Posted in: 21-year-old sentenced to death for crime he committed as a minor for 1st time in Japan See in context
The death penalty is a tough moral question. On the one hand, we may believe in growth, remorse, and eventually seeking redemption. I would say in most cases the death penalty is unjustified because of the potential for these things. On the other hand, the desire for justice by society and, more importantly, by those directly affected by the crimes. Do those two traumatized girls, whose lives have been irreversibly trampled upon, deserve the justice and peace of mind of knowing this monster is no longer a threat? Yes. As for the counterargument that locking him up for the remainder of his life would also ensure that, the answer is, rationally yes, but emotionally no. I doubt the girls would have any peace of mind if he were locked up. "What if he escapes?" "What if something changes and he is released?" Those girls deserve to live in peace. And does he deserve to live? One could argue for it, but I would argue that those girls take priority. He gave up whatever consideration should be afforded to him after he violently murdered the two parents, and then proceeded to set fire to the house with the two girls still in it. I would take the two girls' side over his any day, every day, all day. Sorry, but not for my sake, for society's sake, or for the sake of some lofty moral ideals, but for the sake of those two girls - this guy has got to go.
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Was it a Swiss knife? Let's try this again. No, Pukey2, it was made in Xinjiang by forced labor.
Posted in: Knife-wielding Swiss man arrested at train station in Kyoto Prefecture
Posted in: Nutrition advice is rife with misinformation
I went to a hockey game and a soccer match broke out.
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