Japan Today

mano2012 comments

Posted in: Japan's electronics giants still bleeding See in context

I being a Filipino here in the Philippines buy Japanese products to help Japanese electronic company. I want to help their economy and also ours. Friendship between the two countries, Japan and Philippines means never leave each other in times of trouble.

Unfortunately, there is bad news for you. If you look at the global market data and trends: a. japan's products and technologies are being edged out by co's from korea, china, and the usa b. even car companies from japan will face tough competition in the next 2-3 years alone! c. the yen weakness won't help japan much in the medium term (2-3 years time) d. innovation are growing all over the world from turkey, asia, south america etc..

in conclusion, as i have mentioned often in my postings, japan is in trouble, not just starting today, but specifically starting in about 20 yrs from now.

but even in the next 5-10 yrs alone, japan's top companies (sony, panasonic etc) will not be able to fight against china's huge companies and korean companies. thats the reality.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Gov't - but not Ishihara - backs away from Hashimoto's comfort women comments See in context

it's not this manchild..it is the significant majority of japan. Abe recnetly said japan did Not actually invade asian countries ww2. These kinds of messages and statements like this gov Conform to those reality that ppl outside can see the real japan is. Good luck!

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Posted in: Gov't - but not Ishihara - backs away from Hashimoto's comfort women comments See in context

What have i been telling you? Check all my postings history! This gov, ishihara whoever.. as i said often the southeast asian countries Know what japan really is.. and japan is in trouble starting in 2040..dying society, asian countries ditching japan.. starting in 2040.. dont kill this messenger. The next generation of japan is in trouble. Good luck.. unless you change!!!

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Chinese military planes flew near disputed isles 40 times in one day See in context

"The center of world science, for instance, was in France in 1740, before it moved to Germany, then Britain, and, later, America, carrying with it, in each case, a major dimension of global leadership."


It is now shifting to China.

Just like UK is now "gone".. time will tell that this century it is shifting to China from theUS, and just like previous leadership.. ppl will adopt the predominant "culture" as we have witnessed more and more ppl are learning chinese language and eating chinese food.. and in a 1-2 decades chinese digital entertainment and "culture" will affect other parts of the world.. and the usa's influence will decrease accordingly.

If japan is smart enough, it should start aligning itself with china.. look towards the 2040-50 where japan's star will have waned much and will be under china's wings.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Posted in: Chinese military planes flew near disputed isles 40 times in one day See in context

But Americans WANT to kick the crap out of China. It's not up to Japan if we help or not,even though I'm sure they wouldn't mind. Americans love to see you guys cower in fear when we are mentioned.

The world has changed. After 9/11 attack, Rumsfeld said in a cabinet meeting that "we need a good target", that is, Afghanistan is not enough.. so the admin then concocted the fake WMD story about Sadam Husein in order to invade Iraq.

But the US was ordered out of Subic bay and Clarke airfield in the Philippines, and Vietnam won the war.. not to mention Korean war in the 50's.

Northeast asian countries (except japan) have been correct in stating that the US should not be there. Japan is just a pawn, and the Diaoyu case, either intentionally was created by ishihara or a concoction in conjunction with the US, shows japan is being used And how eventually the backlash against the US.

China has been correct all along that the US should leave west Pacific.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Posted in: Chinese military planes flew near disputed isles 40 times in one day See in context

the reason ishihara and abe have been belligerent is because both always wanted to cry going to daddy in washington, literally. lol.

i read abe's bio he studied in calif.. so abe san if you happen to read japantoday and saw this msg :) may i ask you to do the following:

announce that: we japan can take on china! therefore, we are not interested in dragging usa into this, that is no need to invoke article 9 or whatever we are ready!

but alas, as i said in my first post above in this thread that japan is no match for china.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

Posted in: Chinese military planes flew near disputed isles 40 times in one day See in context

""Japan is acting in a mature manner while China is acting like an aggressive bully. " "China,...your move."

lol. japan is the one who is behaving like a child. everytime it whines, it goes to (literally) daddy in washington.

