Japan Today

Melissa Baker-Lhermitte comments

Posted in: Nuclear Regulation Authority inspects 3 aging reactors See in context

All of the old nuclear reactors emit radioisotopes whether they are active or not.. Most radioisotopes have a positive ionic frequency called Cation.. These cation can be bonded and trapped by a negative ionic frequencys called Anion.. Sodium Bicarbonate and Calcium Bentonite are both emitters of an Anion ionic frequency that can bond trap and eliminate radioisotopes.

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Posted in: Experts question ice wall at Fukushima nuclear plant See in context

Debris in Seawater can cause fission ( criticality ) and that is why they add Boric acid to the Reactors water at Daiichi

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Posted in: Experts question ice wall at Fukushima nuclear plant See in context

Covering up (entombing ) is not an option

Yes it is... They can build bridges with a water base then they can entomb Daiichi....

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Posted in: Experts question ice wall at Fukushima nuclear plant See in context

Has anyone at TEPCO, JAEA, IAEA, J Govt, engineering contractors Kashima, Obayashigumi, and Taiseikensetsu manufactures Toshiba, Hitachi, and Mitsubishi all involved in Daiichi has ever thought as I do... that seawater only is maybe what is flooding/gushing/leaking into below ground sections of the Daiichi plant??? After the explosions and triple melt-throughs with that the loss of containment which in melting the bedrock underneath the Daiichi Plant Not in a linear flow mind you (Humans and straight lines) Daiichi being situated right on the water..... Makes it kind of obvious that bedrock separating the seawater would have melted and seawater would come Pouring into below ground sections of the Daiichi plant..... entomb, entomb, Entomb the Whole Daiichi Plant below and above ground with cement...

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Posted in: Global shipping fleet exposed to hacking threat See in context

gogogo Oops here is the most current Digital Attack Map Top daily DDoS attacks worldwide


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Posted in: U.S. scientists expect traces of ocean radiation from Fukushima soon See in context

2 Thumbs Up OneHapa well said..

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Posted in: Back in business See in context

According to Heyltex

While Prussian blue increases the rate of elimination of radioactive Cesium-137 and Thallium-201 from the body, it does not treat complications of radiation toxicity, such as bone marrow suppression, neutropenia, or thrombocytopenia. Patients suspected of being internally contaminated with Cesium-137 should be monitored for radiation toxicity and treated as necessary. Prussian blue might not increase the rates of elimination from the body of radioactive elements other than Cesium-137 and patients exposed to radioactive elements in addition to Cesium-137 may require additional, concomitant treatment with other agents.

Cesium-137 can do damage....

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Posted in: Back in business See in context

Well Imagine that...Fukushima Diary the not a reliable source. Actually Reads TEPCO's Page & Carried the story....


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Posted in: Number of Tohoku volunteers exceeds 1.3 million See in context

NPO's Know the lay of the land and know where Your talents can be most useful in reference to volunteering.

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Posted in: Number of Tohoku volunteers exceeds 1.3 million See in context

In the beginning Empty Handed Volunteers were turned away because they did not even have supplies to feed themselves. less no a place to sleep. It's better to go through an NPO.

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Posted in: Number of Tohoku volunteers exceeds 1.3 million See in context

NPOs on the ground in Tohoku received $3 billion in donations from companies and the public, in response to the estimated $300 billion in damages.


The Japanese Red Cross has received over $600 million from sister societies around the world. By the end of December 2013, more than 74.7% of these funds had been spent or committed on specific recovery programs that benefit survivors of the disaster.


Volunteer with NPOs....

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Posted in: Gov't to lift evacuation order for Fukushima town on April 1 See in context

Counts Per Second is another way the US measures ionizing radiation

Counts per minute (cpm) is a measure of the detection rate of ionization events per minute. Counts are only manifested in the reading of the measuring instrument, and are not an absolute measure of the strength of the source of radiation. Whilst an instrument can display at a rate of cpm, it does not have to detect counts for one minute, as it can infer the total per minute.

Counts per second (cps) is used for measurements when higher count rates are being encountered, or if hand held radiation survey instruments are being used which can be subject to rapid changes of count rate when the instrument is moved over a source of radiation in a survey area.

