Posted in: Media has it all wrong on foot-and-mouth outbreak See in context
PS its not a natural disaster -= they dug a pit, on land where there had previously bewen an outbreak 25 years ago - foot and mouth stays in the groiund for 158 years - you are NOT supposed to dig, walk on it, use it, graize on it, till it, or feed your livestock on it, the farm up the road is responsible for all the outbreak - not the farm in japanesetimes - its the one 8 miles up the road from the one featured in the photograph.
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Posted in: Media has it all wrong on foot-and-mouth outbreak See in context
Ibelieve the media could have it a lot wrong on the foot and mouth ooutbreak - heres my reasons - do you agree?
1) Foot and mouth outbreak originated on one farm - a picture of which I recently saw in a rival paper of government officials- they were at the wrong farm - it was the farm up the road, that is responsible for the initial and complete outbreak (japanesetimes)
2) It is the one farm up the road from the farm photographed, around 8 miles away, not the one featured - the one that is photographed - bought one livestock animal .
3) The guilty farm was questioned by the government officals , claiming they had no problem-after the outbreak the kept secret had gone away
4) foot and mouth lives in the ground for 158 years, pasture land where foot and mouth has been in outbreak - is never to be tilled or the ground ploughed or broken. Has the other farm who was deceptive - have they - dug a pit? (YES THEY HAVE)
5) have persons with farming /livestock ceased moving cattle around until the outbreak is finished?
6) has the vet been to visit the farms?
7) have they used hay soaked in industrial strength disinfectant to wipe their feet on, at the entrances to their farms, for themselves and visitors as foot and mouth is carried on footwear, feet and clothing - and any bags placed on the ground.
8) I know how expensive meat is - but I guarantee you all these wealthy goverment officals eat it every day - unless you see signs of mad cow disease and the screenings have proven them infection free - im confident they are fine.
9) I would advise that everyone raises more beef - to lower the price - gets rid of that one farm and destroys by fire all the infected livestock.
10) Foot and mouth in the uk crossed the food chain.
lets have a song to thing on these things
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Posted in: Elderly woman robbed, punched in the face on Tokyo street See in context
how did he know she had the money and that she was going to the bank? She clearly knows him, why did he punch her - what an awful thing to do. I hope he gets what he deserves. why did she withdraw the cash? what was her motivation? was she being blackmailed? why ot send paypal, escrow, visa, cheque -why all that cash?
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Posted in: MTV Video Music Awards See in context
I watched this show on Television here in England - it was a really good performance and show, using their new cabaret show theatrical styled hip hop/rock stagery. it ws new fresh and innovative, a completely new slant, it was breaking news ground. It was amazing. I could not believe my eyes. It was a greedy chocolate moment for everyone.
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Posted in: iPad rush See in context
WOW new technology - its fantastic here in the UK we know that the japanese are an industious and busy people committed to innovation and modern technology - here in the uk we think its great. We here her majesty the Queen of England, her royal highness - HRH Prince Charles prince of wales, HRH Princes Andrew Count of Wessex -and his 2 daughters pricesses beatrice and Eugenie are visiting a private residence in tokyo today and that she flew in in the early hours- a special favourite, is it true this person lives in a castle central tokyo? We love our Queen and the royal family
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Posted in: Japan sees no fault in embassy's response over Hungary murder case
Posted in: Japan sees no fault in embassy's response over Hungary murder case
Posted in: Trump keeps tariffs drumbeat going, with autos targeted next
Posted in: France's popular Japan culture festival to be held at Osaka Expo