Japan Today

Martini comments

Posted in: Tokyo reports 393 coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 1,792 See in context

@Sandy: yes! Hospitals are full, ICs are completely overcrowded (doctors have to make macabre choices who to choose: a COVID patient or someone who had a heart attack), the government limited contact tracing, yeaaaa Japan is doing fabulous! You must so glad your predictions are right. Maybe you should write a book about it. Maybe you can call it “Japan’s fabulous pandemic miracle - a true story about a crashed medical system, reduced testing, and ignorant citizens: the blueprint which made me believe a corrupt government.”

14 ( +18 / -4 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 393 coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 1,792 See in context

Can’t just say *

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 393 coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 1,792 See in context

@Akula; people saying the government stopped contact tracing are not conspiracy theorists, it’s a fact. You can just say something is a conspiracy theory if you don’t like something.

18 ( +19 / -1 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 769 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 3,345 See in context

@Redbear: your high "Mindo" as in, after a year still not having figured out how to improve the medical system for the COVID pandemic? Your mindo of blaming other countries (even other countries' nationalism (so ironic!)) for not having the vaccine on time? Your mindo as is "coming together as Japanese people" to blame every bad thing that happens on foreigners? Or speaking the English language? Your mindo as in the as always slow responses for every disaster that hits this country? The mindo of forever having old bureaucratic men in power, who are unwilling to change faulty systems and prioritize the economy and big companies, rather than the citizens themselves? Or prioritize an equal society for LGBTQ and women? Your mindo meaning Japanese people ignoring af the SOE guidelines and going onto packed trains, workspaces and karaoke places?

Japanese people have always been very good in suggesting you're very special, but you're just human, and Japan is a lovely beautiful country, too bad the government is corrupt and the people are ignorant and overly nationalistic.

It would be beautiful if you - Japanese people - start to be a bit more humble: other countries and tourists are already appreciating visiting this country, you know, it wouldn't be that hard to put your own pride aside and appreciate other countries too. You know, your failed government and legislative system have only been around for a few decades, wouldn't defend it and your Mindo too much if I were you.

I am not hearing other countries who are doing much better than you like Australia and New Zealand (basically no COVID since Sept. last year) shout nationalistic ignorant phrases like "our spirit as a people" and "Our mindo" and "our Unity" as much as you hear Japanese shouting this, even when it has been shown over and over again that your country has less testing that any other developed country, and your health care system has collapsed. Now Kono is even blaming the EU's nationalism for the vaccine shortage in Japan, can you believe it?

Show a little dignity and be a little humble, and you will probably improve your otherwise beautiful country by a million. Everyone wishes Japan will do well during the Pandemic, like every other nation on Earth, but don't make everything about your superior being-nonsense. It's getting old.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 1,026 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 3,853 See in context

@Liam; how is your notion that the UK had a go to eat campaign and has worse numbers than Japan an argument for the government in Japan doing a good job in promoting go to eat and travel?

This has been interesting since COVID, there (number wise) are countries which are better than Japan and countries which are worse than Japan. Still, Japan is the only country (including some folks here) where if anything is better it is boosting national pride and glorifying the Japanese people and the government. Additionally, similar to Sandy’s post, that “we have to understand the Japanese culture and history” as a fair reason for the bad stuff; bad ambulances have been here since WWII, so we have to understands that this is their culture and standard. Just like using a fax machine for 40 years now in all the offices here in Japan. Even if it could help save lives they won’t even change their systems.

I have a lot of respect for Japan, it’s culture and the people and love living here for so many years. However, I have always been opposed the nationalism here which is always feeding the discrimination and the sense of uniqueness. Heck, Japan is even proud of how uniquely unique they are. That’s why there were reports at the start of the pandemic on how the Japanese language was spreading corona less fast than English (as if all foreigners speak English in their home countries as well). And that government officials said to foreign leaders they have a higher cultural standard than foreigners (higher mindo). Those things make me sick.

