Posted in: Return to the golden age of arcade gaming at the Japan Game Museum See in context
Can't wait to time I'll come back to Japan I'll go for sure!
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Posted in: 19th anniversary of Great Hanshin Earthquake observed See in context
A prayer comes from Italy too! RIP
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Posted in: What makes people want to move to Japan? See in context
That's what I want to do mostly in my life....move to Japan as soon a s possible! Italy is a great country mosto for his history and landscape, but we don't eat bricks from the Colisseum and don't fill our glasses with beauty.....everything is going to hell here, education and respect are finished into trash can and immigration is going to be more brutal than ever to social equilibrium......
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: My very brief fight with a yakuza See in context
But you didn't tell us if you woke up sweat or not i the was a nightmare or it's the next Miike movie storyboard??
I don't know if all this detailed story it's true or not, but you were talking about how things could be gone if you were in U.S.A.?? People would immediatly call 911?? Since every time I switch on my TV there's a Breaking News about a gunfire in public places like Supermarkets, Cinema, Elementary Schoolds and so on with many dead I don't think USA could teach something to Japan on how to be a safety place....not at all!
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Posted in: Japan ready to help in euro crisis at G8 talks See in context
I'm not an economist or neither something like a politicians, but we all know that if Eurozone will fall down as a conseguence of Greek crysis there will be struggling links with USA and Asia as well! Helping EU is a good thing for the entire world, but I'm so in love with Japan that I must admit internal problems comes first....EU does not deserve japanese help since our politicians are stealing money from decades on!
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: Country singer Garth Brooks accused of rape in new lawsuit
Posted in: FIFA defers decision on call to suspend Israel
Posted in: Country singer Garth Brooks accused of rape in new lawsuit
Posted in: LDP considers endorsing members punished over scandal in Diet race