Posted in: Apple harvest threatened after heavy snow blankets Aomori See in context
The New Zealand varieties - Jazz, Royal Gala - are excellent and widely available in Tokyo.
They sure are. I've really enjoyed trying several new kinds of apples from New Zealand. Had one called "Dazzle" this year that was spectacular!
2 ( +4 / -2 )
Posted in: Apple harvest threatened after heavy snow blankets Aomori See in context
I love apples. Used to eat one or two a day. I still do try to enjoy one every day at lunch, but it often depends on the quality vs. the price at the store. I might have to learn to enjoy something else come next year if the apples become anymore expensive.
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Trump tells prayer breakfast he wants to root out 'anti-Christian bias' and urges 'bring God back' See in context
Trump has hardly ever been to church, barely knows the bible or songs, and probably doesn't believe in a higher power like God at all. The fact that some Christians want to treat him as a savior is baffling. He literally doesn't care about you or your beliefs. He pretends to do so to have his followers blindly worship him.
7 ( +10 / -3 )
Posted in: Trump starts firing opponents, faces criticism in cathedral sermon See in context
But the bishop case clearly what she did was inappropriate and she just needed to do her job. That wasn't a sermon,but bias rambling without taking account to what the majority of people of the nation want who choose their president.
Not inappropriate. It's actually her job to pray for the mercy of people and to remind everyone to love thy neighbor as thyself. And you should be careful of using the word "majority". In the end, it was 77 million to 75 million, which says that only a slim amount favored Trump. So this is not a mandate or landslide victory. But I'm sure you will do your best to apply critical thinking to facts and actual events from now.
8 ( +8 / -0 )
Posted in: Trump starts firing opponents, faces criticism in cathedral sermon See in context
My Japanese wife after hearing the Bishop speak - "At least you have one loving American left." lol.
But anyways, it was interesting to see the facial reactions of Trump and those around him. Trump at first seemed to listen and take it somewhat to heart. Later, he lost interest. Think he has a limited attention span.
Vance - Didn't care at all. He has no heart. Melania - Doesn't care. Never has.
19 ( +23 / -4 )
Posted in: Musk raises eyebrows with salute gesture at Trump rally See in context
Why is it always right-wingers who "mistakently" make a nazi salute?
13 ( +15 / -2 )
Posted in: Trump sworn in as 47th president, emboldened to reshape American institutions See in context
Lol. Elon musk with a nazi salute to the cheers are everyone! The crazy has already begun. /smh
3 ( +11 / -8 )
Posted in: TikTok says it's restoring service to U.S. users based on Trump's promised executive order See in context
I do not use TikTok and live in Japan, so the ban doesn't affect me either way. But when 352 Congressmen, 79 Senators, and the Supreme Court 9-0, uphold a ban or forced sale, it makes me wonder why. I know that some have come out and said that there wasn't any substantial proof of a National Security threat. But the votes were very much one-sided by both Dems and Republicans.
15 ( +15 / -0 )
Posted in: Biden warns in farewell address that an oligarchy of ultrarich in U.S. threatens future of democracy See in context
Said the career politician who has been in power for over 50 years. Making and endorsing policies that created that income inequality in the first place.
I'm not arguing against that. To be fair, all of this started with Reagan. And it's continued. And now it's become fully visual with a criminal in the lead. In the end, though, it's very hard to argue that income equality is fair right now. None of us should be struggling to afford housing, paying for education and health care, and taking care of our families. It's time to change, and yet we are looking at another four years of the rich gettng richer.
3 ( +9 / -6 )
Posted in: Biden warns in farewell address that an oligarchy of ultrarich in U.S. threatens future of democracy See in context
It is. Time for working-class Americans to level the playing field. Income inequlity is too great.
7 ( +16 / -9 )
Posted in: Tokyo governor wants to start study abroad grant system, including monthly activity allowance See in context
This is great. I know quite a few students who want to study abroad, but with the weakened yen, it's just impossible. I've often thought the government should provide scholarships to help.
And what of young people in other prefectures? They are usually worse off in economics terms...
That's a good point. I do know that my prefecture offers ten 500,000 yen scholarships to high school students who meet certain grade requirements. Problem is that the English test (IELTS) is so much more difficult now that most of the high school students in my prefecture are unable to pass it.