Nippon Ichi, give me a break.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 1,026 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 3,853 See in context


I’ve lived here for almost two decades and I understand the ambulance situation in Japan. This is not an excuse, and the hospitals are full; Japan had more than a year to prepare and make sufficient changes to both the medical system and not promote domestic travel and eating out. It’s as simple at that.

On another note commenting on your last sentence; the medical system here is indeed good compared to the States (I guess that’s where you’re from?). The EU medical systems and costs are a lot better than here.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 1,026 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 3,853 See in context

@Sandy: you are commenting how great Japan is doing on a daily basis (not sure why), FYI, e.g. read this article, where Japanese doctors say the hospitals are full and this situation shouldn’t be in a country like Japan, but it is reality. People suffering other illnesses are dying in ambulances because they also cannot go into hospitals. The government had more than a year to prepare. It’s unforgivable. This is the definition of medical stangen collapse. The government promoted traveling and eating out in badly ventilated izakaya’s. No wonder the approval rate of Suga is falling in a deep dive. Japan has failed immensely, a country with opportunities to help its people prioritised the economy and the Olympia’s. This is a fact and it is a horrible act.


9 ( +12 / -3 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 1,026 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 3,853 See in context

@Sandy; can you please elaborate on how you believe the government is doing well? Specifically.

11 ( +15 / -4 )

Posted in: New coronavirus cases in Tokyo fall to 618; nationwide tally 2,764 See in context

This is of these rare times recently that you even see Japanese people not believing these numbers (according to the top comments on Yahoo news) and not trusting the government. I hope these numbers are true but I really cannot imagine this steep decrease without any real measures. This is very extreme. Usually when things are too good to be true, it is...


12 ( +17 / -5 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 1,502 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 6,587 See in context


PS: "[...] testing only those that might be infected rather than testing everyone else that do not need to be tested."

We have now been living with corona for about a year (!), and you still haven't educated yourself on the spreading of this virus?

People without symptoms, and with only mild symptoms, spread the virus significantly, so according to you these are the people who don't need to be tested right? What is your logic? It is people like you with these non-argument, self-proclaimed hypotheses and ideas (everybody is a doctor!) about the virus who are a great risk to this country and the world by spreading misinformation and downplaying this pandemic (including your almost daily rant on how you haven't heard an ambulance during your 1000 kilometer walks, as if it is some sort of acute disease, despite the fact that about 90% of the hospitals are full in Tokyo). Completely irresponsible. And I don't know why you would say these things.

16 ( +20 / -4 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 1,502 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 6,587 See in context

@Sandy: you keep saying this, and I guess you are referring to how other countries are doing it? Otherwise I am not seeing the point... So in that case, just so you know, most EU countries (such as Netherlands, Belgium, etc) don't test random people, or people without symptoms (unless they really want to), most of them have light symptoms which is the majority of the positive tests there (and this testing is free). In Japan you need to be very sick to get a free test. So your narrative and comparison is off.

Regarding "the Japanese government is doing an excellent job" is simply not true. If Corona is not that bad in Japan, it is due to the efforts of some Japanese people (and foreign residents living in Japan) themselves, not the government. The government was until shortly even promoting traveling and going to restaurants. There has never been clear leadership here, and within the government, local and national, there have always been contradicting advices. My serious question is: do you really believe the government did a good job? I cannot imagine anyone would think this.

19 ( +23 / -4 )

Posted in: New coronavirus cases in Tokyo soar to 2,447; nationwide tally 7,570 See in context

@Wobot: the hospitals in Tokyo are 88% full and the medical system about to collapse. Your post makes no sense in the real world scenario.


5 ( +6 / -1 )

Posted in: New coronavirus cases in Tokyo soar to 2,447; nationwide tally 7,570 See in context

@Vinke: I agree with your post, except that the test numbers of 5000 is for Tokyo, not all of Japan.

