Japan Today

Mari@001 comments

Posted in: Japanese husbands shout their love for wives in public See in context

That is quite lovely event! very good opportunity for them to show their feeling to wives. hopefully they will do every day or at least once a week.

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Posted in: Gov't to review statements on wartime history, revise textbook guidelines See in context

Historically, most of the developed countries, had some bad things in the past. It is not only Japan. who cares?

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Posted in: 'Off-the-scale' smog envelops Beijing again See in context

i had been living in Hong Kong for a few years. it was very polluted especially the air comes from main land china. The Hong Kong government will do air cleaning as part of air pollution in 2014, it may not change the situation quickly.

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Posted in: Japan considers 6-day school week; teachers not enthusiastic See in context

I grew up in yutori kyoiku. When I started working at company at the first time.I felt "generation gap and something different ..." I still have tough time to get used to working together in office with "non-yutori kyoiku" people. I was glad to hear that the education system has changed from yutori kyoiku. but the school should be counted as rest on Saturday. Children are also important to have a communication with their family on weekends. (Going out with dad or mom etc.) It is not necessarily to become a good quality education it the school is 6 days a week. Children need freedom too. Need develop strategies for the five-day week in school.

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Posted in: China concerned by Japan's move to boost military See in context

Is it dangerous that have plans to boost the number of military than developing stealth fighters and aircraft carrier? haha i love that one!

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