Japan Today

melikewine comments

Posted in: Attack is North Korean bid for attention See in context

I am surprised (maybe I shouldn't be) that no one here has trid to understand why NK started the shelling in the first place. It was SK and US's endless military exercises and firing in the disputed sea areas that provoked NK. It's like two bigger kids constantly bully this little guy by flexing muscles right at his door step. So the weak kid decided to throw a punch: you want to fight? let's fight. You know what happened: the two bigger kids have been proven a "paper tiger".

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Posted in: China keeps pressure off North Korea See in context

I am surprised (maybe I shouldn't be) that no one here has trid to understand why NK started the shelling in the first place. It was SK and US's endless military exercises and firing in the disputed sea areas that provoked NK. It's like two bigger kids constantly bully this little guy by flexing muscles right at his door step. So the weak kid decided to throw a punch: you want to fight? let's fight. You know what happened: the two bigger kids have been proven a "paper tiger".

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Posted in: Anti-China protest See in context

Ossan:Yes they do actually. Japan is China's biggest trading partner and China's economic growth us still export driven.

What? Japan is China's biggest trading partner? Do your home work. China is Japan's biggest trading partner, not the reverse. US is still China's biggest trading partner... by far.

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