Japan Today

Matheww comments

Posted in: Mori scolded by wife, daughter after saying women talk too much at meetings See in context

He’s right. He shouldn’t say it so directly, but he’s right. Women have for so long been sitting in the background, they over compensate these days to get their word in. Not all but some can’t stop once they start talking. This is both understandable and sometimes annoying.

Simultaneously men use meetings as information dispersal. Not a chance for everyone to speak.

Clearly one of these is worse.

He’ll be gone within days.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Hello Kitty, Pikachu to help Osaka's bid to host 2025 World Expo See in context

Can’t we get more original, more creative, more meaningful? Using these two childish, mundane images really is our best effort?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: TOKYO AWARDED 2020 OLYMPICS See in context


How is this country going to afford the Olympics with the massive public debt effecting everything finance related. Is everyone aware of the cost involved? Not to mention the physical space this already terribly crowded city doesn't have. It was shameful to use the earthquake / tsunami / nuclear meltdown disaster as part of their plea to get the games.

Now four times the games host, it seems a lot in 50 years for one country, doesn't it?

The games should go to cities in need of some worldwide attention. Tokyo is already firmly a world class city. Doesn't need the attention. What possible benefit does the Olympics bring the people of Tokyo? Short term job boost, excitement for kids, sure. But is it worth the price?

Sorry to be negative but this titanic outpouring of kitch is not what this country and its economy need.

If it cheers people up for a while though, great.

-5 ( +37 / -40 )

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