. He even appologized to us for leaving it there but then we asked him to explain what it was for....learned a lot that day. All the grandiose conjecture in this thread is stupid.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: Hope, anxiety in Japan over opening up to more foreign workers See in context

Japan's demographics disaster that was predicted 25-30 years from now is already happening...wow, scary. The inability to afford to have families in Japan is probably a huge contributing factor to the extremely low birth rate. Young couples area afraid to have families as they have good incomes for themselves but if the women cannot also get good paying jobs in their child bearing years they cannot afford a family. There are some good programs for kids to help the parents both work, yet they could use some improvement. They really need to get off the discriminatory bahaviour toward women and age. You need to employ and empower your own people before opening the flood gates to foreign workers as the instant answer.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: China's plastic waste import ban pushes rich nations to rethink trash options See in context

HELLO CHina, you manufactured a good portion of the single use plastics you should take it back! The waste packaging should have origin identification and it should go back to them. Germany has a heafty levy/tax on packaging waste. THe onus is on the retailers (and indirectly the manufacurers) for the waste, not the consumer. I think its a policy many countries could implement.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan to set up panel to tighten drinking rules after pilot scandals See in context

There is other accountability with coworkers here as well. Someone who hasn't drank for a day or so could smell his breath from 10 paces....don't sweep in under the carpet and gossip about the jerk. You have the right to remove him from his position.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan to set up panel to tighten drinking rules after pilot scandals See in context

Pilots strutting their stuff like that was dealt with decades ago in most western countries. In Canada its 12 hours bottle to throttle for pilots. This seems like not an isolated incident...they should be shamed publicly for such disregard for other people and lose their pilots licence and drivers licence for the rest of their life. They do not deserve the privilege of driving a car let alone a 350,000 kg aircraft with hundreds of people on board.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Nintendo wins court battle over Mario go-karting See in context

Very cool! I am so glad Nintendo sued them so an international article was written about them. Myself and others would have no idea this fun thing is an option in Japan. Thanks Nintendo! Now there business is just going to double in size with the free publicity. I agree its stupid dangerous with vehicles so low to the ground on busy streets of Japan.....but being a Karting enthusiast I am so envious of the flexibility of being able to not get harrased by Police for driving around (a safer area that busy Tokyo) on the streets.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Trump rebukes Japan over nontariff barriers against American cars See in context

I would love to see North America try and produce a RHD car with a 660cc engine that can scoot along at 80 KPH with four people in it (this is the most common car in Japan)?! Everything we have here in Canada has huge engines by comparison to do the same job. I have seen city transit buses in Japan that have the same size engine as my wife's mini van. Diesel vs. gas...but still! There again we call a Caravan a "mini" van...there is absolutely nothing MINI about it. The mere narrative of our auto industry says we don't understand the Japanese market. Look the the modern "Mini" Cooper....its huge compared to the original BL Mini. Japan has full fleged mini vans with dual sliding doors that are the same size as the new cooper.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Boarding now for a flight from Tokyo to Paris that never takes off See in context

To get the h real feeling they could have just chopped a retired air frame apart to make it look realistic. This would be the first flight in Japan that would have leg room for people over 6'! My femers are to long for Japanese seat spacing....the person reclines their seat and my knee caps come off.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: 3 die in house fire in Iwate Prefecture See in context

The need to police it or use public shaming/guilting (something the Japanese culture has perfected) or simply advertising to get compliance. I do not recall ever seeing one in any home I visited (and I wasn't shy to tell them the importance of it) in Japan. We are talking about very old wood (read tinder boxes) homes that burn fast. In Canada you would be hard pressed to see a home without one or two smoke detector. My home has Co detector as well. These deaths would have been prevented for $30.00....pretty ridiculous and and a sad waste.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: 5 elderly people killed in apartment building fire in Osaka Pref See in context

That would make sense that is is mandated but like child seats there is little if any enforcement. There is also not a public education campaign at all. I have never seen smoke detectors in anyones home. There could not have been smoke detectors in the above complex or there would not have been as many casualties if any.

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Posted in: 5 elderly people killed in apartment building fire in Osaka Pref See in context

There could not have been any smoke detectors. For crying out loud when are they going to mandate that is Japan....ESPECIALLY in all the wood frame structures. It's such a waste of life over a $30.00 device.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan should be capable of building nuclear weapon: LDP's Ishiba See in context

Now there is a reason to have more outdated weapons. There is NO nuclear defence against nuclear weapons...geesh hasn't he seen all the doomsday movies depicting this? Besides the US navy has plenty of them why waste your time and energy making your own. Nuclear weapons use = Humans Extinct ...and most other living things.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: Mother, son perish in Toyama house fire See in context

All it takes is a 30.00 smoke detector to prevent these constant tragedies in Japan (and elsewhere). Simple mandate and tell the people they are irresponsible to not have one and they will comply. Many houses are old wood frame houses and are so tinder dry they burn fast and hot. A smoke detector lets you know right away to get the hell out of the house. Also there is seldom a second/3rd floor egress. They can design giant sky scrapers to handle scary earthquakes but cannot get people to use smoke detectors...just nuts.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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