Japan Today

Marcus Clarke comments

Posted in: Fissette calls halt to coaching Naomi Osaka See in context

I thought she was going to be the next big thing, still might be if she can overcome her problems.

Honestly I think she is too frail mentally and quick to blame things going on around her. Wish her well, but I think if she can focus she might win a few more majors if she can find some consistency.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Posted in: Ex-PM Abe in critical condition after being shot while campaigning in Nara See in context

@shogun36. just saw that twitter footage. Good lord the gun man was close, you can see the smoke. Where was security? looks like anyone could just walk by along the street from behind.

gotta say it but the security detail were really ..........dont know the word to use.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Posted in: Ex-PM Abe in critical condition after being shot while campaigning in Nara See in context

"unconscious" is often used in the news, before they confirm that someone has died. Like they poor people in that tour boat in Hokkaido. "12 people have been recovered, they are currently  unconscious".

Tragic, He wwas not a great PM. But he took the job twice when no one else could keep going at it. RIP.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

Posted in: Classic rock albums turning 50 See in context

Not just 1972, I think that whole era was pretty damn good.

Love the soundtrack to the movie dazed and confused.

Not all new music is bad, just hard to find.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: Djokovic admits 'errors' in urgent fight to avoid deportation See in context

After all the lock-downs in Melbourne over the last two years and nearly everyone vacinated,

If he plays he will get a wild reation from the crowd. Surely Australia has every right to boot him out now?

As the Judge said the other day " what more can this man do"

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Posted in: Australian judge overturns Djokovic's visa cancelation See in context

I don't agree with the outcome. (personal opinion) And I don't think he should have been placed with asylum seekers. But he has been cleared, It's good for him, the fans of tennis and the Australian Open.

I am sure this will give him huge amounts of motivation the win the tournament. He is not my favorite person in the world, but he has endured hell since last week. Can only wish him luck in the grand slam.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Posted in: Court documents show Djokovic had COVID-19 last month See in context

Its not political, Australia has nothing to gain by booting him out. He is a huge draw card and will be a huge loss for the tournament. And seems tennis australia has made assurances to him that he will be allowed in. They are obviously the main blame here. But I'm sure he was in the know. The Australian Govn. is just upholding the rules. And why should they bend them just because he is number 1. We now know what kind of person he is going around corona positive, attending events, taking photos with no mask.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Posted in: Court documents show Djokovic had COVID-19 last month See in context

Can't see him getting in now. Public danger and menace. Now they have every right to just throw him out.

Border force did a great job. Hope he gets his marching order tomorrow.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: Naomi Osaka withdraws from Melbourne tournament semifinal See in context

Wish her luck and a speedy recovery and hope she puts in a good show at the AO. But I can't help but think she sacked her best coach while she was at her best. She seemed like she would hold onto that #1 spot for a long time. Then she sacked the coach that got her there, been downhill since. Unfortunately, I think the stress got to her. Shame she is so good to watch and has so much going for her. I really want to see her at her best again. Would love to see her and Ash Barty in the final. She is great too. Good luck girls.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Posted in: Djokovic denied entry to Australia; has visa canceled See in context

John-san " Australian Border Force ( Australian Immigration) that check his paperwork and allowed Djokovic and his team on the fight but when they arrived it was Australian Border Force that deny only Djokovic entry"

They dont paperwork or allow people to fly or get on planes. They check documents and visa's upon entry to Australia, if it is not up to scratch entry is not allowed. It is up to the traveler to make sure their documents are in order. Australian Border Force is just that, at the border or entry points into Australia, same as immigration and customs at every airport in every country across the world.

The guy simply tried to get around the law, thought he would be able to and failed. Some have mentioned it might be tennis Australia fault, and some of the blame might well be theirs, but at the end of the day.... he is not getting in. Lets see how his court case goes. That is under way at the moment.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Posted in: Djokovic denied entry to Australia; has visa canceled See in context

Novax Djokovic has been turfed and rightly so. How many times has he traveled over the last 2 years.

Every man and his dog knows how strict australia is. Agree or disagree with it that is what it is.

It was clearly a systematic attemp to get into Aust. Even to blaming people on his team, hoping for a

sympathy let in. If all the people in his team had no idea of the rules, what visa to get they should be sacked.

