Posted in: It's a Honda See in context
Nice looking jet. Hope it has Honda`s usual high quality.
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Posted in: Paris cleanup See in context
Are there actually Greenbirds in Japan? If so, could they come to my neighbourhood?
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Posted in: China conveys 'grave concern' to Japan over Aso's Yasukuni offerings See in context
"grave concern indeed!"
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Posted in: China conveys 'grave concern' to Japan over Aso's Yasukuni offerings See in context
China loves all the money Japan has invested in China over the past 50 years but loves to critisize every move that Japan makes otherwise. Get real!
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Posted in: China conveys 'grave concern' to Japan over Aso's Yasukuni offerings See in context
Get a grip China! If you had it your way, the world would go off its handle on the anniversay of the Tiannamen massacre every year. China needs to shut its mouth!
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Posted in: Nice pitch See in context
I like her! It is just the pose she is in that makes her look so skinny.
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Posted in: Japan turns to 'work-sharing' to avoid layoffs See in context
Nice wives in Japan! The wives would rather have anything I think than having their husbands at home or as Gaijinocchio said actually having a healthy sex life after children. I am afraid that does not exist here. The men sure take the brunt of everything. They often get criticized for going out for "a little bit" but man! Can you blame them? But back to the story. A great idea! Things will turn around as they always do and then at least you still get your full time job back. That is why your mama always told you to put away a bit of money for when the hard times come.
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Posted in: In Canada, Obama treads lightly on trade, war See in context
? after the word "change"
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Posted in: In Canada, Obama treads lightly on trade, war See in context
Since when has Canada been a leader on helping climate change. Per capita it is the worst of all developed nations.
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Posted in: Amid the global recession, do you see the end of rampant consumerism and is that ultimately a good thing? See in context
Once the economy is on the rise again people will do exactly as they did before. Spend, spend, spend. Buy everything new that comes out. Live on credit. Max out 3 credit cards every month. It would be nice to see a change in people`s habits but I agree with Notginger that people generally are too stupid and selfish to see beyond meeting impulsive desires.
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Posted in: Would you like to see Taro Aso replaced as Japan's prime minister, and if so, who do you think would do a better job? See in context
Someone with a gimmick or catch phrase like "gets" or "Whooooo!" They could put them on TV every night. They would be so popular and people would become happy and start shopping again. Someone the Japanese people can identify with. Not some old codger.
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Posted in: Would you like to see Taro Aso replaced as Japan's prime minister, and if so, who do you think would do a better job? See in context
Someone from SMAP.
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Posted in: Seibu ice hockey team goes out with a win See in context
both teams need new names!
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Posted in: 'Monga' in our midst See in context
Unbelievable! Still such an insulated, ignorant country. I guess the talent have a new word to all shout about (at the same time) on TV. Amazing how elitist the Japanese still seem to be. As others said above, their reputation abroad as tourists is very bad.
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Posted in: What are some of your favorite feel-good movies? See in context
Smoke. The Shawshank Redemption.
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Posted in: Electric bike recharges itself as it goes See in context
Great idea but the problem with most electric bicycles is that they do not have gears and they are heavy. If you had 21,14 or even 7 gears on the bicycle, the ease of riding would be much greater. I bet my hybrid with 27 gears is easier to ride than one of those and there is no heavy battery to lug around or charge. Once again, a great idea but they have to get past this one-speed, asian bicycle idea.
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Posted in: Retail sales mark biggest decline in 4 years See in context
Totally a perfect time to raise sales tax! Three cheers for Aso! Hip-hip..........!
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Posted in: Why aren't fuel surcharges on airfares coming down? See in context
yes. i totally missed the 6 months delay when prices went up! what is up with that jmarc?
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Posted in: British Airways, VisitBritain campaign offers Y35,000 return fare from Tokyo to London See in context
Exactly! Wait for the final price.
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Posted in: Why aren't fuel surcharges on airfares coming down? See in context
In my 12 years of flying between Japan and Canada the price of a ticket has never been as low as 40000Yen. Not even close! A bunch of shysters is what they are.
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Posted in: Why aren't fuel surcharges on airfares coming down? See in context
Because the price of the ticket is too low now. Airmiles do not cover the fuel surcharge or taxes. only the price of the ticket. So they have found a way to screw people out of their airmiles. I agree that the price should be the price. My ticket to Toronto this summer is only 40000Yen! Wow! But please pay 85000Yen. My airmiles will only cover the first 40000Yen. Nice. Thank you airline. there goes about 5 or 6 years of points down the toilet.
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Posted in: KAT-TUN to hold concerts on 7 straight nights at Tokyo Dome See in context
All these boy bands look and sound about the same. Terrible that is. they have very little talent indeed. couldnt play an instrument if they had to. i agree that it is the same young girls going to the concert over and over again with moms money. yes. truly greedy trying to milk them for 7 concerts in a row. i guess there really is no accounting for taste.
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Posted in: Asahi says cheers to cheap beer See in context
What have things come to? Everyone drinking fake beer. I have yet to try one that is any good. People drinking that swill by the case just to get an alcohol fix. Is it enjoyable to drink? I will stick to real beer and just drink less before I switch to that crap. It is a sad time when we cant afford to drink real beer. And dont you love when you go to a party and take a pack of real beer for yourself to drink and all the Japanese bring the happoshu but then open the fridge and reach for one of yours! Disgruntled beer lover here, sorry.
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Posted in: Can you still put on weight if you drink diet soda or eat foods that claim to be low in calories? See in context
So called diet products often have other chemicals in them that can be dangerous to your health. The full effects of these are not yet known but the artificial sweeteners have been linked to all kinds of abnormalities. I think people are better off drinking a good old fashioned pop. Just dont drink too many. It is simple. If you are real thirsty, drink a lot of water. As for food. We are in Japan. All kinds of healthy stuff out there. I hope this is not off topic too much. I just think that a good diet doesnt have to be so complicated.
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Posted in: Porn industry enjoys good sales despite recession See in context
Oh yeah! Now just get rid of the mosaic and they will get my money too.
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Posted in: Aso says world religions can learn from Japan See in context
Couldn`t agree more than with the above about work and productivity. Japan is hopeless when it comes to productivity compared to hours worked. Most of them spend a lot of time "having a meeting about the next meeting" as I like to put it. Aso is an idiot. Has he ever studied or been abroad? Anyone know?
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Posted in: Musashi See in context
Don`t you love the pencil neck action stars of Japan. Really scary guys!
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Posted in: Tourism boom sends prices soaring at Niseko ski resort
I will be ruffling feathers Your son will suffer as a result
Posted in: At least 176 harassment cases reported at Japan fire stations in FY2023
Posted in: At least 176 harassment cases reported at Japan fire stations in FY2023
Ok let take a very close look at what constitutes as "aid" in EU own numbers shall we. I can,…
Posted in: British PM Starmer offers to send peacekeeping troops to Ukraine