Japan Today

meemaw comments

Posted in: Police probe claim U.S. serviceman punched 13-yr-old boy in Okinawan home See in context


I agree wholeheartedly with you that the military forces should be measured by a higher standard due to the instilled discipline and code of conduct. My comments were not to take that standard away from the military, it is rather to clarify and balance the anger and resentment towards the military (which is something that all good ambassadors should do; instead of blindly following and agreeing with ridiculous claims).

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Posted in: Police probe claim U.S. serviceman punched 13-yr-old boy in Okinawan home See in context

Please don't get me wrong, I am not making up any excuse for this incident. What sickens me is the generalization of accusations in regards to US Military personnel conduct. Blanket statements like "Americans are the root of evil" reflect ignorance and inconsideration on JN part. Your demands (i.e. accountability for ALL US personnel) are just not realistic and it seems that a few insane individuals is all it takes for JN to forget about the abundance of good deeds of the US Forces (i.e. Operation Tomodachi トモダチ作戦).

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Posted in: Police probe claim U.S. serviceman punched 13-yr-old boy in Okinawan home See in context

BertieWooster "Okinawans want no rape, no violence, no US military, NO BASES."

So when the US military leaves there will be no crime on Okinawa?! Surrreeeelllyyy THEN there will be nothing left but sunshine, roses, and unicorns on Okinawa =D Who are you kidding????

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