But seriously come on, it is all on Novax Djokovic he wont get his tenth crown this time round. Onya mate.

0 ( +10 / -10 )

Posted in: Ratings for NHK's year-end 'Kohaku' music show hit record low See in context

The old men high up at NHK have no idea what the modern audience is. I think the Kohaku is a good tradition gone stale and getting more stale year by year. It is a shame, I enjoyed it the first two years but after that pretty hard to watch and enjoy. Bit of a shame really, with a bit of inspiration and collective ideas, it could be good again. But wont happen at NHK. They believe they have the winning formula for NYE. Even my wifes parents thought it was very uninspired.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: China marks 84th anniversary of Nanking Massacre See in context

These problems are not going away anytime soon. They all deny certain truths in history, try and obscure or hide facts. They make everyone else sound like the bad guy. While Japan is not at it now, they dont admit to certain things don't teach about WWII in history. China denies doing things that everyone knows they are doing. And then make threats to other countries if they don't bow to their wishes. Countries not sending dipolmats to the winters games will pay. China is a big bully.

11 ( +16 / -5 )

Posted in: Australian government vows to unmask online trolls See in context

Trolling is a huge problem. Many people don't know how to deal it, they can't hit back as the trolls hide their identities. Many of who do it just for fun I am sure. There have been countless cases of victims of trolls killing themselves.

They probably wont be able to police it but if a few here or there are named and shamed especially in a case where someone did commit suicide, they would lose jobs maybe, face public humiliation. Then other trolls might just think twice.

Anything that stops the worst of it can't be a bad thing.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Posted in: Areas near Tokyo await arrival of floating pumice mass See in context

A few years ago there was large amounts of pomice stone heading toward Australia. All the marine biologists were excited by it, as each peice holds life. They were hoping it would make it to the great barrier reef, to help replenish some life into it. The impact would have been more benifit to the reef than harmful. More thinking about the future. I don't know if it made it there or not, though.

I think they have to forget about tourism, and fishing. Wont take long for it to break up, if they are already in small stone form.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Posted in: Bootleg anime cakes? Charges filed against Tokyo woman for selling unlicensed Demon Slayer sweets See in context

When my kids were the wife's father would buy them an Anpanman cake every year, just his round face.

Pretty hard to make your own art from that. But that cake shop sells a lot of them.

It is just a cake that will be gone in a day, and a woman trying to make a buck. It's money they would never have had anyway. It is another case of going after a little person who would cause no damage finacial to the company or their image.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Name of former Princess Mako's husband not on New York bar exam pass list See in context

The guy is a creep, I would not be surprised if the royal household paid his tuition just to get him away from her. How did he pay for that BTW. If he was a nice guy the media would portray it as a fairytale wedding and the public would love him. The Japanese public don't like this guy, the media doesn't like him, and I am sure they have reason. She has made a mistake I fear.

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

Posted in: Mother, boyfriend filmed themselves abusing her 3-year-old son before his death See in context

"Mothers always protect their kids because the know what nine months mean to them"

In most countries this would be true. But here a single mum is more interested in having a man in her life. Unfortunately many men here don't enjoy, cope in dealing with others kids. Sad sad aspect of Japan. Most child abuse cases involve a single mum and her new man.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: Mother, boyfriend filmed themselves abusing her 3-year-old son before his death See in context

bring back stoning for people like these.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Posted in: Mount Aso volcano erupts See in context

I would not call it a disaster. No real damage, luckily. More of a natural event.

Mt. Fuji could go off sometime in our lifetime. That would be a bad one. Around every 500 years or so.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Posted in: Japan to begin discussions on 3rd COVID-19 vaccine shots this week See in context

Lets not forgot that all the vaccines were developed and approved in record time, to help prevent the spread and deaths. It's working. They did this without really knowing the long term effectiveness of these vaccines. I am sure these companies still have teams working around the clock to produce something more permanent.

Probably in the future there will be something better. Maybe once a year or even a booster after ten years, whos knows. Everyone is talking like what we have now is it, with no possibility of a bright outcome.

For now we can only go by current data, results. Our results now is what will allow researchers to find something better. I know the companies are making big $$ but my hat is off to the people working in them.

There would be a lot more deaths without them. In my opinion everyones 2c worth is just that, worth only 2c.