what japan should do is say: "this is a matter btw japan and china, and that we are not interested in dragging the usa"

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Posted in: Chinese military planes flew near disputed isles 40 times in one day See in context

@blackrock. u just made my day! lol u concluded that trades rule, right?! tell me, will asean countries ignore that huge 1.3b market in china? and those millions of tourists from china?? the fact of the matter is, Majority majorirty of asean countries are trading quite well with china... like they say in new york: "forget about it!" forget about the philippines or vietnam :)

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Posted in: Chinese military planes flew near disputed isles 40 times in one day See in context

"Japan fails to win support on Senkakus issue from Europe's 'Big 3' October 20, 2012


Despite his announcements of achievements, Foreign Minister Koichiro Genba failed to win clear support from France, Britain and Germany for Japan’s sovereignty claims to the Senkaku Islands during his European tour."

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Posted in: Chinese military planes flew near disputed isles 40 times in one day See in context

@ossan duh! logic 101 LOL the philippines is a weak country! Of Course, it will try to temporarily Align with powerful countries like the US: trying to get help from the US military, and Of course saying it likes japn to re-arm. LOl. of course! China is working well with Asean countries, it has some territorial issues with vietnam and the philippines.

The bigger picture is: why major EU countries Rejected japan?! when jp fm visited eu to get support, he got rejected! WHY? Because those eu countries have Their Law departments that looked at the history and big picture of the diaoyu case and CONCLUDED that jp is in the Wrong side!

dont tell me about the philippines. lol. when a hijacker took over a bus and killed many HK tourists, their incompetent police could handle such a simple case.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Posted in: Chinese military planes flew near disputed isles 40 times in one day See in context

"Japan is acting in a mature manner while China is acting like an aggressive bully.

LOL. oh yeah like that mature abe who said: japan did not invade asian countries in ww2 time. Abe/japan is belligerent and bellicose. Ppl all over the world read the same news, and their comments at yahoo boards summarized the avg world opinions. Japan is going down in its economy, aging population and also in the mind of ppl over the world, it is a dying society.. Last year, the foreign minister of jp went to europe to garner support in regards to this diaoyu case.. and the major EU powers said: sorry japan, no can do! sayonara abe san :)

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

Posted in: Chinese military planes flew near disputed isles 40 times in one day See in context

@mikihouse ur logic is flawed. 2 negatives dont make it positive. like a shopper at a cornerstore buying a can of soup and the cashier gave back a wrong change (More money). the buyer thought:mmm.. if it was the opposite that the cashier short-changed me, he doesnt care, So, in this case, even though i know he is giving me backmore money, it is Mine! 2 wrongs dont make it right.

-15 ( +3 / -18 )

Posted in: Chinese military planes flew near disputed isles 40 times in one day See in context

@hatsoff japan is looking at short-term gains, whereas i look at longer terms.. and japan is going down, not just its aging population, but asian countries are rising and they still dont forget about japanese atrocities in the past/ww2, and now abe said: no way! no invasion in ww2 era. LOL.

-23 ( +3 / -26 )

Posted in: Chinese military planes flew near disputed isles 40 times in one day See in context

For a reality check on Diaoyu/Sensaku case, one sane site for pro-japan readers should visit: http://emsnews.wordpress.com/

the lady writer is over 60 yrs old and she is very knowledgeable about world affairs.. and she regularly writes about japan, mostly negative viewpoints.. but my suggestion for most readers here is to read her articles as a reality check.

-18 ( +3 / -21 )

Posted in: Chinese military planes flew near disputed isles 40 times in one day See in context

Japan is no match for China. Abe is bellicose and belligerent; he recently said japan did not invade asian countries in ww2 era. LOL. good one abe san. Other asian countries are rising, and guess what, they will soon reject japan. This Diaoyu case will not end, both china and japan will just keep bugging each other. War is looming, unfortunately. Arigato gosaimasu abe san.

-21 ( +7 / -28 )

Posted in: China, Japan trade barbs over radar-lock near disputed isles See in context

But the reality is: China, Korea and Russia "hate" Japan.

Speaking about Russia, feel free to back you desperate statement by valid proofs.

