Japan Today

markbradley808 comments

Posted in: Blue Fuji See in context

The picture of Mt. Fuji was stunningly beautiful. Tears came to my eyes. Many heartfelt thanks to the photographer.

Mahalo, Mark Kazuo Bradley

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Posted in: What's the best way to deal with screaming or badly-behaved children at airports and on planes so that they don't drive other passengers crazy? See in context

The responsiblity for children's behavior lies with the adult charged with the care of the children. Children will respond to an adult's discipline if they sense sincerity and commitment on the part of the adult. Progressive discipline usually is more effective in the long-term, although in the short-term, can be very challenging to maintain. Thank you very much. Respectfully, Mark Kazuo Bradley 500 University Avenue, Apt. #519 Honolulu, Hawaii 96826

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Posted in: Japan asks China to pay for damage to patrol boats See in context

I believe the Japan was correct in rejecting China's demand to pay compensatory damages to the Chinese. This was an unfortunate incident which began as a small incident and grew dramatically. Incidents such as these need to be kept in proper perspective. China should have accepted the release of the Chinese Boat Captain without pressing the issue further. Both China and Japan need to move forward for the greater good of both countries and to preserve stability in the region.

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