Just had my second jab, am not doing real well right now, but with any luck it will keep me safer.

-6 ( +8 / -14 )

Posted in: Halloween already? See in context

I have been to about three different stores with halloween goods already.

@tooheysnew you are spot on. Easter has been slipping in over the last couple of years, I don't mind though as I can get easter eggs/ candy for my kids.

To be fair though, it's not just halloween / Xmas. Fashion as well. My local Dept. store is all fall clothing and jackets now, all T-shirts on the bargain racks. Love that about Japan. The prices they flog off season clothing for is crazy cheap.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Tens of thousands of children to be allowed to attend Paralympics See in context

Euro soccer final in England turned out to be a super spreader event. 2,300 infected.

One of Japans biggest problems is self denial, and the inability to learn from others.

My kids are in the 6th grade, their school trip has been cancelled, the government is telling / asking schools to cancel these trips, but then invite thousands to this event.

Talk about one step forward, 3 steps backward land.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Posted in: Japan starts vaccinating people aged 18 or older at large-scale centers See in context

@Commodore Perry

Small clinics don't have the special fridges that are required to keep the temp. at -80 or what ever it is.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: Tokyo Olympic head says cancelation not being considered See in context

In an attempt to make sure that effective steps against the virus will be taken during the games, the committee has decided to set up a panel of health experts, with its first meeting to be held next Friday

I find this so hard o believe. We are only a few months out, yet the virus is over a year old now. I'd like to be a fly on the wall in that first meeting. Just to see how unproductive it will be.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Posted in: Former SMAP member Mori out for year after auto race injury See in context

I bet he regrets quitting Smap. At 46 still racing to earn a crust.

While the others are loaded beyond need and still making good bread through royalties and TV.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Trump says he will leave White House if Biden wins Electoral College vote See in context

He is up to something fishy. He has his mouth in the ears of the electoral collage. Convincing trying to rouge vote, and promising pardons. Then he will come out and say see it must have been rigged, even the electoral collage thought so.

big baby pres, it up to something.

17 ( +20 / -3 )

Posted in: Health experts urge pause in Go To Travel campaign as COVID-19 cases surge See in context

They blame the eat out campaign more than go to travel as everyone removes their masks and talk while eating. thats the reason it was stopped suddenly, and not the run out of allocated funds that they said. It's them just trying to pull a blanket over their stupidity.

"Stronger measures will be taken in a short period of time and in high-risk areas to avoid the kind of situation that would require the declaration of a state of emergency," 

Even if a state of emergency is declared we already know that they have no power to do anything. They can't name establishments unless given permission, they can only ask nicely.

Those in power in this country never learn from the past or by looking at whats happening in other countries.

Countries where the virus is bad, no strong measures, countries who have had great success (NZ, Oz.) really strict but effective measures. Cross your fingers Suga, the vaccine will be here soon, it might be safe.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Posted in: Biden calls Trump most irresponsible president in American history; rules out national lockdown See in context

I pity Biden, coming into this mess of a government, the blind faith of trump supporters who are screaming fraud and the democrats are cheating. Like they have seen the evidence. They haven't. Trump has not managed to find or fabricate it yet. Bidens virus task force is in for a hell of time, with a public who will not listen to reason, who won't wear masks or social distance. In all honesty no administration has a hope. They can only wait for a vaccine.

Melbourne, went into a hard lockdown for 3 or 4 months. very difficult for the people, yet they pulled through

and the state is looking good. Adelaide this week an outbreak of 20 odd people. gone into lockdown right away. The people listen (mostly, dimwits are everywhere) I am sure Adelaide will knock this virus out of the park. Can't compare populations or virus numbers, but the people for the most part try to do what is best for everyone. Without acting like school children. My image of the U.S and a large number of it's people has really come down to playground level.

Prediction. He wont concede until the electoral college vote, and I bet he is trying to secure some rouge votes, with a promise of a pardon if there is any fallout. Then creating a greater division among citizens leading to violence and demos / turned riots.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Posted in: Japanese police hide at shrine to catch a thief…who stole ¥665 See in context

Robert Maes.

I believe Shrines and temples here are tax free, money makers. I have known a free monks from temples,

and they are just regular people outside of business hours. Go drinking, drive nicer cars than the average Joe.

They have no spiritualism left in almost any of them.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

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