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Posted in: Gov't to lift evacuation order for Fukushima town on April 1 See in context

20 millisieverts is 20,000 microsieverts of Radiation Exposure per year...


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Posted in: TEPCO says 100 tons of tainted water leaked at Fukushima See in context

It feels like every month there is a report of a new leak. In searching TEPCO+water+leaks, I was overwhelmed by the sheer number of leaks that have already occurred at Daiichi and posted links to a few and was thinking that if TEPCO can build a freeze wall why not a 5 meter thick cement wall to keep the contaminates from leaking into the sea. Mind you the so called decontamination process f the "tainted water" only removes cesium while leaving the other harmful contaminates in the water.

In reading a past article on JT I learned froom a poster that Daiichi was built on top of a water table that ultimately feeds into the Tokyo water supply.

TEPCO says up to 500 tons of groundwater flowing into Fukushima nuclear plantNational Sep. 21, 2011

Disillusioned Sep. 21, 2011 - 10:54AM JST

This was documented by foreign sources within the first two weeks of the disaster. It has taken TEPCO over six months to release the info? There is a large water table under the dai-ichi plant and the earth cracked in the quake and subsequent explosions. The thing is, if the water can get in it can also get out! Oh, and did I mention that water table feeds into Tokyo's water supply? TEPCO and the J-Gov sure as heck won't mention it


Gov't says Fukushima plant leaking 300 tons of toxic water into sea daily National Aug. 07, 2013 article expired


TEPCO says 300 tons of contaminated water leaking from Fukushima tank


TEPCO reveals new contaminated water leak at Fukushima plant National Dec. 05, 2011

TOKYO —Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) said Sunday that at least 45 tons of radioactive water have leaked from a desalination facility at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, and some of it may have reached the Pacific Ocean.


1,130 tons of tainted water dumped in sea after typhoon National Sep. 18, 2013 article expired


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Posted in: IAEA backs controlled discharge of tainted water into sea from Fukushima plant See in context

Mike O Brien

The element containing radioactive isotopes be it air, soil or water, the radioactive isotope has a half life. After the half life and near the end the radioactive isotope is forming what is called the daughter nuclide which in most times is also radioactive except in its final stage wherein the radioactive isotope becomes non radioactive. During its radioactive period it can contaminate elements it comes into contact with via the wind, rain, soil, snow and contaminate animal and man.

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Posted in: IAEA backs controlled discharge of tainted water into sea from Fukushima plant See in context

Therefore you will have hot spots even in the ocean. Since radioactive particles do not land everywhere evenly and the concentration of the contamination will never be even. It all depends on what radioactive particles are in the water be it radioactive fuel, fallout or the access dumping of water that contain radio isotopes through contact.

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Posted in: IAEA backs controlled discharge of tainted water into sea from Fukushima plant See in context

Bear 27840

I suspect optimistic propaganda on JT by some posters maybe they are newer than myself and have a lack of fore knowledge as to the ins and outs of things.. Yeah, I thought the IAEA would do something substantial back in 2011 But Not Anymore. TEPCO owned and Operated by J Govt is not any better than what it was before the buyout "bailout". They have more money is the only change. The Evacuees are still waiting and so are those who have been keeping themselves abreast of the situation....

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Posted in: IAEA backs controlled discharge of tainted water into sea from Fukushima plant See in context

This is already known ever since TEPCO started the radioactive water decontamination

The problem is that it is virtually impossible to remove all radioactive atoms from the water

Who is building the freeze wall??? Nuclear Gypsies???

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Posted in: IAEA backs controlled discharge of tainted water into sea from Fukushima plant See in context


The IAEA been in and out of Daiichi for YEARS........

IAEA to send 12 experts to help with Fukushima decontamination National Oct. 05, 2011 - 12:00PM JST


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Posted in: Nuclear regulator raps TEPCO over Fukushima radiation readings See in context

What they are not saying is that the radioactive fuel has been in the environment since the explosions at Daiichi. Remember when they were finding contaminated pieces of the reactor miles away.