6 ( +12 / -6 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports record high 1,591 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 6,001 See in context

@Wobot: no one is suggesting the government is hiding bodies and no, it is not on par with the flu, no data is reflecting this, don't spread misinformation.

13 ( +20 / -7 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports record high 1,591 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 6,001 See in context

With tests going down from 7-day average going down from 8600 to 6200 (excluding today and yesterday's data), and positive rates are at about 14% now (also excluding today and yesterday's data). This explosive growth and the 70-80% unknown infection routes means it has spread everywhere, it cannot be explained by only young people spreading it in clubs. Average asymptomatic people are spreading it because the government is not providing enough free testing and awareness, and promoted domestic traveling. It is as clear as anything.

See graph number (4):


25 ( +36 / -11 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 1,278 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 4,883 See in context

@SandyBeachHeaven, you don't need random testing for 10x higher testing and numbers of positive corona patients; in most EU counties you can get tested (for free (big difference)) when you only have the slightest symptoms or feel unwell. That is one of the reasons why testing in Japan is so low; people are discouraged to get a test. It is only free if you really need it, if you are really sick, or in some cases if you donate blood (which is just ridiculous).

13 ( +17 / -4 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 884 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 3,295 See in context

Edit: that 7-day average is even excluding the past five days, according to the Tokyo corona website itself (going to Dec 30...):


5 ( +13 / -8 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 884 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 3,295 See in context

The 7-day average is even at 10.3% now, excluding the data from today (!), compared to ~3% early November.

For those saying they don't hear many ambulances, or those who "mathematically" argument daily here that is is just 0.00..% of the Tokyo population: you still don't understand that the hospitals are now 70-80% full, and this is with the limited testing where many people stay sick kat home and die there. I am still confused as to why these poster will (without any doubt) pop up again under this comment, spreading misinformation about the severity of this virus.

10 ( +21 / -11 )

Posted in: No. of people changing registered gender rising at record pace in Japan See in context

@Jimizo, I agree to some extend, however the discussion point about sports (if trans women should compete in the same category as cis women) should not be carried over to the discussion whether or not transmen and transwomen should on paper be allowed to be and recognized as women and men. These are the slippery slope arguments used by transphobic people to hide their ignorance.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

Posted in: No. of people changing registered gender rising at record pace in Japan See in context

@Burning Bush: Can you explain why according to you the definition of being a woman is to feel childbirth and what they go through during puberty? Also, your discussion about biological differences is very old fashioned and has been scientifically already disputed; hence there are terms "trans" and "cis", trans women are non-biological women, but their gender is female. A discrepancy in between the brain and the body; your discussion about what biological women go through and the biological differences between a trans woman and a cis woman make no sense. Your stories about being threatened are based on nothing but inappropriate fear, ignorance and hate.

5 ( +11 / -6 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 1,337 daily COVID cases; nationwide tally 4,519 See in context


they tested around 10.000


8 ( +10 / -2 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 1,337 daily COVID cases; nationwide tally 4,519 See in context

@ Gumbo

There is still no mention of when the vaccine will start

It starts in February.

The plan is that they start with testing end of Feb beginning of March on only 10.000 people (1万人) then only for hospital staff and clerks in middle of March (!) for 3.000.000 people (300万人) and the vulnerable 65+ and sick people will be late March early April (!!!) for 30-40.000.000 people (3000-4000万人). This is extremely late compared to developed country. And this is the best scenario plan submitted by the subcommittee.


14 ( +15 / -1 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 856 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 3,571 See in context


Looking at the hard data is shows significant increase in cases and also weekly increases in positive rates and deaths. How is this under control? If any, the testing is low. Also, your active cases arguments doesn’t work; hospitals are already getting full by these “low numbers”, making it difficult and already impossible for doctors to diagnose and treat not only corona but all other diseases.