I know that having a good ability of English is important to having a successful exchange. But I've had many students go abroad with less ability and then come back being near fluent. Those students have also pursued careers using English now, and much of that is due to the year abroad they experienced. I think that the those in charge of the IELTS have partly lost vision fo what Exchange Programs are intended for.
7 ( +9 / -2 )
Posted in: Debate over raising ¥1.03 mil tax threshold gains steam in Japan See in context
Double or triple the price of a pack of cigarettes. The increase being taxes.
They should add more tax to alcohol along with it.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Parents of chronically absent kids turn to support spaces to vent See in context
When asked to respond on a seven-point scale from "very much" to "not at all," to questions such as "Does loud noise make you uncomfortable?" and "Are you affected by other people's moods?" students who had played hooky showed a clear tendency toward sensory sensitivity than those who stayed in school.
I'm reaching here, but I'm guessing that those students likely play video games and / or watch movies loudly. So I don't fully agree with loud noise being as much of a factor as the researcher suggests. But one thing I have noticed after 20+ years at high school is that there is a lot of "barking" by teachers. The minute you enter the school, teachers are using loud voices about uniforms and not being late. They also encourage everyone to greet in a loud voice. So even I, can sometimes feel overwhelmed by it all.
The teacher's room, though easy to talk to everyone, is also a noisy place. Everyone is together. I have to listen to everyone's phone calls, everyone talking to each other. It gets to be so much that I occassionally escape to the library for some peace and quiet. And suprisingly, I have found other teacher's seeming hiding here and there. And don't get me started on the teacher who sits in the toilet stall for a long, long time. I'm 100% sure he is sleeping there.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: University student arrested on suspicion of killing cat by cutting off its four legs See in context
This is not what I wanted to read this morning. How sad! At least, I'm trying to do my part in taking in stray cats and finding them good homes. I will keep doing my best.
8 ( +8 / -0 )
Posted in: Rising pit bull attacks in Japan put spotlight on negligent owners See in context
As much as some defend Pit Bulls as loving and gentle in a good home, even then, there are numerous stories of that same dog attacking the owner or family member. There is a reason why most homeowners insurance will not cover Pit Bulls.
14 ( +16 / -2 )
Posted in: As Donald Trump staffs up for second term, only MAGA loyalists need apply See in context
Not to worry crybabies about him breaking up families
It's these kinds of remarks by maga supporters that need to end. Whatever party we voted for, in the end, we are all Americans. And in reality, we should support policies that support everyone's wishes through compromise. It is not a one-sided, winner takes all. That's what Dems have being trying to emphasize, I think. Country before party. I hope that you will think about this and realize that those kinds of comments only create division. Please. The division needs to end.
6 ( +10 / -4 )
Posted in: Foreigner accidentally allowed to vote in Japanese election; ballot will remain valid See in context
Then, become a naturalized citizen!
Do something about your status and stop whining.
Why do people whine when complaining about whining? Anyways, people aren't whining, Herve. In fact, in one Municipality, a survey was done where 73.2 percent of the of respondents agreed that foreign residents should be able to vote in local referendums. This unfortunately received backlash from conservative media which led to fear, causing the vote to not pass. But you can see that in general, there are quite a few Japanese who think voting in local referendums is acceptable.
-2 ( +8 / -10 )
Posted in: Foreigner accidentally allowed to vote in Japanese election; ballot will remain valid See in context
This discussion is about to blow up. But for those who want to know if other countries allow non-citizens to vote in local elections, just search for Non-citizen Suffrage online. It's not that uncommon, especially for non-citizens who have lived in a country after a period of time.
10 ( +14 / -4 )
Posted in: Some 7-Eleven owners in Japan fed up with strategy, welcome foreign bid See in context
Interesting that Japan has long resisted non-Japanese from owning or controlling businesses in Japan, and yet here they are trying to buy an American steel company. It can't continue to be so one-sided.
-1 ( +12 / -13 )
Posted in: Japan researchers identify fat-burning proteins See in context
Sounds like a win to me! As much as I watch my diet and exercise, sometimes it seems like just breathing air puts on weight. :) I'll take any help as long as it's safe.
0 ( +4 / -4 )
Posted in: Race to find next Japan PM may prove ruling party factions die hard See in context
Like native English teachers.
I think you have a bug on your shoulder. Careful it doesn't bite you.
