Japan Today

marklie comments

Posted in: Bush says it's 'essential' to help Obama See in context

Good on President Bush. Shame Dick Cheney (so aptly named) can't take a more constructive approach too.

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Posted in: Cheney: Obama's detainee policies make U.S. less safe See in context

His points are not unreasonable but what gets me is that we didn't hear from this guy the past 4 years and now he's spouting off every few days about Obama. Someone had to let him off his leash. Also, about Libby, I believe Cheney could have saved him the conviction by owning up to his own wrongdoings in that whole affair. Scooter was obstructing justice, but what was he trying to hide?

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Posted in: Obama abandons term 'enemy combatant' See in context

Those against whom we have evidence will be tried. Those against whom sufficient evidence does not exist will be set free. And so this huge wrong will be righted.

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Posted in: Jindal defends message of his GOP speech See in context

Can anyone explain what is meant by the "J&M media" please?

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Posted in: Obama releases secret Bush anti-terror documents See in context

Cheney has been a loud-mouthed ex-VP and has used his Faux News audience to attack the Obama administration. This guy just doesn't seem to handle himself well in any circumstance. Anyway, considering Cheney's activist approach to retirement, perhaps this is Obama's way of saying "Hey Dick, STFU."

And Tatanka, we did have friends and relatives whom we lost in that attack. We believe though that being American means being true to the principles of freedom and rule of law.

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Posted in: Obama draws battle lines to reshape U.S. society See in context

Tatanka, compared to the US today, Sweden looks good. Seriously.

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Posted in: For some in U.S., guns are a way of life See in context

Gun possession is a compensation for some other shortcoming. The police have guns. Those of us who are not police and are amply endowed can get along fine without owning guns.

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Posted in: No charges will be filed against Michael Phelps See in context

Sappquest - seriously, can you not see the difference between what is done in the event itself and what is done halfway around the world and three months later? I wish people would think just a little before stating an opinion.

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Posted in: Saudi king shakes up religious establishment See in context

Long overdue but still credit should be given for these steps in the right direction. The government is responding to the demands of the people. Let's hope this trend continues in SA but also spreads to other ME states. Perhaps one day, credit for transforming the ME will belong to this SA regime?

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Posted in: Obamas cap inauguration with 10 balls See in context

I agree with the basic point that cutting back on some of this pomp &etc. may have sent a good message. But it's tough to take the hypocrasy of those who didn't (don't?) seem to care how many pointless wars Bush squandered trillions of dollars in. Shame.

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Posted in: Lexus SUV See in context

Both beauties but Chibana more so than Mori. I'd love to work in Toyotas marketing department if one of the perqs is meeting these lovely ladies!

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Posted in: New Jersey kids with Nazi-inspired names removed from home See in context

Let's hope there is something concrete and illegal here that justifies the state removing children from their parents. As horrible as these names are, parents must have the right to name their children as they wish without the state's approval.

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Posted in: Israel tells Gazans to brace for war escalation See in context

Lots of criticism directed at Israel, but nothing constructive from this group of posters. If Hamas (and yes, it is Hamas and not rogue groups of militants) lobs missiles into Israel, aren't they asking for a response? If Hamas cares one iota about Palestinian lives, it will stop sending rockets and figure out another way to resolve its complaints. Possibly recognition of Israel's right to exist and a rescindence of its pledge to wipe Israel off the map would be enough to get the embargo lifted?

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Posted in: Palin defends terrorist comment against Obama See in context

"Thank goodness to bad rubbish." You must be referring to the mediocre (at best) Ms. Palin....

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Posted in: Obama, McCain blame economic woes on greed, policy See in context

For once I agree with McCain that it is greed, but he is wrong in coblaming Wall Street. Investors around the world and on Main Street were clamoring for ever bigger returns on their investments, and firms like Lehman did all they could to deliver. Their jobs depended on it.

I guess Obama is right after all. A better regulatory regime would have protected us all from our own greed. Nothing else could have overcome the demand for ever hgher returns.

Chalk up another one to Barack Obama.

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