Posted in: Schwarzenegger to play himself in Stallone film See in context
Art will imitate life when Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger spends a few hours playing WITH himself later this year in a movie by Sylvester Stallone. This will be his hardest role yet!
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Posted in: Tokyo in 2050: Futuristic super-hub or graying has-been? See in context
Tokyo 2009 is already a "graying has been" by 2050 something like 97.24% of the population will mindless salarymen and salarywomen sheep... oh wait I mean now
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Posted in: Cell phone game mocks 'drowsy' ex-finance minister See in context
This sounds hilarious!
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Posted in: China rejects U.S. human rights report as interference See in context
China: "Stop saying bad things about me or I will imprison you and execute you while placing your friends and family under watchful eye"
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Posted in: For some in U.S., guns are a way of life See in context
A gun is just a tool, blame the user. Guns are hard to get in the UK so you end up with more lets ban the sale of knives? No- most crimes commited with guns in the US are commited with guns that were aquired illegally and not by registered law abiding gun owners. Statistically, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners-
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Posted in: Behind the Pink Curtain See in context
I'll give you the complete history of AV, dress up women to look like Jr high girls, then rape them, just change the background- oh look this one is in a park, this one is in a cafe, this one is on the train... real creative!
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Posted in: Police baffled by Y360 million that disappeared from backyard See in context
He burried it and never spent it so why should he care if someone stole it? He was never going to use it anyway. I'm going to start watching my neighbors a little more closely when they are out gardening!
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Posted in: Some teed off by Japanese media swarming over Ishikawa See in context
Anyone remember the olympics...summer and winter? I would watch events on TV but once the last remaining Japanese participant would be eliminated they would switch to another event without showing who won the Gold Medal- thats the fun of it- sure I root for my home countries and other countries I like but it is fun to see who wins and from where. This Golf thing is NO SURPRISE
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Posted in: Miki Mizuno and Masato win 'Fur of the Year' Contest See in context
aside from the animal issue, as a man I would never wear fur since I don't want to look like a complete toolbag. look at those pics, how could anyone take you seriously when you wear that- all it says is that you have money and no fashion sense
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Posted in: Beaujolais bath See in context
"Guests celebrate the release of the Beaujolais Nouveau wine" -Beaujolais Nouveau wine is actually a misnomer as due to the way it is produced and bottled it is technically not considered "WINE" but rather "Vins de Primeur" which is roughly translated into English as "extravagance for the ignorant" might as well be drinking the bath water
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Posted in: Visa publishes expats guide to living in Japan See in context
I tried to get a credit card at my unnamed japanese bankwhere I have done banking for 3 years- the staff were very helpful and the woman spoke perfect English. She sat down and helped me fill out all of the paperwork (there was a lot). After about 30 minutes of filling out all of the forms, signing and stamping- she asked me for ID. I gave her my alien card but she said that they couldn't use that. "Do you have a passport," she asked? I said yes and handed her my passport. She looked at my passport and said,"oh, we can't accept an American passport, do you have a Japanese passport?" Although I was annoyed at wasting time, all you can do is laugh Similar situation with a company offering an "American Express" card. Appearantly I can't get and American Express in Japan because I am an American. I now do everything through Citibank
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Posted in: Is Japan becoming a 'drug heaven?' See in context
Always blame it on the "foreign" criminals- total BS its all controlled by the yakuza
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Posted in: Indian navy sinks suspected pirate mother ship See in context
About time! Good job! How about going after the ports where they keep the ships? They know exactly where they are keeping the stolen ships- a ransom doesn't really work if you can't hide the thing you stole- like a GIANT SUPERTANKER
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Posted in: The plastic revolution continues See in context
dijapan, you got it. bought a plane ticket home last month (almost 200,000) and they would only accept cash- or their own company credit card. I use credit cards for as many things as possible since I get between 1% and 2% cash back which is nice on big purchases. I tried to apply for their credit card to get free hotel stays and flights... then they asked what my "Japanese passport" number was- are you kidding me?
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Posted in: Becky See in context
Absolute garbage in terms of anything worth drinking. Check out what profesional wine critics say about it- "drinking it is like eating cookie dough." I'd rather drink the other wines also sold in convini's except for only 500 or 600 yen- garbage although it may also be- a better class of garbage (you have to remember that a lot of the Japanese bottled water is just tap water from different prefectures with "good" water)
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Posted in: Mother, son fall to their deaths from 14-story apartment in apparent murder-suicide
Posted in: Mother, son fall to their deaths from 14-story apartment in apparent murder-suicide
Posted in: Man found collapsed, bleeding from head wound, on Nagoya sidewalk
Make it in the USA and avoid all the headache.
Posted in: Japan records trade deficit of ¥2.76 trillion in January as tariff worries loom