Japan Today

Mark Weiss comments

Posted in: 5 life-altering mistakes foreigners make when living in Japan See in context

Just realize one thing: you are responsible for your own actions. Your attitude will have a remarkable influence on how you experience Japanese life.

This article would be even better if it provided some solutions to each of the five pitfalls. It just talks about what can go wrong. How about ways to avoid falling into those situations?

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Posted in: 3 ways the Japanese entertainment industry keeps idol singers from dating See in context

It's not slavery if they chose this career.

-7 ( +5 / -12 )

Posted in: Tokyo Project helping homeless in Japan See in context

Contrast this with America, where the police abuse, kick, brutalize and shoot homeless people. And many of these homeless are caused by our government's economic policies and high property taxes.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: Deserted Fukushima town to remove pro-nuclear signs See in context

the problem I see is that with colder winters coming due to the Suns in activities the next 50 years, people will rely more on energy to heat their homes. Imagine a world with no cheap nuclear energy and its 30 or 40 degrees below zero for much of the winter. A lot of people are going to die if cheap affordable energy is not available.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

Posted in: The CEO got a huge raise. You didn't. Here's why. See in context

The solution to the wage problem is to eliminate all taxation, since taxes eat up to 92% of an American's livelihood. Instead of living hand to mouth on $100K a year, live well on $8K a year and don't pay any taxes.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Posted in: Elementary school student attacked while riding bike in Saitama town See in context

Could it be that the "Knockout Game" is appearing in Japan?

-1 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Asylum seekers find little refuge in Japan See in context

As I myself am getting my 'ducks in a row' in preparation to leave a country that is on the verge of civil war, I am considering a move to Japan. One of the things that makes Japan great is also the thing that makes it hard for foreigners to enter: they don't take the dregs of society. Japan has kept their country relatively high grade and free from non producing leeches for decades. If they were to let in refugees, especially poor ones, Japan would, in a few decades, turn into the cesspool that America has become. And frankly, I don't want to see Japan become another cultural dumping ground. For me to live there, I will have to bring a valuable skillset and work hard to become an asset to the nation. I am leaving my country precisely because it is full of refugees and free riders who have voted in a massive welfare state. Now the whole thing is imploding and I just hope I can get the hell out before it all turns into an "Arab spring" event. Japan's strongest attribute is its mono culture.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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