Duh! You are confusing btw trades and diplomacy. USSR had a big war with Japan in early 20th century. Pres. Medvedev visited the disputed northern islands a couple years ago, AFTER he met Pres. Hu in Beijing. Coincidence? Maybe. maybe not.

If you have been reading all kinds of posts which I collected many links of the history of Diaoyu.. in the late 19th century there was a talk of taking Diaoyu and the Japan foreign ministry said: wait, those islands have already Chinese names, they belong to them. One argue about this and that till the cows come home about Japan has the administration etc.. and forgetting about Potsdam agreement etc...

the key here, this 2013: it shows Japan's imperialistic behavior! It proves again, unlike Germany, Japan NEVER atoned its past atrocities.

so yeah..your question about Russia v. Japan.. you think about it.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: China, Japan trade barbs over radar-lock near disputed isles See in context

I live in Canada and visit the US regularly. We have the same culture, and the television shows in the US are fed into Canada as well. Do not kill thie messenger! :)

a. In the US this 2013, American ppl do not trust Japan! Why? They never forget about the Pearl Harbor attack.

b. In one of my postings which received tons of Negative rating! that is good. lol, I said that: Japan is being pushed out of China! and even though Japan is then now trying to be nice/nicer to South East Asian countries, that they will eventually not respect Japan for they also remember the past atrocities by Japan there. And that being pushed out of China now will earn less respect for Japan in those countries even though Japan is trying to help them economically.

Those who are young cannot understand this psychology and chess game. But the reality is: China, Korea and Russia "hate" Japan. Again, do not kill this messenger, and other S.E. countries will also lose respect for Japan.

so again, the above questions: who can you trust more?

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

Posted in: Chinese frigate locked radar on Japanese navy vessel See in context

The problem is Japan. Until Japan gov acknowledges that the world can see everything that Japan is on the wrong side of the boat! .. Japan is in trouble.


Here is what you SHOULD ponder:

Point #1

--> Ironically, the Tanaka's statement in this meeting has been deleted by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Why?" WHY???

"Unilateral Decisions by Japan-V/The Diaoyu/Senkaku-XXI

"In 1972, Zhou Bin, now 77-years-old, was an interpreter in the meeting between Zhou Enlai and Tanaka Kakuei as both countries was trying to normalize their relationship. He served the official interpreter for the Chinese government in 40 years ago. As the issue of the Diaoyu/Senkaku was broached, according to Zhou Bin, the Chinese Premier Zhou did not “want to talk about it this time… It’s no good to talk about this now (Kyodo News 29 September 2012; Phoenix News 29 September 2012).” “Premier Zhou suggested solving (the territorial dispute) in future intergovernmental peace negotiations, and Prime Minister Tanaka agreed (Kyodo News 29 September 2012).” Ironically, the Tanaka's statement in this meeting has been deleted by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Why?"


Point #2:

a. Japan's FM went to Europe to garner support and they rejected him!

""Japan fails to win support on Senkakus issue from Europe's 'Big 3' October 20, 2012


Despite his announcements of achievements, Foreign Minister Koichiro Genba failed to win clear support from France, Britain and Germany for Japan’s sovereignty claims to the Senkaku Islands during his European tour."

b. Recently, these past weeks, Abe went to S.E. Asia. There were 2 points in his mission:

economic issues trying to get some "support" in regards to Diaoyu... but the result is: ZERO for Abe.

Enjoy the above :))

-10 ( +5 / -15 )

Posted in: 8 fighter jets scrambled after Chinese plane flies over disputed islands See in context

Here is what china wanted.. i just did a search:


"To solve the dispute, Japan needs to face history. The Japanese government has not only denied the dispute, but also refused to acknowledge an agreement to shelve the dispute reached by the former leaders of the two countries in the 1970s.

Forty years ago, when China and Japan normalized their diplomatic relations, former Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai and visiting Japanese Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka agreed that priority should be placed on the overall interests of bilateral ties, with the Diaoyu Islands dispute to be shelved until a later date."


