Posted in: Abe leans toward ¥100,000 cash handout scheme See in context
Not true. You get it from your company but not from the government
We also get it from the government.
I just registered for the National pension in January, and it was very clear at the ward office and in the literature that they provided that I will be paid.
3 ( +6 / -3 )
Posted in: Abe leans toward ¥100,000 cash handout scheme See in context
we do not get national pension either but we have it taken out of our salaries.
Not true. If you pay into the national pension you will receive a pension, regardless of permanent resident status or citizenship. If you are from a country that has an agreement with Japan, you can even receive it from your own country.
4 ( +6 / -2 )
Posted in: Abe leans toward ¥100,000 cash handout scheme See in context
Now if only the Japanese people could start showing it's support for foreigners and make the government realize, what they are doing is wrong.
The government doesn't seem to be against giving it out to foreigners (except for 2 specific diet members). I seem to see a lot of Japanese people on SNS saying not to give it to foreigners. Hope the government doesn't listen to them. We should find out soon.
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Abe leans toward ¥100,000 cash handout scheme See in context
It means Japanese citizen (who have its citizenship).
Not necessarily. Minister Suga used the term to include foreigners living in Japan, just last month. Here it will most likely mean those who have a juminhyo.
2 ( +4 / -2 )
Posted in: Abe leans toward ¥100,000 cash handout scheme See in context
I don't know why Japan Today keeps translating 国民 as citizens, but Suga said just last month when they were considering the 300,000 handout, that foreign residents (except illegal residents and short term visitors) WOULD receive it. Many people are saying they also received it as foreign residents in 2009, so I don't see why we wouldn't this time.
12 ( +13 / -1 )
Posted in: Gov't to give ¥300,000 in cash to each household in need See in context
@Hunter James
Nikkei is reporting that Minister Suga announced that foreign residents of Japan will also be considered for this, if they meet the qualifications.
6 ( +6 / -0 )
Posted in: Gov't to give ¥300,000 in cash to each household in need See in context
There is a diet member who is currently getting a lot of flack for saying foreigners should not be given this benefit, by the way.
12 ( +12 / -0 )
Posted in: Gov't to give ¥300,000 in cash to each household in need See in context
@Hunter James
I am not sure where the Nakano Ward office gets that information, but I don't see anything being announced that its only for citizens. Perhaps they are thinking of how unemployment benefits work, there is something there about foreign residents I believe. As others have mentioned, in the past when these benefits have been given out foreign residents with juminhyo were given them as well. We pay taxes, why not? In my country, Canada, they are giving benefits to people who lost their jobs, but one of the requirements is 'residing in Canada', so then I get nothing in either country?
6 ( +8 / -2 )
Posted in: Japan Post to temporarily stop accepting international mail due to coronavirus See in context
This is not correct. If the author of this article took a look at the Japan Post website in Japanese, she would notice it says ‘宛て’, which means TO. They will not be accepting packages being sent from Japan TO those countries. Inbound packages will still be accepted. It would not make sense for them to send packages back out of Japan if the reason is lack of flights. The author should have realized this. Irresponsible reporting. Source:
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Gov't considers cash handouts to households to ease virus impact See in context
Pitiful amount.
Will foreigners with a juminhyo get this as well?
2 ( +4 / -2 )
Posted in: Japan testing for coronavirus at fraction of capacity See in context
They gave you antiBIOTICS for a VIRUS? Why?
25 ( +25 / -0 )
They should change the name of East China Sea to The Asian Sea.
Posted in: China removes its buoy from Japan's EEZ near Senkakus
Posted in: New 'Captain America' film flies into Trumpian headwinds
Posted in: Senate confirms Gabbard as Trump's director of national intelligence
Posted in: Government watchdogs fired by Trump sue his administration and ask a judge to reinstate them