Japan Today

Masaki Satoh comments

Posted in: Abe selects Shima in Mie to host 2016 G-7 summit See in context

The place decided is best suited as Japan is one of Pacific insular countries. European nations of G7 are mostly Continental countries so we hope them get in touch with Japanese traditional whale and dolphin hunting. Close to Sima, there is notorious towns of whale and dolphin hunting town, I wish some of them would visit the town and understand our culture of hundreds years since.

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Posted in: Ear cover serves as low-priced hearing aid See in context

I want get ones for my old mom , she's 91 years now doesn't like earphone type.

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Posted in: Thousands surround Diet to protest U.S. base relocation plan See in context

Who cares? Only pro-China politicians and Medias pick up as news. "Majority rule" is democratic principle, Okinawans are minorities here. We had been negotiating this problem for decades patiently under the strong oppositions but now it was already agreed by the former Okinawan mayor Nakaima and present Abe.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Posted in: Japan proud of its high-tech toilets See in context

High-tech toilet sheet is surely comfy and make us happy but

 now it's getting as matter-of-factly. Japanese sensitivity to give it a

twist in such an apparatus may come from Japanese artisan-sprits.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Posted in: China sets Sept 3 to mark WWII victory over Japan See in context

I'm Japanese and feel sick and tiring hearing such news by PRC and South

Korea. So, what ? What PRC wants us to do? Is that warning against

Japanese firms to retract from China? It's like a "A wolf and the boy"

from Aesop's Fables. Why China doesn’t kill Japanese businessmen over

there? Try it! You can add a history of legendary massacre. I know what

China did there about 70 years ago. And, what China is doing in South

China Sea and elsewhere.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Posted in: Ruling coalition finalizes bills to boost Japan's military role See in context

Now, Giant Golem freed from the yoke. Ha ha Let's see, what's going on next. This will be a deterrent against China attack to japan at least. Next is to remove Japan's leg-iron.

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Posted in: Special English zones proposed as part of Cool Japan tourism initiative See in context

is this means that Japanese language is not part of "cool Japan"?

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Posted in: China says it will defend its interests in South China Sea See in context

China deffend or offend ASEAN??

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: China releases Japanese wartime documents See in context

Let us see them anyhow. Isn't that ones made in China?? Even if it was the real, what China want to ask Japan for? Need apoogize or meney or putting Japan into the bad fame? Anyhow, the long time has passed, eh? "Wolf is coming!", "Wolf is coming!" But, nobody beleves it!

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