-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: China calls on Japan to halt entries into disputed waters See in context

Here is what china wanted.. i just did a search:


"To solve the dispute, Japan needs to face history. The Japanese government has not only denied the dispute, but also refused to acknowledge an agreement to shelve the dispute reached by the former leaders of the two countries in the 1970s.

Forty years ago, when China and Japan normalized their diplomatic relations, former Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai and visiting Japanese Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka agreed that priority should be placed on the overall interests of bilateral ties, with the Diaoyu Islands dispute to be shelved until a later date."


-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: China calls on Japan to halt entries into disputed waters See in context

Japan is a lawful country. Since we have article#9 in our constitution, Although we are sure based on legality, >Senkaku is Japan, we would not do it because Japan must maintains defense only at this moment >otherwise.ridiculously someone shoot Chinese Ship or plain the way you said, that office would need to go to the >prison.

If you are so sure, why you have not given everyone your straight reply to Chamkun's questions. So many >documents and printed materials have the fact which is very different from what China is saying today. Japan think >China only got aggressive after the oil and would like to a free traffic for Chinese Navy to dominate the half of the >pacific Ocean that China has already expressed that desire to US.

If japan wanted to blockade those ships, they certainly can without harming them.. there are ways to do that.

If you look at my postings, I leave the legal battles to other posters who are more knowledgeable about laws. I only collected those links and peruse them at my own leisure and try to learn something by doing more research. Others have discussed about Treaties this and that.. which nullified any japanese claims, 1895 this and that..map this and that.. as administrator this and that. The point is: both sides have their own claims.

My point was as you can see from a post I quoted from a japanese professor, and the history has been widely known: "Zhou and Tanaka met, and Tanaka broached this subject because he wanted to solve this problem, and Zhou said: buddy, lets leave it to the future who may be wiser than us...this is not the right time.. and Tanaka agreed.

It is in Dispute.. and what china has said and asked all along these months and recent years is for japan is to acknowledge that the islands is in Dispute.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: 8 fighter jets scrambled after Chinese plane flies over disputed islands See in context


you seemed to be so sure the ownership,

but the japan gov is not so sure about it:

"Unilateral Decisions by Japan-V/The Diaoyu/Senkaku-XXI

"In 1972, Zhou Bin, now 77-years-old, was an interpreter in the meeting between Zhou Enlai and Tanaka Kakuei as both countries was trying to normalize their relationship. He served the official interpreter for the Chinese government in 40 years ago. As the issue of the Diaoyu/Senkaku was broached, according to Zhou Bin, the Chinese Premier Zhou did not “want to talk about it this time… It’s no good to talk about this now (Kyodo News 29 September 2012; Phoenix News 29 September 2012).” “Premier Zhou suggested solving (the territorial dispute) in future intergovernmental peace negotiations, and Prime Minister Tanaka agreed (Kyodo News 29 September 2012).” Ironically, the Tanaka's statement in this meeting has been deleted by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Why?"


0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: 8 fighter jets scrambled after Chinese plane flies over disputed islands See in context

Major economic powers, realizing that they have an important stake in the international system, are normally very >hesitant about resorting to economic warfare, even in the face of severe provocation. China showed no hesitation at all >about using its trade muscle to get its way in a political dispute. What you have is a rogue economic superpower, >unwilling to play by the rules. And the question is what Japan going to do about it.

Not really.

Russia cut off gas to some european countries a few years ago due to some dispute, but to show off its muscle.

The US has been using its economic muscles to all kinds of countries for decades on end.

OPEC used its muscle during the oil crisis in the 1970s.

There is nothing Unusual about these kinds of actions.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: China calls on Japan to halt entries into disputed waters See in context

"Unilateral Decisions by Japan-V/The Diaoyu/Senkaku-XXI

"In 1972, Zhou Bin, now 77-years-old, was an interpreter in the meeting between Zhou Enlai and Tanaka Kakuei as both countries was trying to normalize their relationship. He served the official interpreter for the Chinese government in 40 years ago. As the issue of the Diaoyu/Senkaku was broached, according to Zhou Bin, the Chinese Premier Zhou did not “want to talk about it this time… It’s no good to talk about this now (Kyodo News 29 September 2012; Phoenix News 29 September 2012).” “Premier Zhou suggested solving (the territorial dispute) in future intergovernmental peace negotiations, and Prime Minister Tanaka agreed (Kyodo News 29 September 2012).” Ironically, the Tanaka's statement in this meeting has been deleted by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Why?"


