Posted in: Biden issues an executive order restricting U.S. investments in Chinese technology See in context
Fascist China's economy is about to implode. That's why fascist Pooh Bear Xi wants to start a war with Taiwan.
Galtieri tried a similar thing when his dictatorship was teetering on the brink.
The US should be supported squeezing fascist regimes. They suck.
5 ( +8 / -3 )
Posted in: 'Of course' Trump lost 2020 election, DeSantis says after years of hedging See in context
At some point the spineless GOP will turn on the outrageous victim they call D J Trump.
If only so they can hijack his bandwagon.
More humiliation for the insane party faithful. It's a bottomless barrel for these people.
5 ( +7 / -2 )
Posted in: Ukraine hails Jeddah talks as blow to Russia; China says it's staying impartial See in context
I know Russia has been getting their invading asses kicked by a tiny country.
More humiliation coming for fascist Russia and her fascist loving cheerleaders.
Even fascist China seems to be desperately looking for a way to extract itself from the Russian abortion in Ukraine. Who could blame them?
8 ( +14 / -6 )
Posted in: Mystery in Dubai as mega-wheel stops turning See in context
"no russian passports found nearby?"
Did the Russians build it ?
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Too hot for K-pop as South Korea scrambles to save scout jamboree See in context
Demanding children "be prepared" in a heatwave lacking shade and living in tents seems a tad unreasonable, even for you keyboard warriors.
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: North Korea leader Kim Jong Un gives field guidance at major arms factories See in context
Shame we don't get a slo-mo video of the chubster pumping out those rounds to see flabby jowls jiggle for fun. Maybe get Putin with his old man boobies out too.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: China wants to mobilize entire nation in counter-espionage See in context
What a miserable regime.
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: U.S. announces Taiwan weapons package worth up to $345 million See in context
"Everything angers China. Even Winnie the Pooh and blank pieces of paper. "
This, this and this.
6 ( +10 / -4 )
Posted in: Moscow blames Kyiv for missile attack in southern Russia as Kremlin forces pound Ukrainian village See in context
Poor little Russia and its' tinpot army/dictator
2 ( +10 / -8 )
Posted in: Hunter Biden's plea deal on hold after federal judge raises concerns over the terms of the agreement See in context
Hunter seems a bit of a loser. Like Tiny don Jr.
Witchhunt? Or do only the insane Republicans get to play that victim card?
-5 ( +2 / -7 )
Posted in: Thousands of Afghan beauty salons to close as Taliban deadline bites See in context
The Taliban just like hairy girls that smell of goat perfume.
What a strange culture they have. What a turd regime.
8 ( +10 / -2 )
Posted in: New Zealand justice minister quits after being charged over car crash See in context
"Yeah, nah, it's one incident with one individual not a pattern of behaviour within the govt."
They're all the same politicians. Power hungry, self-centred individuals. And I love it when the houlier-than-thou types get caught, it's refreshing to see them squirm.
1 ( +6 / -5 )
Posted in: New Zealand justice minister quits after being charged over car crash See in context
"It's embarrassing for the NZ government. It isn't some worldwide embarrassment for leftists as you seem to think, as if all human activity is viewed through the lens of a football score about the political learnings of people who do things."
I guess you take that personally somehow, that wasn't the desired effect. She is left wing - that is fact - but more importantly the freaking justice minister of NZ. And there she was refusing to comply with the police after causing an accident. It's a classic case of "do as I say not as I do". She should go to gaol.
0 ( +4 / -4 )
Posted in: New Zealand justice minister quits after being charged over car crash See in context
Must be embarrassing - especially for the progressive lefties getting caught red-mitted in full "do as I say not as I do mode".
Causing an accident whilst drunk should be gaol.
-1 ( +6 / -7 )
Posted in: French justice is working overtime and the mood is stern after thousands of teen arrests See in context
"Are you saying France is a police state?"
The police and the gendarmes have far too much power, but it is not a police state here. I was at Arnage this weekend doing wheelspins along with everyone else who wanted to show off their cars in front of the gendarmes whilst normal cars several kms away burnt in Le Mans city centre and shops were looted. It was surreal.
As long as they aren't threatened the policing seems far more intelligent than in real police states like China or the United Kingdom.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: French justice is working overtime and the mood is stern after thousands of teen arrests See in context
"You can't deport French citizens."