10 ( +12 / -2 )
Posted in: Gender issues: Italian woman boxer hurt by opponent, quits bout after 46 seconds See in context
The fighter was born a female, not a male. But if you want an opinion that would really matter, then ask the Irish female fighter that defeated her. Amy Broadhurst said, "Personally I don't think she has done anything to "cheat". I thinks it’s the way she was born and that's out of her control. The fact that she has been beaten by 9 females before says it all."
1 ( +12 / -11 )
Posted in: Only 10.4% want PM Kishida to continue to serve: poll See in context
I wish voters would realize that it's not just the person in charge, but also all those that are around them. If you want change, you can't keep voting in the old guard.
10 ( +11 / -1 )
Posted in: Japanese mayor suddenly speaks fluent English with AI video that surprises even him See in context
Hope you are right max.
I'm older, so I have less time to worry about! :) But on the serious side, today's classes reminded me of just how much fun the students and I had being together, along with all of the individual, personal interactions I shared with many of the students. There is no way AI is going to replace this sort of real human interaction for a long, long time.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Japanese mayor suddenly speaks fluent English with AI video that surprises even him See in context
I hope that we don't see the demise of language teachers, interpreters and translators due to AI.
I don't really worry about seeing a decrease in teachers or language teachers. As much as we push for independent learning, most students need a teacher to discipline and push them. Self-motivation is a hard thing, regardless of age. There is also a certain amount of joy from speaking and understanding a language yourself. I can't see AI replacing this self-fulfillment.
5 ( +5 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan's new whaling factory ship sets sail on first hunt See in context
Now, I know that blonde-blue eyed people are okay doing that, but it is hypocritical to hit Japan with all the venom here.
Your statement is a bit racial/prejudicial. But I understand what you are trying to get at. I personally have no problem with cultures continuing to hunt food as they always have. But that's the thing. Japan traditionally doesn't have a strong cultural background in whaling. But the conservative base in Japan is trying to claim that it is part of all Japanese people's culture because they don't want to accept criticism of its current practices: which is that they are subsidizing whaling heavily with tax payer money for a population that largely doesn't eat it. Most of the meat caught from whaling seems to be going to making pet food.
6 ( +9 / -3 )
Posted in: Japan's new whaling factory ship sets sail on first hunt See in context
Another heavily subsidized industry from tax payer money in an attempt to claim that eating whale meat is a part of Japanese culture. While a few areas have a long history of whale meat, the majority of Japanese never ate whale mean as a part of their daily culture. The only reason that some older Japanese remember eating it was because after WW2, whale meat was used by the U.S. to help feed a starving population. It was a cheaper protein source that was much needed at the time.
16 ( +29 / -13 )
Posted in: Seinfeld speech at Duke commencement prompts walkout protesting his support for Israel See in context
I wish they'd keep walking - all the way to their dream paradise in Palestine!
Why can't people live in peace together? Blame Hamas? Okay. Blame Netanyahu? Yep, him, too. Both are guilty here. But right now, Netanyahu is showing little care for any Palestinian innocents.
1 ( +12 / -11 )
Posted in: More Japanese workers turning to job resignation services See in context
Mismatches in values between younger workers and companies with old-fashioned cultures are also said to have contributed to the trend.
Just a small issue, but my daughter came home upset yesterday because her assistant manager at a child's clothing store didn't like her pink hair. She was told that her previous blonde hair (also dyed) was acceptable because it matched her skin tone. But pink would make some customers uncomfortable. My daughter said that she always had a good relationship with customers and would continue to do so. So in the end, she was told she was being selfish and if someone complained during the next month, she would have to change her hair.
It's hard to advise in a situation like this. In the end, it may come down to keeping a job or moving on. And that's life. She's done some hair modeling in the past year, so I told her to let them see some of her modeling pictures. Perhaps, that might help.
12 ( +16 / -4 )
Posted in: Netanyahu on U.S. threat to withhold arms: Israel will fight with its 'fingernails' if needed See in context
It's a shame to see a people who were once so terribly persecuted, now become the persecutors. I think the current regime in Israel has lost the respect and support it once had.
10 ( +11 / -1 )
As I predicted. trump is for trump.
Posted in: Japan in contact with U.S. over tariffs; says it will respond appropriately
Posted in: Trump wants denuclearization talks with Russia and China
Posted in: Japan to release 210,000 tons from rice reserves due to surging prices
Posted in: 2 doctors arrested over cover-up of patient’s murder at hospital in Aomori Prefecture