-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Posted in: China calls on Japan to halt entries into disputed waters See in context

You could very well replace "Japan" with "China" and vice versa in the last three sentence. One of many fallacy to your arguments as many had already pointed out.

ah! but u took the bait! :)

what china has been asking and saying to japan: acknowledge that there is a Dispute!

Deng and Tanaka agreed to shelve this "problem", but japan re-opened this case!

when pm noda spoke at the united nations recently, the pic showed he was speaking to basically an empty hall !

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Posted in: China calls on Japan to halt entries into disputed waters See in context

@Sentiments and Chamkun.

Let me make it simple for you. Here is a quiz:

We have been reading about china's ships entering japanese's zone in the last few months, and each ship telling the other's ship to get out as the islands belong to them.

If japan is so sure the islands belong to them, make it short and sweet and just send a sub or a destroyer or something and take out those china's ships.

But japan did not do it. a. it did Not do it not because it was afraid of an economic war b. it did Not do it not because it was afraid of further military confrontation.

No. japan did not do it because it knows it has a Weak case: the islands do not belong to japan!

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Posted in: 8 fighter jets scrambled after Chinese plane flies over disputed islands See in context


Maybe that's why people are going LDP. They are not really looking forward to them fixing the economy. They just want >foreign policy to be in relatively experienced hands.

I tend to agree with you on this one, but Abe will also have hard times dealing with china. This is very tough nut to crack for japan. If you look at the complete pictures, by studying the legal documents etc.. japan has a weak case.

But I do agree China is more adult in its methods, in terms of it being more long term, subtle and devious. It is >ironically, one of the advantage of NOT being a democracy, and also when time is on your side. As long as you >maintain a support level that doesn't lead to revolts, you can plan long term while democracies have to divert >resources to appease short term interests.

Usually when one party is right, he will use a cooler head, but a lawyer who is losing will literally pound the table hard with his hands, because there was nothing else from him to convince that he could win.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: China calls on Japan to halt entries into disputed waters See in context

Ha-ha-ha the comments from this Mano guy is hilarious. Well it may seem a bit desperate to try to convince the >readers of JT that "the world" sides with China on the Senkaku issue. If you have got nothing better than that you are >surely out of arguments. A bit sad. If you are trying to spin the fact that almost all of the world has a negative attitude >towards Commie Chinas attempt to hijack land and resources from its neighbors then you need a little better >arguments. Try to read news a little more objectively. Looking forward to your next input.

Thanks to internet, im in canada but know enough about japan from various sources :)

Here is why japan will have hard times winning its case re:diaoyu

"This month, during my first return to Japan in a decade, I put that assertion to an English friend who had lived even longer in Tokyo. “That’s about right,” he said, “battered by deflation and a overly strong currency, the Japanese have concluded that they can’t compete with a rising China and are withdrawing into themselves.”


-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Posted in: China calls on Japan to halt entries into disputed waters See in context

LOL Chinese Communist Propaganda links.

Not really, there are open sources:


-10 ( +0 / -10 )

Posted in: China calls on Japan to halt entries into disputed waters See in context


The future is bright for an entepeneur Japan, and troubling for an encumbered China economy, who banking bubble is about to bust.

Not really. Pls read my 2 links above.

quote: "Reorientation to domestic markets was announced in early 2011, but preparations for the decision have been underway for a decade, the expert noted, saying this was not purely an economic task but also a political and social one, as the Chinese population must be able to afford the goods produced by the industry.

China is moving toward a different higher direction.

As I said.. many businessmen in japan are cursing.. why? only an insane biz person would be willing to lose 1.3 billion ppl.

Lets see how Abe will handle this situation.

-13 ( +0 / -13 )

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