And Morocco and Algeria certainly don't want them "back". Nobody wants them really, the problems all start from this fundamental foundation.
4 ( +8 / -4 )
Posted in: French justice is working overtime and the mood is stern after thousands of teen arrests See in context
People have the right to be pissed in the banlieu's but they don't have the right to go out looting and burning instead of peaceful protest...
The kiddies aren't scared by the justice system and France's mostly third-world gaols are teeming over. It's time for another approach to deal with scum that ruin people's property and peaceful lives.
It's pretty ironic that the only thing that springs to mind after all this chaos is "live rounds".
2 ( +6 / -4 )
Posted in: French security forces deploy as anger simmers over fatal police shooting of teenager See in context
Execution for failure top stop.
Then the police lied about the circumstances,
They should both be locked up in a open prison for murder. Police scum.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Putin vows to crush 'armed mutiny' after Wagner mercenaries seize southern Russian city See in context
SanjinosebleedToday 09:11 pm JST
Probably just another trick to fool the west….
We'll be here to remind the pro fascist posters of their support for Putin in the dying days of his rotten despotic regime.. ..
12 ( +13 / -1 )
Posted in: Putin vows to crush 'armed mutiny' after Wagner mercenaries seize southern Russian city See in context
Voronezh is much further up the road to Moscow. Military zones now seized and major explosions reported.
Karma is a bitch, tiny little Vladimir. I guess he's going out like Hitler - in the bunker on amphetamines fawning over years out of date maps. Heh.
9 ( +10 / -1 )
Posted in: Putin vows to crush 'armed mutiny' after Wagner mercenaries seize southern Russian city See in context
So much humiliation for the pro fascist camp....
13 ( +14 / -1 )
Posted in: Putin vows to crush 'armed mutiny' after Wagner mercenaries seize southern Russian city See in context
The fascist Russian regime is about to implode. What a welcome development.
Tziny Putin must be quaking in his bunker.
38 ( +42 / -4 )
Posted in: Searchers detect undersea sounds in hunt for missing submersible See in context
God the media are milking this one, it's going to be a countdown 'till the last breath. People really get perversely interested in other peoples' misery.
Still, I can think of better ways to die doing what you love. Poor buggers.
2 ( +6 / -4 )
Posted in: Kyiv in talks with Western weapons makers about setting up production in Ukraine See in context
"What's the alternative for them? Roll over and wait for the Russians to tickle their tummies?"
It certainly seems what JT's fanatical supporters of fascist Russia would like....
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Search underway for missing submersible that takes people to see Titanic See in context
Sadly, they're probably already long gone....
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Evidence suggests Russia blew up Kakhovka dam in Ukraine: New York Times See in context
The Russian fascists destroyed it in a panic to slow the Ukrainian counteroffensive. Crimea will be liberated so it seems also a scorched earth strategy as the tinpot Russian army continues to implode...
7 ( +22 / -15 )
Posted in: Boris Johnson wilfully misled parliament, says UK report dubbed 'rubbish' by ex-PM See in context
Heh, "palpably false"
Adieu fatty. A political career like an incense stick, it burnt long, it stank and just about everyone is happy it's over...
The zombie Tory government has to turned Britain into a third world country.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Malaysia seeks Interpol help to track U.S. comedian over MH370 joke See in context
Jesus they need to get over themselves. I think Interpol has probably more pressing matters.,.
14 ( +16 / -2 )
Posted in: Trump pleads not guilty in federal documents case See in context
Lots more humiliation coming for Trump cult members...
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: Silvio Berlusconi, scandal-scarred ex-Italian leader, dies at 86, according to his TV network See in context
Sorry Mr Kip, but nobody out Trumps the Trump. He's a historical figure, like him or not.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
I intend to go on deployment, as a Contractor…see you there
Posted in: 98-year-old man found dead under eaves of shed after removing snow from roof
Posted in: 98-year-old man found dead under eaves of shed after removing snow from roof
That’s what I said the other day Hopeless, but of course I was DELETED.
Posted in: 98-year-old man found dead under eaves of shed after removing snow from roof
I climb up and down off the roof and trees like a monkey for antenna work, and I’m over 60,…
Posted in: 98-year-old man found dead under eaves of shed after removing snow from roof