8 ( +15 / -7 )

Posted in: Japan halts new arrivals from around world; suspends Go To Travel campaign See in context

Spending so much tax payer money on the GoTo travel and eat campaigns has been such a huge waste of money... they should and could have spend the money on people in need, poor people and families who lost there jobs, etc., instead the Japanese gouvernement gave the money to the rich for them to travel... of course due to conflicts of interests within the government tied with agencies etc., and this costed many lives too... it’s a huge waste and utterly sickening.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 884 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 3,830 See in context

@Reckless, I think this increase in cases and in deaths which has been going on for many many weeks now is probably not due to "a new variant from the UK", but more likely from negligence of the Japanese government, the lack of social distancing by the Japanese themselves, lack of significant change in people's izakaya and social behaviors, and the active promotion of domestic traveling.

25 ( +28 / -3 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports record high 888 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 3,737 See in context

Reminder: a vaccine is not coming soon, compared to most first world countries which start early January, in Japan they will start vaccination for hospital workers and clerks in late Feb/early March, and 65+ old people from late March/early April, which is very late.


"hospital workers and clerks in late Feb/early March" - actually from the middle of March

11 ( +11 / -0 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports record high 888 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 3,737 See in context


But anyway...

Merry Christmas to everyone! 

And the Vaccine is coming soon...

Reminder: a vaccine is not coming soon, compared to most first world countries which start early January, in Japan they will start vaccination for hospital workers and clerks in late Feb/early March, and 65+ old people from late March/early April, which is very late.

8 ( +14 / -6 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports record high 888 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 3,737 See in context

@Monty, do you realize this is still a relatively low number if tests? But you have to realize as well, that in most countries such as in the EU, it is normal for tests to go up if people are feeling sicker, because then more people want to get tested. That is a normal trend: it is not because the government is actively promoting testing (also note, testing prices are still the same and this 12.000 tests in for Monday only, not every day, the weekly average is around 7800).

So you have to look at the % rate which was about 3% in early Nov, and is about 7,5% now, based on a 7day average.

In other words, the tests only increased in this time from ~4000 (early Nov) to ~7800 now, but the positively tested people increased more, from ~150 (early Nov) to ~460 now (again, 7day averages).

Thus, I am again not sure what you are implying with your post, but it seems you are trolling posters about wanting more tests. I don't see the point.

9 ( +18 / -9 )

Posted in: Tokyo raises healthcare alert to highest level after virus cases soar to 822 See in context

@Monty, I completely disagree. Even using your own logic, a daily "low" 0.5% daily positive rate would indicate a 100% coverage in about 200 days, and with a 2% death rate, 400.000 people in Tokyo would die. But this is not even the reality. In reality, with the "low" 822 (significantly underestimated) numbers, hospitals are getting full and if this continues (and we are on track to that point now) hospitals won't be able to treat other diseases too, or detect diseases at an early stage and start treatment. This is the main problem of indirect deaths by the COVID pandemic and is an extremely dangerous problem the world is facing today. Think about cancer and hundreds of other diseases left undetected and untreated. With hospitals getting fuller, this is already the reality, just read any scientific article about this.

14 ( +15 / -1 )

Posted in: Tokyo raises healthcare alert to highest level after virus cases soar to 822 See in context

@Monty, it works differently than in other countries here (although I am not saying in a good way), but e.g. yesterday's tests were - according to official Japanese logic - from Sunday the 13th, when most clinics are closed. Then probably only very sick people can get tested, and for those I learned the tests are free (when you are very sick only), which I guess explains the ups and downs in ratios. Especially in the case of Japan (but also in other countries) it is better to look at 7-day averages to see an increase in ratio, which has been going up in Tokyo from about 3.3% early Nov, to about 7% now (middle of Dec).

I am not sure, but it sounds like you are implying that with "9100 tests more but only 150 more cases" things are going in the right direction? I am not following most of your logic on this site to be honest.

15 ( +17 / -2 )

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