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Posted in: Nuclear plant restarts bogged down in safety checks and paperwork See in context

There really needs to be oversight all round in the Nuclear Industry and I am glad it is in place. I am reading a report from the Research Center for Radiation Protection, National Institute of Radiological Sciences, Anagawa 4-9-1, Inage, Chiba 263-8555,Japan

Titled: Release of plutonium isotopes from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident By Jian ZHENG*, Keiko TAGAMI and Shigeo UCHIDA

<http://www.rri.kyoto-u.ac.jp/anzen_kiban/outcome/Proceedings_for_Web/Topics_4-02.pdf >

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Posted in: Japan to abandon troubled Monju fast breeder reactor: Nikkei See in context

50 million yen it uses every day in running costs, even while shut down.

How much does Fukushima Daiichi cost per day? And the Yakuza are the sub contractors

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Posted in: Japan to abandon troubled Monju fast breeder reactor: Nikkei See in context

@ Raymond Chuang

Get your facts straight before you post.


The China Experimental Fast Reactor (CEFR) is China's first fast nuclear reactor, and is located outside Beijing at the China Institute of Atomic Energy. It aims to provide China with fast-reactor design, construction, and operational experience, and will be a key facility for testing and researching components and materials to be used in subsequent fast reactors. It achieved first criticality on July 21, 2010.[1] It started generating power a year later on July 21, 2011.[2] Japan's Atomic Energy Agency (AEA) reported that the reactor stopped generating electricity in October 2011 following an accident; the director of the China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE) denied that any accident had occurred

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Posted in: Two Fukushima towns agree to interim nuclear waste storage facilities See in context

Japan Times: Melted fuel burned holes in Fukushima reactors — Explosions cracked containment vessels?


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Posted in: 4 Okayama schools serving wild boar, deer as part of lunch program See in context


Here John I will give you a Link to the study of the spread of contamination across Japan and Low and Behold Okayama is Listed along with every other Prefecture and of course the MEXT 1 meter estimate (to hard to give an ACTUAL 1 meter reading in a Helicopter).

Fukushima nuclear disaster-implications for Japanese agriculture and food chains written by: Hrabrin Bachev and Fusao Ito Institute of Agricultural Economics, Soa, Tohoku University, Sendai

On Page 8 you will find Okayama and the estimated Radioactivity Reading


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Posted in: Pollen season expected to peak in late February See in context

Example of Past tree pollen testing articles on JT

Radioactive cedar pollen detected in Fukushima National Dec. 29, 2011 - 06:30AM JST

High radiation levels of more than 250,000 becquerels per kilogram of radioactive cesium have been detected in male flowers of Japanese cedar trees in the restricted zone around the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.


What has changed?? Why are there No new tests being reported??

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Posted in: Japan to buy stealth fighters, drones and submarines See in context

I MEANT WHY is Nihon buying what they already have in the US military in case any country tries to be an aggressor towards them????

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Posted in: Japan lacks decommissioning experts for Fukushima See in context


I will send a letter to J Govt to tell them to stop fear mongering with reports of hot spots as far away as Chiba after the accident to make you feel better.

Radiation hotspot in Chiba linked to Fukushima http://www.japantoday.com/category/national/view/radiation-hotspot-in-chiba-linked-to-fukushima

Stringent tests planned to map radiation spread after hotspot found in Setagaya

Radiation hotspot found in residential Chiba http://www.japantoday.com/category/national/view/radiation-hotspot-found-in-residential-chiba

Radioactive ash causes Kashiwa incinerators to shut down http://www.japantoday.com/category/national/view/radioactive-ash-causes-shutdown-of-kashiwa-incinerators

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Posted in: Typhoons spread Fukushima fallout, study warns See in context

I was reading that with all of the spreading of fallout. if cesium in ingested it does not leave the body as I had thought previously.

Excerpt from Radiogardase: Radiogardase traps radioactive cesium and thallium in the intestines and keeps them from being reabsorbed by the body. Once Cs137 has entered the body, it goes through a long rotation of re-absorption within the circulatory system. The ingested Cs137 is reabsorbed almost completely from the gastrointestinal tract, and, via the bloodstream, is transported to the liver where it enters the gall bladder and is finally returned to the intestine. From the intestine, around 90% is again reabsorbed into the bloodstream and the enterohepatic circulation starts anew. Radiogardase® interrupts this enterohepatic absorption of Cs137 by knocking this cyclic path out of the gastrointestinal tract and sending it out through the feces

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