Japan Today

MADY_Japan comments

Posted in: Egyptian visitor See in context

@M3M3M3 seriously man, Killing innocent people based on their beliefs to protect the state. Demolishing human rights to protect it. What is this man, the sixteenth century :( This is not being liberal.

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Posted in: Egyptian visitor See in context

@M3M3M3 I can't believe what you are saying, So u don't mind killing, raping and imprisonment of thousands of innocent people based on ridiculous claims. You don't mind life sentence for a 4 years old child due to his accusation of being fundamentalist, You don't mind if Sisi would kill innocent people based solely on their beliefs ( No actual crimes have been really related for the imprisonment of more than 50,000 persons including women, minors and politicians). What about the world peace and human rights for every body. what about freedom and free well to choose and believe.

Sisi is a killer and terrorist, and every country supports him is supporting the terror.

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