Posted in: Man held for extorting money from woman he met on matchmaking site See in context
Hope he spends a lot of time in jail.
People have to use some common sense when picking partners on these sites. I highly doubt a president of a company would disclose such information on a hook-up site if he or she uses one at all.
6 ( +7 / -1 )
Posted in: Hiroshima unhappy atomic bomb park is Pokemon Go site See in context
The game is absolutely huge. I am assuming it has mapped out most of Japan and other countries. I don't think they could take into consideration all of the spots that may not be good locations for the initial release.
As the story states, there is a way to have your site removed, and we don't know the result of this as of yet. The game has only been out in Japan for five or six days. Give them time to work out the kinks before we condemn them.
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: 38-year-old man arrested on suspicion of kidnapping 4-year-old girl See in context
Assuming he had her alone in the bathroom where their are no cameras, so yes this is at least mildly kidnapping.
If I had been the parent, I would have gone ballistic on him for taking my daughter out of sight.
I'm hoping this man just has a mental deficiency that prohibits him from seeing the inappropriateness of all this and not something more sinister.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Sakurajima volcano erupts explosively in southern Japan See in context
Saying you have a PhD isn't a valid argument. You need to post evidence. Otherwise you are just fear mongering.
5 ( +8 / -3 )
Posted in: Japan, wary of outsiders, keeps doors closed to refugees See in context
I read a story in this page this morning about the decline of population in cities that were worst hit by the Tsunami. The story claimed that many of the victims are STILL living in temporary housing.
If Japan can't properly take care of their own, they probably shouldn't be bringing in thousands of refugees.
6 ( +8 / -2 )
Posted in: Too white, too male: Oscar nominations under fire See in context
Living in Japan, it is hard to see current movies, so I can't really judge the latest crop of movies and actor/actresses. However, in the past 15 years, 3 African Americans have won the best actor award (Washington, Whittiker, Fox). Halle Berry won the best actress.
Also, this year will be the first year in 3 that an African American didn't win the Best supporting Actress award.
So to say Hollywood snubs all black actors/actresses is a little bit of a stretch. Maybe there was a snub this year, I don't know. Ask me in 4 months, once I have seen all of these films.
10 ( +13 / -3 )
Bringing rice to Japan is like carrying coals to Newcastle...
Posted in: Japan to release 210,000 tons from rice reserves due to surging prices
The Golden Age of America is here. "Ethnic cleansing, baby!"
Posted in: Trump wants denuclearization talks with Russia and China
Google You Are Not President i did. It shows me pictures of Democrat politicians.
Posted in: Japan in contact with U.S. over tariffs; says it will respond appropriately
Posted in: Trump wants denuclearization talks with Russia and China